The Missing Link: The Zelda Sequel That Never Was

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Jun 20, 2012
Video game hacker Kaze Emanuar has been a thorn in Nintendo’s side for several years now. He’s an expert at cracking apart the code to Super Mario 64, and has created mods for the game that introduce new characters, alternate power-ups, and sometimes entirely new unofficial sequels. Kaze has made more than one Mario 64 styled game entirely on his own…some are quite good, and even function on original N64 hardware.
Kaze announced in early 2019 he was expanding his repertoire and taking a whack at Ocarina of Time. Not to hack in anime characters or a dab emote for Link, but to make an entirely new game. It was a formidable challenge, and not just in programming terms. As Kaze put it, with Mario you can place any element anywhere and have a...

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