Do you still watch TV?

New Member
Dec 3, 2014
I have a roku and spend a ridiculous amount of time on Hulu, Netflix, Vudu, and Spoitify. Now that they have AllCast I just cast movies from showbox. Shows that I can't find on there I can generally find on the computer somewhere. I do still love cable, but that could just be a nostalgic thing.
Dec 9, 2014
Well, I still watch TV shows, but as far as sitting down and watching something during it's ACTUAL time slot; I haven't done that in a really long time. I can honestly say the last time I sat in front of the the TV was the Super Bowl (and that might be the case this year as well). I usually just watch things on my computer, and that's the way it's going to be for a while.
New Member
Dec 14, 2014
Nope. I don't watch TV but if I'm in my Granma's house I watch TV. The thing is I really don't like to watch some movies, cartoons,news or anything except for food. I prefer to play or watch anime or Legend of korra (it ended last week tho) on the internet.


I haven't had cable in my house for the past 5 years. Everything is accessible on internet. So basically I can hook up the laptop to the TV via HDMI and watch everything on the big screen streaming off the internet. So that's pretty cool. Why get cable when majority of the channels only show crap anyways. Just get the programs you want and leave it at that. Why get cable and have to deal with another bill.
New Member
Dec 26, 2014
I usually don't watch TV anymore. I haven't for around 6 years. At work I sometimes stare at the TV screen. I just watch the subtitles for when the TV is messing up again though. It has a habit of erasing what it just typed and spewing out gibberish. :rolleyes: For the most part I watch everything online. I'd rather watch a couple ads online than pay for cable which makes me watch even more ads.


There are certain shows that I still follow but a lot of times I watch them after they've aired via the "on demand" option. We also just got a device to stream Netflix on our big TV and we've been using that a lot. I do still like to watch the news when it's on, mainly so that I can see the weather. I know I could find it online but it's just not the same to me LOL
New Member
Dec 6, 2014
Why get cable when majority of the channels only show crap anyways. Just get the programs you want and leave it at that. Why get cable and have to deal with another bill.
Exactly... like, the internet and the computer is so much more convenient than having to deal with cable and having to watch a show when it's on. I mean, I know there's like TiVo and stuff but still - I just find online a lot more convenient.
New Member
Dec 28, 2014
I do but not as much as i used to. I'm basically glued to my phone or in front of my computer nowadays. I don't know but i feel like there's nothing on TV that interests me anymore. Also when I'm online i can just look up TV related things so easily so i feel like there's not much use of TV these days. I only get to watch TV after dinner for a bit of family time but after that, i pretty much forget TV even existed.
New Member
Dec 28, 2014
No not really. Everything I wish to watch I can find online and my TV is hooked up to my PC.
Dec 16, 2014
I watch way too much TV. Whether I'm physically watching shows on the television or I'm watching the shows on my laptop of phone. I have way too many shows that I have to watch every episodes of and too many of "my shows", if you kind of know what I mean when I say that. I love binge watching certain shows, there are others that I love watching recorded once a week the next day, and there are others that I just have to watch live or I don't get the same vibe from it!