Hellena Taylor Will not reprise Bayonetta in Bayonetta 3!

New Member
Apr 9, 2022
I was never going to forego my most anticipated game of the year just because the cast was changing. Characters in video games frequently have their voices modified. Capcom typically switches out the voice actors for the majority of Resident evil games with each new edition. Furthermore, the complete background of the incident is still unknown. It appears that they have decided to stop working with Taylor for whatever motive. That won't stop me from enjoying myself when I play the game. Hale has sounded excellent in all of the footage that has been made public up to this moment. To see this game on the 28th, I have really taken time off of work, and I cannot wait! Platinum Games and Nintendo is still a Business and there is nothing personal. She made this choice.
Dec 31, 2012
People claim that a boycott should be implemented because the developers have already been compensated, but video game development is similar to the creation of artwork, and I am confident that all of the diligent artists want you to play the game and enjoy their creations. As is the case with many other iconic characters, Bayonetta's character was created with a lot of teamwork. It's a really complicated situation that involves the character designer, the woman who created the mo cap dance motions, etc. Despite this, I do wish for Hellena's best outcome since I understand her perspective but fans will not cancel for her. The character she voiced is bigger than her.
Oct 16, 2013
I was about to buy this game but it is sold out everywhere both online and offline.
Fluxactive Complete
Aug 29, 2022
As awful as I feel for Hellena and as bad as the gaming industry is, I've been waiting too long to play this game to pass it up at this point. I wasted my adolescence yearning for this game, therefore I won't give it up for her.
Aug 18, 2012
She severely totally screwed up by urging people to boycott the game. She really destroyed any sympathy I had for her by effectively ensuring that she won't receive any significant jobs in the future. When supporters have been anticipating a game for so long, telling people to boycott it is wrong and puts some individuals in a difficult situation. Of course, the majority of people won't give a damn, but some people take matters like this very seriously. She would appear much better in this circumstance if she merely spoke out against the companies that underpay her and many others and demanded better treatment as a voice actor without mentioning anything about the boycott and told people to still enjoy the game despite all these things happening.
Apr 24, 2014
The English-language actor who played the lead role in Mob Psycho 100 had the same issue. He was recently let go for making a reasonable request for improved working conditions. I really don't enjoy it when well-known actors give new voices to their roles. The strongest feelings I had were when they replaced Jason with Roger. He has become the go-to Sonic voice in internet memes and is well recognized as the character. If I had to guess, I'd say that these Japanese firms don't give a hoot about the plight of voice actors. Absolutely anything if it means bringing in some more cash.
Strongest Woman in the World
Sep 25, 2017
As a union member, Taylor would be paid union rates. The union's collective bargaining agreement would guarantee her the salary that the union had negotiated for. We spent $4000 for a job that would have required 16-20 hours of labor. She had offers of $200-$250 per hour from different companies. She's being a spoiled diva.