Princess of Equesteria
Feb 18, 2006
Any questions? The start date will be this upcoming Sunday. Need to contact another person. If anyone else has a villian they like to contribute or NPC character. That would be great.



These are still up for grabs.
In Justice, We Trust!
Feb 10, 2007
Thanks, I like to do some dual wielding he won't use it often: It'll just be a side arm for emergencies like if he loses his Saga Sniper mid fight.
May 16, 2006
Save KariudoCrimson, and in the meantime here a couple of unrelated antagonists.


Name: Zeishon Sha

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Lemurian

Abilities: Lemurian Alchemy, draining life, possession, precognition, several unknown abilities

Song: Coming soon

Personality: Difficult to tell as of now

History: In ancient times the before the Lemurian civilization achieved it's superiority, in an age where there were numerous other up and coming civilizations were constantly assualting one another to become the superior civilization there was a a scientist among them who was in no small way responsible for the Lemurians success. Through creations such as Zuban, the Lemurian Egg which created an endless army of Mirage Beasts, the Lemurian Sun, and massive list of other creations which allowed the civilization to flourish. Unfortuneately though as time went on and peace was maintained his usefulness declined as well. Put simply without enemies, without the fear of destruction he was slowly sinking intro obscurity. The thought of losing his fame and influence in Lemurian society led him to create a new weapon, a precious known as Dark Devourer, a black crystal sphere which would infuse those around it with a corrupting darkness that would turn them into monstrous warped charicature of what they once were. He continued creating these abominations in order to create fear and anxiety within Lemurian society, in order to keep them buying more weapons from him. In time it was discovered that he was the one responsible for them which led to his eventual Exile from Lemuria.

In his exile he discovered ways to prolong his life indefinitely, allowing him to remain alive even to this day. This however did not stop the deterioration of his sanity brought on by his solitude, nor did it safegaurd him from the continued exposure to his horrific creation, and in the end he became an inhuman being, incapable of human speech. To this day he continues wander the earth, using his creation on whoever he comes across. Due to his inability to communicate in any human language, modern or ancient, his motives are currently unknown.
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2009

Name: Dai Kenjin no Zuban
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Abilities: Ability to transform into Sacred Sword Mode and Humanoid Mode. Can grow gigantic size as DaiBouken.
Profile: Zuban is originally called "The Precious" named Kin Tsurugi (Golden Sword) that was enshrined in the ruins of Lemuria. He can only speech of like "Ban-ban!", "Zun! Zubabababababa!" or etc. A support great asset for Boukengers when they are in pinch.

here is the small profile for Zuban. :sweat:
Princess of Equesteria
Feb 18, 2006
As much that I had enjoyed all the great participants and the progress we've made, it brings me to a decision that this this RPG is abandoned. I hope that you all can understand, but I look forward to the near future to be doing RPG with you all again sometime.