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Jul 27, 2007
I just checked his recent tweets and he still is taking acting classes, so he's very green (no pun intended). Which makes me wonder if we will get anyone with solid experience.
May 20, 2010
In Shinkenger, Princess Kaoru (Megan's counterpart) had "adopted" Takeru (Reeses' counterpart) so he could be the official 19th head of the Shiba House IIRC.
Exactly. I just watched that a couple of days ago.

Lol they weren't, Kaoru just adopted Takeru which is still lmao material to this day, I don't see the Princess and male red ranger related at all in PR 2011.
A 14 year old adopting somebody about 5 years older? Yeah, won't happen in PR. They'll probably rewrite that.

Emma Lahana was a mix between Kimberly and Trini, Syd and Z were like their Deka counterparts so i was ok, Tori was ok, Mystic Force wasn't that bad for the casting but they really weren't memorable same with OO. JF's yelllow and Green were ok but were terrible compared to the originals and RPM was good casting.
JF's green? That was a spirit ranger. No civilian identity. No Sentai counterpart to compare him to.

Me too! I'm going to try and search on Twitter to see if anyone has gotten a callback for Red.
Someone did...
VisibleNinja said:
Got the Callback for Power Rangers - Red Ranger! Ore Sanjou!
Check your own link, lol.

Some people got callbacks (1 yellow, 2 pinks, and a gold)
That one yellow should be settled then. Congrats to her.
Except she hasn't got yellow, it's a pink callback.
courtneyturk said:
Went out for the Yellow Power Ranger and got a Pink Ranger callback.... I'll take that! haha

And another: (here's an IMDB page on him):

Here is the site for Tara Holt:
Thanks for posting.

There better be some shamisen in the new music! :buttrock:

Back in MY day we had New Kids on the Block and Vanilla Ice! :coolshades:

Well I'm sure Dayu's instrument will play something... not sure if it'll be shamisen music though.
Jan 2, 2010
If anyone cares, Dan Ewing (Dillion, RPM Black) Twittered this:
To be honest the Rpm characters are owned by Disney so I duno if saban would wana use them or even if they legally could if they wanted to

I think someone asked him if there is gonna be a Team-up between RPM and the new series.
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