SmileBASIC 4 Lets Anyone Create And Publish Switch Games

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Staff member
Jun 20, 2012
With the thriving digital marketplace combined with easily accessible physics engines, programming lessons and coding software, it’s never been easier for the average, non-connected game developer wannabe to self-publish their work on a major system. (Seeing sales and getting paid is another matter.)
But if you don’t care about getting paid, and you just want to mess around, SmileBASIC 4 may be the app for you. You see, in the dawning years of home computers, a simple programming language called BASIC let anyone put together a game simply and quickly. SmileBASIC is a modern take on that language. It’s easy to pick up, challenging to master, and produces powerful results.
The previous three versions of SmileBASIC appeared on the DS and 3DS…this is the first variant to appear on a console you can plug into the TV. And it boasts a VAST number of improvements from its predecessors:

High speed and powerful programming language “SmileBASIC 4” is installed
Supports high-resolution...

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