Your Favorite Video Game

New Member
May 23, 2014
I prefer military themed, first person shooter games the most, or free-roam games such as GTA5. I really enjoy the freedom that they bring and it's fun to just drive around and partake in all of the activities in GTA. As far as FPS games go, I am currently playing BF4 of the Battlefield series. I used to play the COD series a lot, but I've since converted to Battlefield and have no regrets. The graphics are excellent and it's fun competing against so many other players (they've now got their 64 player games running smoothly). I wouldn't say I'm a hardcore gamer at all, but rather a casual gamer who plays now and again. I'm fairly busy during the days but some nights I'll play some video games to relax and chill out.
New Member
Jun 13, 2014
I don't really have a favorite video game but I am really into first person shooter games. I like the adventure aspect as well as the action-packed adrenaline of it.
New Member
Jun 13, 2014
I already mentioned in another thread that Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door will always be my most favorite game, but there is another one that I really like and it's Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for the PSP, it has a great story and it has excellent graphics for a PSP game.
New Member
Jun 14, 2014
I'd have trouble choosing an all time favorite game, so I'll pick three of them.

Fallout 3 - One of the best games to come out in the past decade, the graphical jump from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3 was at the time, nothing short of fantastic and akin to what Half-Life 2 was compared to its predecessor. The Mad Max style post apocalyptic OPEN WORLD (which at the time was unique) was incredibly detailed and interesting if not sometimes weird characters and filled with so much stuff to do, the sheer replay'ability alone is what made me come back again and again. Nowadays I can't play the vanilla game without tons of mods installed.

Mass Effect trilogy (and yes I treat all 3 games like one big entity) - One of the best game trilogies in recent history and my all time favorite SiFi games. It was unique in having branching story arcs which influenced events in current and future sequels.

And last but not least Half-Life 2 - any gamer worth his salt has played this game at least once and to this day STILL makes me say "Wow, this is so awesome".