Jul 19, 2011

Power Rangers Dimension Heroes
A GoseiYellow RPG
Angel Grove, California, 2012


Power Rangers.....most of the people know them, some of them don't. But the Power Rangers have been the most famous heroes ever lived on the planet Earth. They've defeated many evil-doers that have tried to destroy or rule the Earth, kind of like being unstoppable. However, our favorite heroes have normal lives like we do, and they've retired after their battle with the foes or after they lost their powers. As the time went by, the Earth lived in peace and no threat was ever alerted. Also, the Earth looked normal like it had always been. But what people don't know is that there are dimensions connected to the Earth. It may sound crazy, but it's true many people say.....and there was one villain who is trying to gain control of the dimensions and the Earth.

And her name happens to be.....Mama D.

Mama D is the mother of Divatox and she started her plot after hearing about other dimensions being connected to the Earth. What's causing the large connection? Well, it is caused by a mystical crystal called the Dimension Orb hidden somewhere on Earth. Mama D wanted to get her hands on that crystal and use its power to infect all of the dimensions and the Earth. Hearing about this, robot assistant named Alpha 6 gains access to the Morphing Grid and activates five morphers with different powers and sends them to five dimensions where five young inidviduals are worthy enough to access the morphers and fight Mama D for the sake of their worlds and Earth as the Power Rangers.

That's when it all begins.......


Alpha 6
: Robot assistant of the new Power Chamber. It's pretty hard for him to work at the headquarters all by himself, but he tries his best to make sure everything runs correctly.


Mama D
: The mother of former villain Divatox. She was furious that her daughter has been hit by Zordon's energy wave and turned good, not to mention beautiful. When she heard about the other dimensions being connected to the Earth by the Dimension Orb, she will stop at nothing to get her hands on it and use it to take conquer all dimensions and the Earth.
Thrax:The right-hand of Mama D. The Overdrive Rangers and Once a Ranger team have defeated him but he didn't die all the way. Mama D found him and resurrected him, giving more power and strength. Thrax is the son of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd and vows that he will destroy the Rangers once and for all.
Goldar: Mama D's henchman who was formerly Rita Repulsa's. Like Thrax, he was resurrected by Mama D and soon looks up to her.
Scorpina: Formerly the minion of Rita Repulsa. She now serves Mama D as her assassin and is madly in love with Goldar and is actually his fianceé.
Bass EXE.: A dark NetNavi who shows up without any invitation and becomes a henchman of Mama D. He never heard about the Power Rangers, but he will make sure the Rangers will fall with no mercy.
Cutmen: Cybernetic foot-soldiers created by Bass EXE. They are armed with scissor blades and are programmed with martial art combat. However, they're not intelligent and can be easily defeated.
Metalmen: New foot-soldiers created by Bass EXE. They are stronger than the Cutmen and can summon wheeled saw-blades to attack. Their speed is incredibly fast and are programmed with martial-art combat.


Turbo Morpher: Red Turbo Ranger's morpher which allows him to transform into his Ranger form.
Growl Phone: Yellow Wild Ranger's morpher. It allows him to transform into into his Ranger form.
Zeonizers: Pink Zeo Ranger's morpher. It allows her to transform into her Ranger form.
Wind Morpher: Blue Ninja Ranger's morpher. It allows her to transform into her Ranger form.
Overdrive Tracker: Black Overdrive Ranger's morpher. It allows him to transform into his Ranger form.
Wolf Morpher: Wolf Ranger's morpher. It allows him/her to transform into his/her Ranger form.
Turbo Lightning Sword: Red Turbo Ranger's personal Power Weapon.
Golden Eagle Sword: Yellow Wild Ranger's personal Power Weapon.
Zeo Power Shield: Pink Zeo Ranger's personal Power Weapon.
Sonic Fin: Blue Ninja Ranger's personal Power Weapon.
Drive Slammer: Black Overdrive Ranger's personal weapon.

Red Lightning Zord: Red Turbo Ranger's Zord
Yellow Eagle Zord: Yellow Wild Ranger's Zord.
Zeo Zord I: Pink Zeo Ranger's Zord.
Dolphin Zord: Blue Ninja Ranger's Zord.
Speed Driver: Black Overdrive Ranger's Zord.
Wolf Zord: Junge Fury Wolf Ranger's Zord.

Morphing Calls
These here are the morphing calls whenever the Rangers are ready to fight.
Red Ranger: Shift into Turbo! Red Lightning Turbo Power!
Yellow Ranger: Wild Access, Ha! Soaring Eagle!
Pink Ranger: It's Morphin' Time! Zeo Ranger I Pink!
Blue Ranger: Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Ha!
Black Ranger: Overdrive Accelerate!
Wolf Ranger: Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleash!

Neo Power Chamber (Exterior)|Interior: Ranger's headquarters and where Alpha stays.
Angel Grove Youth Center: Rangers' hangout and resting place.
Dark Fortress: Mama D's new headquarters. It used to belong to Astronema.

1. No god-modding. Your characters can and WILL get hurt.
2. Relationships are welcome. However, keep it limited.
3. Make sure that your bio has capitalization, correct spelling, and proper punctuation.....otherwise it will be denied.
4. This thread is for Bios ONLY. Please comment on the discussion thread.
5. No OOC Drama. I will NOT tolerate it in the Game or the Discussion thread.
6. You MUST be active in order to participate in the game...if you are leaving, send me a PM.
7. If you want apply as an ally or an extra Ranger, feel free to. Don't hesitate
7. Most importantly...have fun!

Ranger Designations

Red Turbo Ranger/
Koyomi Araragi (Played by Cobalt Zeno)
Yellow Wild Force Ranger/Alphonse Elric (Played By Me)
Zeo Ranger I Pink/?????????: (Female Only)
Blue Wind Ninja Ranger/Momoka Kurumi: (Played by Kamen Rider Cherry)
Black Operation Overdrive Ranger/?????: (Male Only)
Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger/??????: (Male or Female)

Bio Application
Age: 17-22
Appearance: Anime/Video Game Pics ONLY!
Home Dimension:
Ranger Designation:
Morphing Call: You can add your roll call as well.
(Name's Bio): 2 or 3 Paragraphs. Can be small or large.
Side Notes: Themes, Family, Fears, etc.

My Bio for Yellow Wild Force Ranger.

Name: Alphonse Elric
Age: 17

Home Dimension: Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA)
Ranger Designation: Yellow Wild Force Ranger
Ranger Gear: Growl Phone, Yellow Eagle Orb, Eagle Savage Cycle

Weapons: Eagle Sword, Crystal Saber

Zord: Yellow Eagle Zord
Morphing Call: Wild Access, Ha! Soaring Eagle!

Alphonse's Bio:
Born the second of the Elric Brothers, Alphonse Elric is the most mature and most calm in the family. Unlike his older brother, Edward Elric, Alphonse loves his family very much and was devastated when his father left and mother died. By the time he was a kid, he and his brother had tried to bring back their mother, but that didn't happen very well when Alphonse lost his whole body and Edward lost an arm and a leg. Alphonse winds up as a soul and inside a full armor suit and soon went on a long journey with Edward to find a way to get their bodies back.

But as soon as he got his body back, Alphonse was now in Xing with May Chang and have studied Alkahestry with May Chang, whom he grown very close to. Also, he has sent his armor to Central. Now 17 years old, Alphonse decided to head back to Central where he found out that his brother, who is now a family man has moved there. But when he arrived, he discovered the Growl Phone and it seemed to be glowing like crazy. He picks it up and the next thing you know, he ends up being teleported from his world to the Neo Power Chamber in Angel Grove. There he met Alpha 6 and the four new Rangers who have been sent here when they harnessed the power of the four different morphers. He doesn't know anything about Power Rangers, but he knew that he must fight Mama D and save the world.

Side Notes:
-Is a skilled martial artist thanks to his teacher Izumi Curtis and is a skilled alchemist
-Is the younger brother of
Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist.
-Has a passion of raising stray cats.
Last edited:
Dec 4, 2011
Name: Koyomi Araragi
Age: 17

Home Dimension: Bakemonogatari
Ranger Designation: Red Turbo Ranger
Weapons/Gear: Turbo Morpher, Turbo Lightning sword, Turbo Blaster, Turbo Navigator, Lightning Cruiser
Zord: Red Lightning Zord
Morphing Call: Shift into Turbo! Red Lightning Turbo Power!
Koyomi’s Bio: Koyomi is the eldest child of his family, older brother to Karen and Tsukihi Araragi. Koyomi admits to not having a great relationship with his sisters, but both of them would deny that is true. Koyomi is a fairly laid back, and somewhat lazy, person. He simply wades through school without putting much effort, nearly failing every class except math.

During spring break, Koyomi was attacked by a vampire, becoming one himself. A man named Meme Oshino helped him to become human again, but some vampire traits still stuck to Koyomi. After the event, Koyomi tries to go on and live a normal life as usual. However, by chance he runs into Hitagi Senjougahara. Hitagi had fallen from a flight of stairs. Koyomi caught her and realized that she was nearly weightless. Although Hitagi tried to scare him into staying quiet about her problem, Koyomi couldn’t be scared off and ended up helping her return her weight to her.

Since then Koyomi has been running into and assisting many people that have been affected supernaturally such as the lost ghost girl Mayoi, the tomboy with a devil’s arm Kanbaru, the cursed pseudo-younger sister Sengoku, and his long time dual-personality friend Tsubasa.

During the summer, Koyomi had been seemingly trying to get his school life in order, receiving special tutoring sessions from Hitagi and Tsubasa. One day while returning home, his sister Tsukihi gave him a package that came for him in the mail. Koyomi found it odd considering the package didn’t have a return address. Upon opening he found the Turbo Morpher. He held it in his hand, then it began to glow brightly. Suddenly Koyomi was transported to the Neo Power Chamber in Angel Grove. He met Alpha 6 and the other 4 chosen ones from different worlds just like him to be power rangers. Koyomi had never heard of Power Rangers but noted they were similar to several anime concepts. After admitting this was the most annoying thing to happen to him so far, he agreed to fight Mama D as a Power Ranger, acknowledging it was the only way to get home.

Side Notes:
-Koyomi is a skilled martial artist
-Koyomi retains many traits of a vampire including sharp fangs and red eyes when he’s angry. His strength is also slightly enhanced and he is able to quickly recover from wounds. One negative trait now however is that he is afraid of the morning sunlight despite it no longer being able to harm him
-It seems that Koyomi has a high chance of encountering troubled girls
-The ahoge of his hair often moves and changes shape depending on his current mood
-Koyomi is quite knowledgeable about anime
-Koyomi seems to secretly be a lolicon and openly has a thing for girls with short hair
A girl of divergent opinions.
Dec 19, 2011
Name: Momoka Kurumi
Age: 19

Home Dimension: Heartcatch Pretty Cure
Ranger Designation: Blue Wind Ninja Ranger
Ranger Gear: Wind Morpher, Sonic Fin
Zord: Dolphin Zord
Morphing Call: Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Ha!
Momoka's Bio:
The first-born of the Kurumi sisters, Momoka is a famous charismatic fashion model, thought by achieving this she lost her chance to gain normal friends. Like her little sister Erika, Momoka loves fashion, and wants to be a model partly because she is happy that the clothes she wears becomes popular. Although Erika is constantly angry or on guard when Momoka is around, Momoka mostly ignores it and tries to help Erika the best she can, also because she is jealous of Erika who is able to do normal things and have normal friends. Erika, Momoka is always calm and mature, and understands that people are different from each other.

One day, during a photoshoot, Momoka stumbles across the Wind Morpher and is instantly teleported from her world to the Neo Power Chamber in Angel Grove, where she meets the four other Rangers and Alpha 6. Having witnessed the Heartcatch Pretty Cures' final battle against Dune two years prior, she decides to join them in the battle against Mama D, thinking this "Power Ranger" business might be similar to what her sister went through.
Side Notes:
- She is labeled as the Rangers' "mother" by Alpha 6.
- Her younger sister, Erika, is a Pretty Cure under the alias of Cure Marine.
Jul 19, 2011
I only have, the roles of the Black Overdrive Ranger, Zeo Ranger I Pink, and the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger left. Anyone who is interested, feel free to apply.
Mar 4, 2011
About dimension being anime or videogame, can it be like future or middleage time?

And must they be a main cast of that anime%video game world?

Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger interests me :)

But I have questions
Jul 19, 2011
About dimension being anime or videogame, can it be like future or middleage time?

And must they be a main cast of that anime%video game world?

Well.....yeah. And it can be from the future or the past! :)
Jul 19, 2011
This has been up here for a long time. I think I can give this another shot. Anyone who wants to apply, feel free to.