Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The Endless Depression

Nevermore are the days in which joy is a something for the one called I, alone and cold in a state of exile. Wanting happy, something so common always out of reach for I. Never a day I am alive that goes by in which I do not think of the places I once called home. Abused am I since hey, exiles have no feeling, right? It is not like exiles have emotions, they were never born and raised, once knowing times of bliss, or even experiencing human emotions or so the sheeple thought. Sad am I in a state of sorrow that is as everlasting as hearts are cold. The sun comes and goes while the sad still stays, keeping you up at night as you wonder if you'll ever experience happy again or if you should give into the S. Upon giving into S what must one do, do it in front of the cold hearts to signify your pain was real? It does not matter for the state in which this exile is in is none other than the endless depression forever because nobody ever helps the kicked puppy.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Exile Am I

Sadder than the saddest clowns am I, exile. Never finding a day of happy, forgotten are times of peace and prosperity. In misery am I, forever as an exile. There is nothing for I. Just cold loneliness and despair. My name is exile and depression incarnate be I for I am an exile. Woe exists for I days in and out. Never a day I can get out of bed and say "I see meaning in my life!" The pain and misery that is exile is foreign to all but I. My places my places, how I miss you so, how at one time I knew joy because of you. Without you there is no happy for the exile that is I.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Sadder Than The Saddest Sad

Sad clown, poor clown, little cuddle clown. Sick clown, dying clown, clown clown clown. Who is the saddest of the sad clowns who is even sadder than that you may ask oneself? Have you ever survived in a disparity as endlessly hopeless as time goes on? A universe filled with nothing but an endless sorrow, filled with nothing but the saddest clowns that once felt happy. They want happy again. Could you imagine a sadness so sad that it is sadder than a sad universe? Could you really? Clowny the clown just goes "clown clown clown" because he knows not what happy is anymore, not since he was exiled by his fellow misfit plushie toys. You don't want a tedious yet cuddly clown under your Christmas tree, making Clowny feel all left out and without a home to call his own. Poor Clowny, sadder than the saddest sad, may the misfit plushies accept him again so he may know happy again. Real shame nobody helps Clowny the clown, just spam their beloved mouths in the form of talk spam. He really is alone because nobody makes an effort.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The Endless Pain

Pain, something I am familiar with for far too long in the titanic chasm of my mind. Enclosed and refined, the pain acts like water that goes in the endless cycle of misery and woe. Woe, funny word that is, almost cutesy if you fail to realize the grim meaning behind it. This cycle goes on and on without anyone to break it because nobody puts the effort to help the sufferer. Washing around the seemingly eternal pain that is in the form of exile, never a night's rest in which one can know what pleasure is like. Remember the feel of happy? Those that suffer the cycle of pain pretty much forgot it was ever an anything anymore. Unsatisfactory existence, that is the mirror in which one sees themselves as the pain slowly yet surely boils them from the inside, tearing their very existence apart while they themselves know that if the try to do anything about it the pain will merely prolong for oh so long. It simply never ends when you become exile eternal.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
No Happy For Me

Everywhere I go I see these primates, the hu-men, walking around with their precious happy. Not caring. Not in dread. Not in pain. Not in exile. The envy of wanting that.... HAPPY turns eventually into the shadow of disgust. Humans, talking humans, doing human things, while actin like humans.... With their HAPPY. It is as though each and every day the happy descends like a golden array of light and I am the only one that can never feel it. So much pain acts as the ultimate sunscreen, so much so the vitamin D is all but nonexistent in the stream of the oxidized blood. The suffering in which I drowned in is but the ocean of endless disparity from which it is easier to do so with a black hole. In the end it cannot be broken unless the exile is shattered beyond repair. No happy for me.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The Epitome of Suffering Everlasting for The One Called I

Round and round the merry-go-round, the ride never stops, you want to get off so badly, POP goes the firearm. The Jack in the Box, what a poor entity. The little clown who suffers in and out, left and right, up and down. The saddest of the sad clowns that are sad. The toy in the box is forced out of the place which is called home because of his tormentors. These hu-men wish to belittle those they can belittle because they simply can with the poor Jack in the Box being no exception. Bullies. Pure evil that deserve their own medicine. Force drank to them like water boarding. Do not feel bad for these torturous ones as they would never do the same to you. Just ask poor Jack in the Box. Of course the bullies fabricate their beloved tale, that is why you do not treat them as hu-men, rather a vile vermin so they themselves can taste the endless hell of exile. They say two wrongs do not make a right, that is why you keep doing it wrong until you do it right. Everyone had a part in making Jack in the Box suffer, but while the bullies did the work, everyone else should feel a thousand more guilts themselves for doing nothing to save Jack in the Box from his constant suffering.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The Agony of The Lonely

Have you ever experienced the pain of oneself in a state of that which is named loneliness?
I feel that all the time with never a moment of happy
Cutting myself deeper until FINALLY the TOOTH FAIRY comes
But no, I have to be on the bad end on someone with rage issues (of course)
And for that I am required to once again suffer on the interior webs
In constant endless misery day in and day out as slowly my sanity erodes away from me
What I would not give to be BACK THERE
Bad luck seems to be as endless as the air in the atmosphere and what a healthy poison
‎That which we are commanded by in days in and out alike
An endless suffering so to say and the kind that will never end
Like a mad scientist of the Frankenstein variety
Fallen from grace never to see the light again
Only wallow in the endless misery around him
As he has no help
No way to redeem himself at least not by his lonesome
My sanity is like a light bulb on and off and bans are the switches that control me
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Time Goes On

I'm sad now; you ever just wanna disappear off the face of the world? Just leave the world and find a place to be depressed in a hole for as long as you can? Knowing how happiness is no lost to you.... Especially when it hardly left anyone else.... and you're all alone with no support. Stuck in the past because there is so much that time cannot erase. Now I am so distant from so many that I wonder just how opposite I really am. So many people I once called friend forever gone and forever out of my reach. So many experiences I can never attempt to make and cherish for they are beyond the great yonder of forevermore. This pain.... It is just too real. Woe is I in the endless night of that is agony.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
And it is Christmas Every Day

I just miss the good old days, oh how I miss my good old days
I was at TKand posted my opinions
felt like Christmas with jingle bells
and the streets were lined with gold
and the bullies were properly punished after you rat them out
back when I could feel the idea of "pleasant" and now no longer
beyond that which is known as the eternal yonder
will I smile again willingly
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Opening The Wounds of Endless Agony's Night

HUMANS talking about HUMANS doing HUMAN things like HUMANS. Yonder upon yonder within yonder I try to forget that which transpired, but others were willing in a state of not, endlessly tormenting me with thine bullying tactics. Agony. Nice delicious agony, more tempting than the flesh, THAT is what they want. Their beloved pain unto others. Opening a wound that was healed in a place that did not concern them. Pain. Have you ever been possessed by rage for so long that your hypertension prevents you from slumber? The world of dreams in which you alone cannot access through the gates of desire? That is I, endlessly in a state of rage embroiled agony, the pain being miserable once again. Twisted and filled with the insanity are the bullies, those which punishment points only a blind eye toward as they cause more pain filled with their beloved violation.