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Aug 21, 2011
Pretty simple really just create your own Rider and say what show he/she is in.

Mine is called Kamen Rider Semi: Show=Kabuto, Semi has a Masked Form. The Semi Zecter comes to you in 2 halves on wings, you catch both halves and stick both halves in a Rider Belt. Clock Up is a slap of a button on the hip ala Kabuto. Flick both wings up to initiate the Cast Off command, push both down to Cast Off, the belt says "Change Cicada". In Rider Form flick both wings up to initiate the Rider Float which levitates you up in the air. Flick the left wing down after Rider Float= Rider Kick, Right= Rider Punch. Weapon= Axe/Gun weapon ala Kabuto.
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