Aug 4, 2007
I like vampires...

My favorite Sugita-san! Gintama then! KIVAT now!

Hmm, what are the other works of Koji Seto? What makes him 'popular' that drafted him into Kiva?
Well for starters he is part of the D-Boys.
Dec 28, 2007
The thread is active. Here's what we have so far for January:

Ep 1:
Title- N/A
Airs- 1/27/07
Summary- Kurenai Wataru, a young man who was born from a female vampire and a human man, suceeds his father currently as the violin player in an atelier. This man, transforms into Kamen Rider Kiva. As Kiva, he confronts the FanGire, a clan of vampires who feed off of human life energy to survive. In truth, his father, Kurenai Otoya, also fought against the FanGire, 22 years ago. The story of the fight of 2 generations, from father to son, starts now.


-The Black Shadow that tears up the dark night. After 8 years of the new gen tradition, starting with Kuuga in 2000, the 9th work has finally come upon us, featuring a rider of a vampire motif as the hero. The man, Kurenai Wataru, plays a violin in an atelier, in succession of his father, Kurenai Otoya. This man, with his detached, but happy, personality, transforms to Kiva. Though he fights against the Vampire Clan, FanGire, a race who feed on the life energy of humans, he knows not how he is able to transform, or why he even fights. In truth, it is a fate he has inherited by his father, who had fought the FanGire 22 years ago. In this way the show is split, between the father's struggle of 22 years ago, and Kiva's struggle of the present. The bonds of parent and child bridge the gap between the two stories.

-What is KIVA?
Kurenai Wataru transforms into Kamen Rider Kiva by use of his companion, Kivat Battosansei, installing him into his henshin belt. When the chain on his right leg is broken, the strongest rider kick in history is unleashed upon an enemy. In addition, Kiva is aided by three other Support Monsters who have been imprisoned inside of CastleDran- A werewolf, a gillman and a frankenstein's monster. Each monster allows for a different form change, allowing Kiva to adjust his abilities to specific situations.

-Garuru Form (Werewolf)
Garuru, a werewolf, transforms into the GaruruSabre, a sword. When Kiva gains the sword, he can gain this form. Garuru Form is fast, good with weaponry, and increases Kiva's shrewdness and cunning in battle. The Support Monster, Garuru, is a violent and hot-blooded character, often acting on impulses before thinking them through. He is voiced by Kenji Matsuda, who previously played Kamen Rider Zanki in Hibiki.

-Basher Form (Gillman)
Basher, a gillman, transform into the BasherMagnum, a gun. When Kiva gains the gun, he can gain this form. Basher Form gives Kiva the cool attitude of Basher, and to match with his weapon, is a form suited for aim and precision. Good at long range combat, he is able to determine an enemy's weak points from far away, and then capitalize on them. Acts as Kiva's guide around CastleDran. Voiced by 13 year old Ogoe Yuuki, who guest starred in episodes 5 and 6 of Den-O.

-Dogga Form (Frankenstein's Monster)
Dogga, a Frankenstein's Monster, transforms into the DoggaHammer, a gauntlet. When Kiva gains the gauntlet, he can gain this form. The form, focusing on unbelievable strength, has a finisher which is virtually unbeatable. Is unmatched is pure battle. Voiced by Sportsman No.1's, Eiji Takigawa.

Sounds like Kuuga.:sweat: :)
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A Secret Messenger ...
May 6, 2005
Fails for only using Kenji Matsuda as a voice actor. I was really hoping to see him making live appearances again.
I guess I have to take what I can get though.
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has left HJU. Not coming back.
Feb 16, 2005
Episode 1:
