#XMenVote Marvel have an election for the Next Iteration of X-men

Staff member
Jan 14, 2018
#XMenVote is an Online Poll Marvel started so fans can vote for the final member of the roster. What Roster I am talking about?  I am talking about the next lineup of an upcoming X-men series. Some of these characters are obscure for the MCU fans and X-men movie fans but they are familiar enough for Comic Readers and people who watched the cartoons and Anime. The voting will end on January 13 2002 so You only have two days left to vote. You can make your vote for #Xmenvote on this link.
Some of the characters are X-men trainees. There is one former X-men villain and a character who used to have a cartoon Series with Spiderman.  The profiles of the characters to choose from are on the link.  There are so many good characters to choose...

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