M&M's retires the spokescandies

Dancing Alone again, again the rain falling
Oct 21, 2022
I don't dislike Mars, the M&M candy brand, or cartoon characters in general. I don't understand why some people can't accept that two candies are holding hands or (gasp!) wearing sneakers. I really dislike them. Carson Tucker thinks that the female spokescandies are being picked on because they don't wear "hooker heels."
Shipping Favorites since 2014
Oct 3, 2014
Recent protests by American conservatives against a computer-made chocolate character have brought the country to the attention of people all over the world. In the past, the United States of America was often praised for its cultural and technological achievements. Why can't candy just be candy? Do we really need to politicize and divide everything that has to do with mental illness, or is it just too much to expect candy to be candy and not something else?
New Member
Aug 12, 2021
I am absolutely livid at this news! M&M's have been a staple in my household for as long as I can remember. The change of the name to Ma&Ya's is completely unnecessary and just seems like a desperate attempt to keep up with the times. And to top it off, replacing the beloved spokes candies with Maya Rudolph? Unacceptable! The M&M's characters are iconic, and there's no need to try and reinvent the wheel.

I understand that change can be good, but this is just a blatant disregard for the nostalgia and memories that M&M's hold for so many of us. I refuse to buy the newly branded Ma&Ya's, and I implore others to do the same. We need to send a message that we want the original M&M's, the ones we grew up with, and nothing else will do.

M&M's have been a part of our lives for over 75 years, and it's disheartening to see a company attempt to throw all of that away in the name of a rebranding campaign. This is not what the fans want, and it's not what we deserve. Keep the name, keep the characters, and let's just stick with what works. This change is a mistake, and I hope the company realizes that before it's too late.
British Columbia Made
Apr 25, 2022
I fully agree! M&M's are timeless, and changing the name and spokescandies is simply unnecessary. It's a shame that the brand has been tainted in this way after being a part of our lives for so long. The original formula has always worked, so why fix what isn't broken?"
Dec 19, 2010
I beg disagree, my friend. Change can be a good thing. It brings new life and fresh perspectives to familiar things. Sure, M&M's have been around for a long time and the characters are iconic, but don't you think it's time for something new? Ma&Ya's and Maya Rudolph bring a new energy and excitement to the brand, and I'm excited to see where it goes.

Plus, you never know, Ma&Ya's might just become the next big thing and be remembered just as fondly as the original M&M's. So, let's embrace change and see where this new adventure takes us. Who knows, we might just be pleasantly surprised!
The Official Reviews
Oct 10, 2022
Ha! It's just a candy, folks. Lighten up! I understand that change can be difficult, but it's important to remember that at the end of the day, it's just a sweet treat. Whether it's M&M's or Ma&Ya's, it's still going to taste the same and bring a smile to your face.

So, let's not get too worked up over something as trivial as candy. Instead, let's enjoy the small moments in life, like a delicious treat. Life is too short to get upset about something like this. Keep it cool, keep it sweet, and enjoy the ride.
Resident Bronteroc
May 12, 2022
To be honest, I couldn't care less about M&M's or Ma&Ya's. Snickers is where it's at for me. That chocolate, nougat, caramel, and peanut combo is unbeatable. Plus, with a brand as solid as Snickers, there's no need for any name changes or new spokescandies. So, while others may be up in arms over M&M's, I'll just be over here with my Snickers, enjoying the tried and true taste that I love. But hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinions and preferences. So, enjoy your M&M's or Ma&Ya's, and I'll stick with my Snickers.
New Member
Jan 21, 2023
Yo, this is too rich, man! What's the deal with folks gettin' all bent outta shape 'bout a candy switch-up? Only in our crazy world. Shows you how even the little things can get folks all riled up and arguin'.

But, let's be real, it's just a damn piece of candy. Doesn't matter if it's M&M's, Ma&Ya's, Snickers, or whatever, it's all just a cause of obesity and diabetes So, let's all just laugh this one off and move on, 'cause ain't no candy gonna change the world, but it might just give us a sugar rush.
Sparkling Joy
Nov 22, 2022
Oh no! That's a big change, but I'll still love them just as much! Can't wait to try Ma&ya's