Mortal Kombat 12 will be titled Mortal Kombat 1

Feb 17, 2022
<p>Mortal Kombat 1 is announced and yes that is the title. Technically it is Mortal Kombat 12 but it is a new reboot and timeline. When Mortal Kombat 11 ended, Liu Kang becomes the God of Time after he defeated the Goddess of time Kronika. So He rebooted the Universe and created a new Timeline that is suppose to be more peaceful. He also became the God of Thunder after Raiden sacrificed his life.</p>
Boss of All Bosses
Sep 2, 2012
Ed Boon is so patient, he waited for Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 to have all the hype and let them fizzle before he announced Mortal Kombat 1.. I am a bit confused with the new title but it looks Good. I will miss the Earth Realm heroes but I know they are not born yet.
Active Member
Dec 29, 2013
Well, while Mortal Kombat 1 looks interesting, I have to say that Street Fighter 6 has really caught my attention. The graphics and animations in the trailer look absolutely stunning, and the characters seem to have a lot of depth and complexity. I've always been a fan of the Street Fighter series, and this new installment is da bomb. I can't wait to see the strategic battles and the strategic gameplay that Street Fighter is known for. It's just my personal preference, but Street Fighter 6 seems to have an edge in terms of its visual appeal and the iconic characters that I've grown to love. Mortal Kombat 1 looks like the same crap.
Mystic Marauder
Apr 20, 2023
It seems like Scorpion and Sub Zero have put aside their differences in this new timeline. That's a surprising development, considering their longstanding rivalry. Despite Kitana and Mileena being raised as sisters in this rebooted timeline., I have a feeling they still hate each other.
Staff member
Apr 7, 2018
I am going to miss Raiden and his consult with the Elder Gods Meme, He is my main and now he is dead on this new era. I will miss him to bits.
Let me Carve your way
Oct 12, 2020
I enjoy how it begins so calmly and then turns into a big freaking violent fatality. I can't wait to witness the plot in fresh graphics and genuine gore... I can't wait to start pressing lots of buttons.


Feb 28, 2021
I just watched the Mortal Kombat 1 announcement trailer and I'm really excited about this reboot! It seems like they're taking us back to the roots of the series with the Great Kung Lao and the first real Mortal Kombat tournament. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds!I'm really curious to learn more about the Great Kung Lao in Mortal Kombat 1. Being Earth Realm's first champion, he must have an incredible backstory. I hope the game delves into his character and his journey to becoming a champion. We hear his name a lot and we get to see his descendant but we never saw him in action.
Master Gamer.
Mar 14, 2023
I wasn't surprised to find that it had been rebooted, but it looks fantastic, and I've always like Mortal Kombat, some of which were superior to others. This post, however, is not about that. I hope Liu Kang retains his divine status as timekeeper. We're here to speak about how stunning this game is.
Apr 30, 2005
The Mortal Kombat 1 announcement trailer's graphics, I must admit, absolutely blew me away! They have accomplished an incredibly high level of realism and intricacy. Everything looks really gorgeous, from the surroundings to the character designs. It is similar to seeing a movie come to life!I have endured 4 terrible years of waiting, guy. I'm ready to place a preorder.