Before Decade Gets Adapted, Which Series Would You Want to be Adapted by Adness next?

Mar 9, 2007
No not at all really, the quality from Kuuga and Agito is still good enough to be adapted for today's age. The same could have been said when they used Shaider for VR Troopers but they still rolled with it.

Now back on topic Decade will most likely never be adapted, don't get your hopes up.

Even kids know the difference, and Ryuki footage already looks dated too. There've been huge improvements on the special effects, the CG and the suits (even if sucky CG is overused and the suit designs suck lately) since Kuuga. And to go backwards from Ryuki is a stretch too.
Feb 18, 2007
Even kids know the difference, and Ryuki footage already looks dated too. There've been huge improvements on the special effects, the CG and the suits (even if sucky CG is overused and the suit designs suck lately) since Kuuga. And to go backwards from Ryuki is a stretch too.

Its still dated but it doesn't mean impossible to work with, even Decade has pretty bad CG on Western standards, you have to remember these are two different countries with two different standards and a great deal in difference between budget. The west is used to big bad CG projects like the Bayformers stuff and Iron Man, while in Japan even the CG in Kamen Rider G is great to them.
Not-So-Rabid Blade Fangirl
Dec 4, 2008
My answer to this question is probably unsurprising, but I go with Blade. :p

Faiz and Kiva could be cool too, though. :thumbs:

Not that I'm holding my breath.
Deliquent Duo
Feb 21, 2009
For me, I want them to adapt Kabuto. The other two, if there are others, would be Blade/ Faiz, then lastly Kiva.