ChatGPT A.I is now able to write Scripts

No Spoilers
Staff member
Aug 22, 2021
<p>ChatGPT A.I became public back in 2018 but it caught November last year. This is an A.I you can have a conversation with and also assist you in many things. You can command it to paraphrase something you wrote or even make it write something it self. There is a recent patch that got it nerfed because of possible dangers. The capability of the A.I had decreased but it is still to do many things beyond what we humans can do.</p>
Sharing knowledge, sparking conversation."
Feb 4, 2023
In my opinion, this AI is not "sentient" or capable of independent thought. I believe it can fool the mind into thinking it is talking or thinking on its own because it can absorb data (your query) so quickly. It undoubtedly has a strong creative model capable of quickly handling a request. This, however, is hardly evidence of autonomy. At this point, it's just good coding. Its responses lacked originality and profundity. If it is intelligent, I'm curious why its responses were either blatantly leftist or cowardly attempting to straddle the fence or be "neutral," as I don't believe it can be as creative as humans. Openai should not be a threat to writers. I tried breaking this chatbot and it does have limits.
Jun 19, 2021
Two a.i having conversation scares the hell out of me.

It can be great tool to writers since Grammarly premium is expensive while chatgpt is free.
Jan 3, 2021
It seemed like at this moment A.I can only write scripts for short films. It will start having inconsistency if it will have Novel length content. It will still need the assistance of a human.
New Member
Oct 23, 2022
It simply seems too technologically advanced for machines to be able to create things like movie scripts. What if it takes jobs away from people? I'm a little uneasy about it. With this technology, I think we should proceed with care. Writing is a blood, sweat, and tears endeavor. I worry that the advent of a machine will result in employment losses.
Apr 21, 2021
Oh, my good God! This technology is disgusting. How is it that we are using software to generate scripts? It is solely the devil's doing, trying to divert us from the Lord's great design. We must fight this temptation and continue to use the conventional, God-given forms of creation and storytelling. All good things, according to the Bible, are given from above, thus this undoubtedly cannot be one of them.
Active Member
Feb 28, 2013
I sincerely object to that point of view. When used morally and with intention, technology can be a gift from God. It has the ability to make our lives better and transform the world for the better. We already have many tools at our disposal; rather than seeing AI script generation as a threat, we should embrace its potential for good. Instead of limiting ourselves with antiquated ideas, let's be open to the opportunities presented by technology breakthroughs.
The Cavalry is here!
Nov 18, 2022
You guys, this is absolute magic right now! For years, I've struggled with writer's block and felt as though my imagination was being restrained. But thanks to ChatGPT, I can finally let my creative juices flow and bring my novel to life. The help I have in achieving my artistic goals thanks to this technology is a dream come true for me. I can't wait to see what new experiences and tales this amazing tool will bring me. Start writing now!