New Member
Jul 30, 2014
Yeah, I prefer Dairugger XV to Golion overall, but I'm not sure I'd say the same about Vehicle Voltron vs Lion Voltron since WEP mucked around so much. I watched one episode of Vehicle Voltron ("A Storm of Meteors") and a lot of the dialogue made no sense ("we learned something today: Peace is always worth trying"--in an episode where a peace overture got laughed off) and General Teles (dunno his Voltron name) was rewritten into a power-hungry conquerer. Screw that.

As for this.. Well, here's wishing the best for it anyway.

(Toned down my comments--was feeling sour earlier and that caused me to be more cynical towards this new Voltron than might really be warranted. Who knows, this one might finally be the one to bring Voltron back into the limelight. Maybe then Dairugger XV will get a re-release on DVD! Speaking of which, I need to edit my sig as I found one of the volumes I was looking for)
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Just gonna copy and paste what I said over on FB

I'm about 5 or so episodes into the new Voltron. So far I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.Some of the new character quirks are pretty good, except for Coran he's my one negative on the show so far. And there's one twist with one of the pilots I did not see coming. But they did explain it in a way that works, at least for me, so I'm willing to go with it. Previous sequel series, well probably more Voltron Force than the Third Dimension, hinted at some sort of mystic like bond between the pilots and the lions. I think they pull it off here better than in previous attempts.. Can't wait to see where the ride for the rest of the season goes from here.
New Member
Feb 19, 2005
Despite no Peter Cullen narration...

What they did with Pidge and Alura is amusing...Sven/Shiro/Takeshi...I see the Avatar team is pulling stuff from Go-Lion...

What next? Stealth Mode and Head Swapping? ^___^

...with that said...I hope things like Saber Rider get a second run. Better yet...Albegas and Gladiator Voltron. Maybe a Netflix Original AC Gundam created by Guillermo Del Toro? Gaogaigar perhaps?


Finished Voltron... and I want more. I mean like now, not later now. I am not that big of fans of reboots, but this was one done right. Outside of Coran, still not a fan of what they're doing with him. I'm liking how they rook aspects from the original Voltron and even Go Lion to make the show and add their own twists to them. I mran shiro alone i thought was going to be dead at this point but they made a story there that makes me want to see where it goes. And what they did with Pidge was was pretty genius. They didn't just come out and say it they hinted at it and left some clues before the reveal. And everybody on the team reacted perfectly. I even like what they did with Zarkon and his empire. Season 2 can't get her fast enough.
New Member
Feb 19, 2005
So does that mean we'll see Pidge's twin next season?

^ ____ ^

...btw...Nanny should be in this...she was the den mother of the team and manage to put everyone in check; loved the fact that all the guys ran from her when they inadvertently pissed her off. It was sad that she died in GoLion. I don't mind of the characters from 3rd Dimension and Force appearing in different incarnations.