Susie Searches, The Smalltown “Nancy Drew” has a secret

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Jul 1, 2021
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Susie Searches, The Smalltown “Nancy Drew” has a secret
<p>Susie Searches explores the realm of sleuths. These individuals, who have been inspired by numerous true crime documentaries, are driven to aspire to solve crimes on their own. Interestingly, some of these civilians eagerly contribute to solving cases and prove to be valuable assets in investigations. On the other hand, others impede progress. What adds to the intrigue is that women, despite the common assumption that they are not drawn to violent content, actually constitute the largest audience for true crime.</p>
Sassy Survivor
Feb 15, 2023
I can imagine the impact of Susie's newfound fame on her social standing at school. It's a common desire among teenagers to be popular and admired by their peers. Thats why she becomes obssesed about it. It is kind of coincidental her name is Susie and she wears braces. It reminds me of one of the Killers of Dead by Daylight. Susie from Legion and they even have the same name.
New Member
Apr 6, 2023
I'm really curious to see how Susie's character develops throughout the film. The trailer hints at her possibly being a secret villain.I'm a big fan of dark comedies, and Susie Searches seems to have nailed the tone. I'm excited to see how the film balances humor with the underlying mystery.
New Member
May 22, 2023
Susie Searches cleverly satirizes the true crime phenomenon. It promises to deliver a dark comedy which is something I like.. I appreciate movies that bring a unique perspective to popular genres, and Susie Searches seems to do just that.
New Member
Nov 25, 2022
The trailer revealed everything already, I felt like I watched the full movie. I wont be bother watching after the trailer reveals everything.
New Member
Mar 31, 2009
The mystery surrounding Susie's character in Susie Searches has me intrigued. Is she a hero or a villain? I can't wait to delve into the film and decipher the truth behind her motives.I appreciate movies that offer a unique and distinctive approach to popular genres, and Susie Searches seems to do just that. Its innovative take on true crime is a welcome departure from the norm
New Member
Jan 5, 2023
The trailer for Susie Searches left me underwhelmed. The story seems predictable, and the humor didn't quite land for me. Susie Searches seems like another attempt to cash in on the true crime craze.I'll probably pass on this one
Feb 8, 2023
I must say, I find Susie Searches deeply problematic and offensive.. I was disappointed to see the movie take a dark turn by portraying sleuths in a bad light. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes and undermines the integrity of those who genuinely seek justice through their investigative skills. I believe this negative representation does a disservice to the hard work and dedication of real-life sleuths. It's disheartening to see the genre being used in such a villainous manner, rather than celebrating the valuable contributions these individuals make to solving mysteries and bringing closure to families. I'll be giving this movie a hard pass.
New Member
Apr 3, 2023
Susie Searches makes me miserable. It undermines the diligence and knowledge of true sleuths by maintaining preconceptions of bumbling amateurs. The inaccurate representation ignores the complexity of our work. I can't support a movie that misrepresents the actual spirit of detective work.