Power Rangers Eternal Sect- REDUEX (A Shinkenger Adaptation)

Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010
Here it is, finally. I will post up the reference information up here later. Until then, refer to the original thread for that information.

Don't worry, it won't take too long for me to get back to it.
Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010
PR Eternal Sect- Redeux Episode 1- post 1/2
-Episodes split into multiple posts to ease stress on servers



A massive cave with tunnels leading in every direction from it full of stone warriors standing in ranks which are all facing a stage type area at one end with a large isle leading up the center. There is a small staircase leading up from the center of the large isle to the top of the stage and four more statues are placed equally around the perimeter, facing the stone troops, two on each side of the stairs. A black mist fills the room, creeping across the floor as it heads for the stage, rising up into the air to form a writhing mass of black energy above it. A sinister yet sickly whisper fills the room.

Rise, my Ryuji Horde! It's time to fight for your lord once again! It's time to take the world above... and everything in it... and destroy mankind. RISE!

Cracks start appearing on the two statues nearest the stairs as red light pours out. Two shadowy forms break free, falling to their knees with gasps.

Lord Akuryu, we live only to serve!


Suddenly, the stone warriors begin following suit, breaking open in a wave that gets faster and faster, starting closest to the stage & rippling back through the crowd. The only thing is that they aren't human, but red crab-like monsters with an array of swords, bows & spears. They begin cheering for their master.
Cut to: sweeping views of Japan. we begin in the cities and urban centers & move to older ruins- temples, palaces & Shinto shrines. Finally, we end up in the wilderness- in the forest where...


A Young Asian-American man, Rhett Shirasoto, is kneeling with his eyes closed. He is wearing traditional training garb and holds a kitana across his lap as he waits for some sort of sign. Suddenly, an older man, Takeru Shirasoto, leaps out from the bushes, swinging his own kitana down for a killing blow from behind. Rhett leaps up, spinning around to block the attack with his own weapon in an instant. They hold the position, locking eyes for a moment.

Now, dad. That isn't very polite, now is it?

You expect politeness from someone who is trying to kill you?

Point taken.

They throw each other back. Takeru quickly leaps back in, throwing a couple of punches, which Rhett barely dodges. Takeru kicks and Rhett catches it, smiling in triumph. That is, until Takeru manages to toss him up into the air. Rhett turns it into a flip and swings his sword down to take advantage of the moment, but Takeru takes a step back and brings his own weapon out to block him. With a twist and flick, Takeru rips Rhett's blade from his hand. Rhett spins backward into a kick and knocks Takeru's from his. They begin using strictly martial arts- mainly Jujutsu, a favorite among samurai. After this carries on for a few moments, Rhett breaks away diving for his sword and ducking into a roll. He spins around, only to, once again, meet his father's blade in the nick of time. They clash swords expertly, circling, pushing each other back and forth. Finally, Rhett gets tired of the charade. He throws in a judo move, taking his father to the ground and pinning him with his sword. Takeru isn't pleased.

What was that? Judo's not part of the rhetoric!

It got the job done, though. Didn't it?

A Samurai is nothing without his honor!

What's the point? If this had been a real fight, would it have mattered whether I killed my foe honorably or not?

It would matter to your soul.

Rhett relaxes a bit too much, leaning in close.

Yeah, well... all the same, I'm counting this one as-

Takeru grabs Rhett's shin between his legs and drops him to the ground, springing up with his own sword in hand and using it to pin Rhett's own sword against his throat.

-My point?

Dad! That's not fair!

What was that again?

I said it's not... oh! Ok, very funny! Now, let me up.

Let you up? Hmmm... how about I just leave you there until you figure it out?


If you figure it out, training is over for today.

...Ok. I can do this.

He makes a quick attempt to move, but can't push past his own blade. He only rises a few inches off the ground & falls back down. Takeru smiles to himself. From an overgrown area nearby, a shadowy figure watches, tapping a feminine hand with long acid green fingernails against the trunk of a tree while she thinks.

It's them... I can sense it in their blood! The Haburi!


A while later, Takeru & Rhett are walking along a path decorated with flags and the occasional Shinto style gate. Rhett is grimy, sweaty, carrying their gear and doesn't look happy. Takeru is oddly grim as well and seems to be keeping his eyes open for something.

Dad, why do I need to carry this stuff if we're just visiting some old shrine?

Those are old and valuable blades. I don't want them getting stolen from the car.

So why didn't we leave them in the hotel room?

No answer.

Where is everybody? I thought this place was a local attraction.

That is a good question.

Dad... I know you. What aren't you telling me?

He stops, seeming to take something into consideration before turning to his son.

You remember that old tale I used to tell you? About the samurai and the Emperor?

Yeah... what does that have anything to do with-

Say it for me.



Rhett rolls his eyes.

Ok. Fine. Four Thousand years ago, while Japan was still young, the land was ruled by a just and powerful Emperor, Ishu, whose massive armies and lands were divided amongst his most trusted generals...


A procession marches through the city streets, cheered on by massive crowds of Japanese peoples. In the front are standard bearers, followed by six generals on horses, their armor decorated with different cloth streamers marked out with the colors of red, blue, green, yellow, pink & black. After that, came a procession with an elaborate golden travel box holding the Emperor &, beyond that, a procession of soldiers holding a platform containing a small, polished wooden box.

...The Emperor was fond of travel, making allies across the lands and beyond the seas. On one such occasion, he found a place of legend- the Isles of the Immortals. Upon those islands, he came across a great power and brought it home with him. Yet, this power was so great, it inspired envy, even among his own.

The samurai general with the black standard seems very unhappy about something. He turns his attention, and anger, to the gold traveling box containing his Emperor.


The black general stands before a massive army, rousing them for battle.

Ishu’s favorite general betrayed him, taking on the name Akuryu- the Dark Dragon- and turning many warriors and lands to his cause. He became little more than a cruel, loathsome warlord, conquering every inch of Japan on his way to the Emperor’s home and slaughtering anyone who refused him the loyalty and respect he thought himself due.


The other samurai lead their armies into battle.

Lord General Shiba led the fight against Akuryu, but he was too powerful. They could not be beaten and the five remaining generals could do nothing to halt Akuryu’s advance.


Shiba enters, bowing before his Emperor.

Eventually, Ishu saw that they would fail, but he knew Akuryu had become too greedy and too cruel. He could not be allowed to gain the power of the Haburi. Therefore, he called Shiba to him, who had become his new favorite, and asked him and the others to take it and flee, leaving him behind, and to only return when the battle had been won. Shiba didn’t wish to do so...


The five samurai flee with the polished wooden box, watching the royal city behind them go up in flames.

...But he did anyway. He, and the other four generals, Ikanami, Tami, Hiranai & Shiraishi took the box and fled. It wasn’t long until the rumors reached them. Akuryu had breached the palace and slaughtered the Emperor. He was coming for them and the Haburi. What was worse, he was spreading horrible lies, claiming that Emperor Ishu had begged for his life, begging to do anything Akuryu wished to save himself from death. Shiba could stand for this indignation no longer.


The five samurai open the box and gather around it, holding out their hands to accept the power.

Shiba saw the power as too great for one man, therefore, the five of them divided it amongst themselves, gaining power over each of the ancient elements that make up the world- Fire, Water, Nature, Earth and Wind. They waited and faced the Emperor’s forces head on by themselves.


The five samurai stand ready as soldiers surround them. They easily use their powers to devastate everything around them.

Together, they destroyed his forces, sending them into purgatory forever and sealing them in an unbreachable tomb far beneath the Earth for all of eternity. Akuryu himself was utterly destroyed down to his soul.

After the battle, a small, black cloud of energy rushes away towards the horizon, fleeing the samurai. Shiba turns to the others, sorrowfully.

Unfortunately, that soul escaped them, running away to roam the Earth as an Oni- an evil spirit- for all eternity. In his wisdom, however, Shiba knew he would one day return and try to revive his army. Regretfully, he asked the others for the ultimate sacrifice. The five of them and their first-born children on into the future would pass down their skills and powers to the day of Akuryu’s return. From that day on, they were the Kagirinai- those who will not die... the Eternal Sect.


The two have arrived at a shrine on top of a forested hill. The sea can be seen and heard in the distance. In the center of the clearing is a strange rock.

There, you happy?

I’m glad you remember so well... because things are just as I feared.

What are you talking about?

You don’t feel that disturbance?

Rhett looks confused and a little worried.

Dad, are you ok?

Rhett, there are a lot of things I have to tell you, right now! Listen to-

He freezes, staring off past Rhett. Rhett gives him a confused look and turns around to see a figure standing in the road behind them, head bowed. All Rhett can see from this distance is that it appears to be wearing yellow and red.

It’s a monk! Calm down, you’re starting to give me the creeps.

Rhett, get over here now! Before-

The “monk†pulls out a sword and powers it up, shooting an energy beam that sends Rhett flying across the clearing. He looses his swords and lands next to the rock shrine, narrowly missing cracking his head on it. Takeru snatches up one of the swords as the area begins flooding with the creatures from the cave. Takeru tosses the other one in Rhett’s direction, however Rhett is mesmerized by what he sees on the rock- a symbol similar to a samurai helmet painted gold and surrounded by five stylized Japanese characters for fire, water, wood, earth & heaven painted red, blue, green, yellow and pink. He quickly comes back to reality and snatches up the kitana laying near him, just as the monsters attack.
The creatures swarm into the area as Rhett & Takeru go back to back, holding their kitanas at the ready.

I hope you remember your training!

Dad, what the heck is going on?

I'll tell you when we get a chance, for now just focus on-

Ryuji Company, halt!

The creatures freeze, standing down. A beautiful, young Asian woman enters gracefully in a yellow, vine print concubine dress modified for battle, sleeveless, and ripped into an angled midriff top and a split skirt. Beyond that she also has her hair in a bun, held together with twin chopsticks, and a silver metal vanbrace and glove that completely covers her right arm from elbow to fingertips. It ends in a claw-shaped protrusion that sticks out over the elbow. Rhett's eyes go wide when he notices the bizarre golden color of her eyes. Beside her walks another monster, a red and white skeletal being with a kitana hung over his shoulder, his head hung down as he walks with the posture of a warrior.

Who are they?

(to himself)
Gedoshu... the warrior generals of Akuryu himself.

Correct. And you two are the descendants of Shiba- that much is already clear.

Wait, what?

I am the Gedoshu General, Zyu, of the Ryuji horde! This is Gedoshu General Yameneko! You will bow before us, or perish.

Ok... now this is getting a bit weird.

Weird? But, Lord Shiba, were you not supposed to pass on the power and knowledge from one generation to the next? Embarrassing that you seem to have... forgotten?

Enough! Do you wish to do battle, or not?

Zyu begins stepping forward, but Yameneko holds her arm out, stopping him.

We do not do battle. The Ryuji are powerful enough for this. Attack them! Leave none alive.

The Ryuji spin their weapons into an attack stance with a unified yell and charge the two. Takeru instantly meets the attack, but Rhett is still surprised, nearly getting hit.

Rhett! You have to fight, or you will fall!

Rhett looks from him, to the Ryuji and back, gathering himself and nodding. He blocks three blades with his own and sweeps his leg, bringing them down, then jumps to his feet and begins battling the other Ryuji, spinning his sword in flashing arcs around him and lashing out at random with his arms and legs. Takeru is doing much the same, but more expertly than his son. Zyu and Yameneko watch on, somewhat impressed. Eventually, though, Rhett starts getting beaten up and Takeru becomes overwhelmed. Rhett looses his sword and gets thrown at Takeru’s feet. Takeru helps him up, still fighting with one arm.

What do we do?


Just give me a-

Dad, I lost my sword, I can’t-

You don’t have to, just give me a moment!

He catches five blades on his and throws them all back with both hands on his sword, yelling out in the process. He brings his hand back and begins gathering a ball of red energy which gives off flames. Zyu gets nervous.

Stop him! He’s going to-

He and Yameneko begin rushing in to face the two themselves when Takeru throws it at them. It bursts at their feet, creating a wall of fire which forms a shield around the two. Rhett looks on in awe. Takeru grabs his arm and leads him to the back of the flaming wall.

Come on!

Dad, I lost me sword, we need to-

It doesn’t matter! We’ll worry about that when we get out of here!

They stop in front of the fire.

What now?


Are you crazy?

Takeru gives him a look, grabs him by the upper arm and leaps into the fire. A hole opens up for them and they pass through, landing back in the clearing. Takeru slashes down a few Ryuji as they race off into the forest.
A while later, twin grunts sound out and the fire explodes away. A very angry Zyu and Yameneko march through the smoke, searching around wildly.

Where are they!?!

They couldn’t have gone far!

Find them immediately! They will pay for their insolence to the rightful Emperor!

The Ryuji spread out in all directions, searching the forest.


Rhett stops Takeru and the two lean back against the wall, panting heavily.

Ok, so all that stuff from the story is real?


Well... thanks for telling me about that earlier!

I was going to tell you... the age of induction is fifteen.

Dad, I’m nineteen. Why didn’t you tell me before?

You were too... immature. I didn’t think you were ready for that kind of responsibility.

Rhett shoots him a look, but then drops it.

Ok, well I would yell at you, but I think that kind of bit you in the butt already. By the way, what the heck was all that about, I thought they were supposed to be sealed away!

They were. The reason I wanted to come out here was mainly because I felt a... disturbance. I can’t believe they escaped! How could they have-

You know they’re probably following us, right?

They are. They’re a long way back, though. If I know any better, I’d assume those two Gedoshu went back to Akuryu to report. He’s not going to be happy we escaped.

They begin walking again.

Dad... the woman- I think it was a woman- anyways... I could have sworn she called us the descendants of Shiba?

That’s right. We aren’t just part of the Eternal Sect- we’re the leaders of it. And it offers certain privileges.

Why haven’t I ever seen any of the others?

After the sect left Japan and expanded out into the world a few hundred years back, we decided to remain out of contact unless something happened. That way, we can keep the other members safe and remain invisible.

Well... something happened. And what privileges?

I’ll show you when we get back to the hotel.

Oh. Well, that's just... that’s six more blocks.
Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010
PR Eternal Sect- Redeux Episode 1- post 2/2
-Episodes split into multiple posts to ease stress on servers.

You’re a big boy, now, you can make it.

Shut up.

Takeru flashes a brief smile as they continue running.


A Ryuji cowers in fear.


Black tendrils of mist shoot out like tentacles, knocking the unfortunate Ryuji back hard enough to kill him.

Where are they? Zyu, Yameneko, get down here, now!

His tendrils smash into the ground, creating cracks. The cracks begin glowing red and Zyu and Yameneko rise out of them, dropping into a kneel.


What is the meaning of this? You disgrace me by not reporting yourselves?

We were busy searching for the house of Shiba, my lord!

We wish to end this before the sect can be reunited!

Then see that it is, but do NOT run from me! I will always find you if you do!

Yes, master!

And, for your insolence!

The tendrils shoot out again, wrapping around the two and begin sparking with black-blue energy. The two yell out in pain as they writhe inside the tentacles. Eventually, they are dropped.

Now, get out of my sight!

Yes, master!

They back off quickly, turn and head down the isle out of the cave.

I want my body back... my land! I want VENGEANCE!


Takeru & Rhett burst in. Rhett slams the door and rests against it while Takeru begins ripping open suitcases and frantically searching through them. Eventually, he finds a long, elegant wooden case and picks it up reverently.

Ok, dad... we're back in the hotel, and all... so? Do you have a plan, because I'm stumped.

The plan is this.

Takeru turns back around, offering Rhett the case. Rhett looks back at him, confused.

A sword... you know we already tried that, right?

Rhett, just listen to-

Didn't work out to well did it? I mean, you're the master and all but... I just figured you'd... maybe be a bit more inventive, or-


Rhett shuts up immediately.

This doesn't just contain a sword, but by all means, the sword is far from ordinary. It was engineered by members of the Ikanami Clan- they've been working on ways to combine the Haburi with modern technology for four generations.

Rhett nods slowly.

The Haburi... you have that power, I don't. I saw what you did out there- tell me I'm wrong.

You do have the power.

I do?

Ever since the Haburi of Flame bonded with our ancestor, Lord Shiba, the power has been passed down through his bloodline, but it's only a trace. The power itself-

He offers Rhett the case again.

-is in here.

Rhett looks from him to the case and back then stands, walks over and opens it. Inside is a gold colored Kitana with a strangely shaped tsuba, a black grip and a silver blade. Also in the box is an ancient looking scroll and a gold belt attached to the blade. Rhett lifts the sword and belt out of the box reverently, but gives the scroll a confused look. Takeru snaps the box shut.

Never mind that yet, I don't have the time to explain everything to you. That weapon is your Solstice Blade and it's attached to the Haburial Seal. After The five originals defeated the forces of Akuryu, they sent the full power into five seals to keep safe until it was time to use them again.

Yes, but, as I said, I don't know how to use it.

It isn't about knowing, but having the strength to find the power within yourself. Just feel it and call forth the power to unite with you and you will be transformed.

Rhett shoots a worried look at this.

Um... transformed into what, exactly?

A remarkable discovery, to say the least. Something deep within the power gives it the ability to summon powerful armor to your aid... Ranger armor.

Ranger? Power Rangers? That what this all boils down to? Me and these other quote-unquote apprentices are supposed to become Power Rangers and fight this thing?

Rhett, maybe you don't believe in this, maybe you're being overwhelmed by all this, but we don't have time to-

Explosions and screams from outside grab their attention immediately. Rhett tightens his grip around the weapon.

You sure you don't want to give it a try.

It's not for me to do.

Rhett shoots him a look.

What does that mean?

Rhett! We can sit up here arguing all day, or we can finish this- here and now.

Rhett thinks on it and, finally, nods. He slaps the belt on and stands ready with a wry smile on his face.

I don't care what these things are... let's do this.

That's my boy.

He slaps an arm on his shoulder and the two head back out of the room, leaving the box and scroll behind.


Zyu and Yameneko stalk through the lot towards the hotel as their minions rush around destroying and attacking everything in sight. Most people rush into the hotel and someone, apparently an employee or manager, locks the doors, leaving a massive crowd of people in the lobby as the Ryuji stare through the massive wall of glass at them, pounding and growling viciously. Zyu and Yameneko arrive, pushing their way to the front. Zyu draws out his sword, menacing those inside with it.

Send out the descendants of Shiba! Do so, and you will be spared! Protect them, and you die!

Everyone looks around in confusion, becoming more and more terrified by the moment. Yameneko finally gives up with a sigh and raises her armored arm and clawing her hand near her opposite shoulder, preparing to form a ball of energy.

They never listen, do they?

Zyu thrusts out his arm to her, holding her back.

No! Let me.

I've got it, Zyu-

I know... but I love this part.

He runs his hand over his sword blade, powering it up with red energy. Finally, he points it at the glass with a yell. The energy sparks off of it and spreads through the glass, shattering the whole wall and allowing the Ryuji entry. The crowd lets out a collective cry of fright and begin retreating as the evil forces enters. As they attack the crowd indiscriminately under their general's watch, an elevator dings. Rhett and Takeru casually walk out into the middle of the attack, drawing the generals' attention. Rhett draws his weapon and spins it up over his shoulder and behind his head as he takes a stance.

Cute new toy. But that won't do you much good.

Do you have any idea who you are speaking to? This is Rhett Shirasoto, descendant of the House of Shiba, inheritor to the Haburial Powers and position of High Master to the Eternal Sect! Legend of the Eternal Fires and... Red Ranger!

Rhett shifts his weight uncomfortably.

Do I really need a long list of titles like that?

Just stand. Show no weakness.

Red... what? What is a Ranger?

Well, uh... allow me to show you.

He calms down and closes his eyes, focusing on the power within. He feels nothing.

Ryuji, don't just stand there! Destroy them!

Rhett, look out!

The Ryuji charge in. Takeru spins past Rhett, pulling out his own kitana and leveling it out in front of Rhett, blocking a Ryuji blade. He throw it's owner back and begins battling them. Rhett gives up trying to activate the power when he's almost hit and begins battling himself. He throws a few punches, then is punched in the gut, driving him back. He drops his Solstice Blade. He's grabbed by two others, but kicks them off. He hi kicks another charging from the front and retrieves his blade from the ground as he lands.
Takeru looks up at the frightened people cowering around the room. He slashes a Ryuji down, grabs another by the wrist and kicks back a third. He turns to Rhett as he throws the second one back.

Rhett! We have to get these things away from the civilians!

Rhett nods.


He leaps up, running across Ryujis' shoulders and front flipping across the room.

Wait a minute! Wait for me!

More Ryuji attack him and he becomes occupied. Rhett lands in a roll, jumping to his feet and slashing Ryuji left and right as he races for the exit. Yameneko makes her move to stop him, the claw at the elbow of her vanbrace lengthening into a full sized blade. She spins into his path as the two lock blades.

You can't stop us apprentice! Why don't you just surrender now?


He shoves her back with a yell, swinging his sword in an arc at her chest as he drops to a knee. Yameneko grunts in annoyance and takes a fighting stance, rushing in. The two clash blades furiously as they fight back and forth across the entrance.
Zyu is watching calmly, arms crossed, as Takeru arrives, taking a stance before him. Zyu reaches behind himself, gripping scabbard in one hand and hilt in the other.

Prepare yourself, Gedoshu!

The name is Zyu... so, let's see how you fare against Urumasa.



He rips the sword free, performing tricks in the air expertly. Takeru cocks his head with a "meh" and attacks.
Yameneko and Rhett continue fighting.

You'll see! For interfering, we'll make you watch! Watch as we destroy your world! Destroy everything you love! Only when the last corners of the earth darkens, only when the last man falls to the rightful Emperor, will you be granted death! The most painful, dishonorable death you can imagine, by the lowliest of soldiers! What do you have to say to that?

Shut up!

Tell me, do you have a girlfriend? Don't worry... that'll be the first thing we fix!

Rhett bellows a roar, throwing her back again. Suddenly, his belt buckle and sword begin glowing. Takeru and Zyu cease fighting, both staring on in awe.

It's happening. I knew it!


Takeru swings at him and they resume fighting. Yameneko's jaw drops.

It can't be! You have the Haburi? You!

Rhett looks down at the red energy radiating around him in surprise. Yameneko tries to attack him, but the power intensifies, creating a blast of fire that sends her flying back.

Do it, Rhett! Call forth the Haburi! Call forth for it to unite with you!

Rhett hears him, determination gripping his features, hands balling into fists at his sides. He stands up straighter as Ryuji rush him from all sides.

Haburi, unite!

As they all swing down on him with their weapons, he's suddenly swallowed in red light and fire which blasts them all back. When the light fades, a Red Ranger stands before them, sword across his shoulder, fire dying away in his visor. Yameneko climbs to her feet, shocked.

What kind of armor is that?

Rhett admires himself in awe.

Looks like... ranger armor. Feels amazing.

Oh, really? How's this feel?

She throws up her armored hand, blasting him with energy. He leaps, flying backward through the air, fully upright, mere inches from the ground, swinging his blade. He knocks the blasts into several Ryuji around him and destroying them as he lands in a slide, sparks flying from his feet. People begin coming out of hiding to see what's happening.

Everyone, stay down! Let the professionals handle it!

Yameneko, surprised that her attack failed so badly, begins backing away outside.


The Ryuji regroup around her as she retreats.

There's nowhere to hide, Gedoshu.

He lets out a battle cry and rushes into the Ryuji, expertly taking them down left and right without even trying. Yameneko takes this in, turns tail and runs.

Hey, come back here!

He flips over the Ryuji and rushes after her. She goes around a corner. Rhett turns the corner to find a dead end alley and her gone. As he tries to fathom this, the Ryuji catch up to him, blocking him in the alley.

You guys again? Well, if you insist.

He leaps back into them and begins battling. (see battle @ the beginning of Shinkenger Ep 1)

Takeru throws Zyu back. He is about to continue the assault, when Zyu suddenly stops. He straightens, returning his sword to it's scabbard and backs away.

You done already, coward?

He seems irked by this, but doesn't sway.

You and I will meet again, Kagirinai. Make no mistake about that.

He turns and heads over to the broken window. The cracks in the remaining glass in the edges of the frame glow red and he walks through it as if a hidden door exists between the panes. Takeru goes to stop him, but is already too late. Then he remembers his son. He rushes out of the building and heads out into the streets. As he turns the last corner into the alley, he finds Rhett in a kneel, the last Ryuji falling before him and exploding. Rhett, the new Red Ranger, turns around. Takeru rushes up to him.

You did it! You're the Red Ranger!

I have to admit, it does feel great. I think I can take all these guys myself!

The beauty is you don't have to. Follow me!


Just follow me.

The two leave, Rhett demorphing, his suit burning away like glowing red ash.


Rhett & Takeru re-enter the room. Takeru heads over to the suitcase and pulls out the scroll.

So, what? Are we finding the others now?


He holds up the scroll, allowing it to fall open. Rhett scans it, a worried look crossing his face.

These guys are all over the place! We're never going to make it!

Takeru lowers the scroll, eyeing his son with a twinkle in his eye.

Oh, don't you worry about that. I have a plan!

Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010
Admittedly, I'm more than a little surprised. But, sure. If people want to see more, I can do more.:thumbs:
Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010
I ought to have a new episode up tomorrow.

BTB, if anyone is interested, I'd like to really get back into this. Accele-lightning is over, but I've already started revamping Eternal Sect. Other than that,I have Vortex Shield (based on Gobusters) & D-Gen (based on Kyoryuger) & I had another one based on Goseiger (AERTS: Splice Wing) that I never even started.

If people would like, I'd like to cycle through these in five episode increments. IE write eps 1-5 of Eternal Sect, 1-5 of AERTS: Splice Wing, 1-5 of Vortex Shield, 1-5 of D-Gen, then 6-10 of Eternal Sect, etc, etc. With Vortex Shield, I was OK with episode 1, 2 & 5. The only things that would be changed there would be episode 3 & 4.

Basically, if people are interested, I can get back into this. But, I'd be interested in knowing just how many people out there are. Synopses are below:

Power Rangers Eternal Sect: 4000 years after an evil force is sealed away, five samurai, part of an ancient sect known as the Kagirinai, unite to become the Power Rangers Eternal Sect to crush the forces of Akuryu. But things get out of hand. The team is unprepared & unruly, the prophecies that say they will win has been mysteriously voided & the past comes back to haunt heroes and villains alike.

Power Rangers AERTS: Splice Wing: In Gideon, California lies a top secret government lab. Even though they hide behind the guise of a powerful tech company, their real mission is to track down & cover up rogue government experiments. Among their field agents, none is as notorious as the code-named Hydro Ranger, a formidable loner. However, when a heist results in several files going missing & monsters begin appearing in the city, AERTS chooses to turn their two best agents, a quick-thinking desk worker & a bitter, retired agent who once held the Hydro Ranger position to join forces & become the newest incarnation of the Power Rangers. But, with an angry General constantly trying to usurp them, or shut them down & the a main villain the heroes are loath to destroy, their multi-pronged war is about to throw a peaceful city unaware of their presence into chaos.

Power Rangers Vortex Shield: A team of college based paranormal investigators accidentally unleash a powerful evil spirit & become involved with an underground militant group, Vortex Shield, to make up for their mistake. But with friends & College life in the way & little knowledge of their enemies, or what they're capable of, things get risky.

Power Rangers D-Gen: A mass Alien Invasion prompts Ethan James industries to form a new team of Rangers. But, when their tech gets scattered across time and space, their problems become worse than just deep company secrets, human refugee camps, an Alien empire with untold resources & a thieving gang controlled by the notorious "D."
Nov 27, 2013
Some writers make it difficult to understand the point they’re trying to get across. You, the other hand have made your points clear, concise and interesting.
Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010

Just a quick bump. I seem to be going through some sort of depressive issue the past few weeks- not surprising, given my situation, which I really don't feel like getting into- but, I think I'm finally beginning to throw it off, so I'm going to try to get back to these fanfics for a bit. I have plenty of plot ideas for my three series' to continue from where they left off & I just made copies of the as-of-now final episodes of each so I can re-read them & get back into the right mindset.

If and when I finish them, I will say so. As for this one in particular, I got pretty far in writing a second episode originally, but I got annoyed that, while most of it was probably better than the original, the climax towards the end was honestly worse, and it bothered me so much that I simply stopped writing. I'm also going to look at my original version of episode 2 and work out a more desirable ending, so I figure that ought to be the first one up in a few more days. Like I said, I'll tell you all when I get there.:coolshades: