Im not straight but my boyfriend is
Feb 18, 2007
Two guys came in to work today. Mediocre looking, one blonde, one brunette. Young, but both with thinning hair, both with beardy-goatee's.

Me: Hi, welcome to KFC. Is this for here, or to go?
Blonde: I know what I'm having. What are you having?
Me: Are you together than?
Brunette: You're waiting on me? I think I know what I want.
Me: Then you're together?
Blonde: *nods*
Brunette: Aww, we're together. Isn't that cute.
Me: *smiles*

Anyways, as they place their order, I get this weird ass hunch that they're HUGE geeks and play D&D. Not videogamers, not Trekkies....but D&D Gamers. So after they place their order I say, " This is going to sound really weird...but do you guys play D&D?"

And they start laughing and go, " Yeah..."And I was like, " I KNEW IT! I don't know how I knew, but I knew!" and the brunette's like, " Oh God, I'm going to die a virgin!" And then the other guy is like, "What tipped you off?" and I was like, " Man...I don't know!"

I told them I used to play, but I specialize in Rolemaster, and the blonde was like, " Well if you're ever looking for another group!" and then he mentioned the game store (I think it was) here in town.

I don't know WHAT it was, but I just...had this feeling that these guys played! HOW FUNNY IS THAT!
I wanna fly high....
Feb 21, 2007
You can keep your geekdar. I have the Pimp's Aura.

It's this special aura I have that attracts women. I don't have to do anything; they just come.:169:

Thing is, I can't control it. It has a 78% success rate.
Sep 28, 2005
wait shouldn't this thread be named I have gaydar?

i grew up in sf and i have very finely tuned gaydar :anime:
Oct 2, 2007
I have something like this to. We were at a wendy's (I think it was a wendys anyway) in Jasper getting ready to come back home, and we were in the parking lot waiting to go in. I happened to glance at the window and see a bunch of guys and girls hanging out together and just talking. I couldn't see anything but there heads, but I just had this hunch they were playing DnD, dont ask me why i just got it in my head. So I bet my friend 20 bucks they were and we went in and sure enough they had a mat and all the books and everything. I bought a delicious frosty with that bet money. mmmm...frosty.