Would you hold off watching Sentai for their PR counterparts?

Continuing the Creddie legacy
Feb 9, 2007
Sentai all the way, No PR. why would I waste time watching a US adaption when I watch the REAL THING live on KeyHole TV?
Bandito Shake Cometh
Apr 1, 2009
I just wait for the adaptation, it edits out the dance numbers for me so I don't have to fast forward.
Just Scratch Behind the Ears
Feb 9, 2005
No. To me they're really two different shows. I'll watch them when they come out. I guess you have a point with the whole suit, weapon, mech spoiler thing except I hang out in the Orb every year and soak up the news anyways. So it doesn't really matter.

Here's to loving em both :castlerock:
Oct 13, 2005
Here's a question for you guys, and I'm not sure if this is the right board to post it. If not, please do move it. I just thought this was more of a Power Rangers thread than Sentai, so I posted it here.

Would you guys, knowing that there's a Power Rangers adaptation of a Sentai series coming soon, hold of watching the respective Sentai series until having finished their PR counterparts? For example, if you haven't watched Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, would you hold off watching that until the PR 2010 adaptation is done with?

Reasons I could think for holding off would be to keep away from potential spoilers, including mecha designs, weapons, etc and to avoid unfair comparisons to the Sentai counterpart. However, what do you guys think? Thanks!

I'm still struggling to figure out why people continue to watch PR after discovering Super Sentai. No reasons have surfaced other than Japanophobia.

...So yeah the answer's no. People like PR, and that's cool, but for me Sentai's the draw. If I watch PR, its when that's all that's on then.
Bandito Shake Cometh
Apr 1, 2009
The eyes. Those Japanese eyes, they terrify me so!

Or possibly, some people just prefer Power Rangers.
Mad Skillz
Feb 25, 2005
I'm still struggling to figure out why people continue to watch PR after discovering Super Sentai. No reasons have surfaced other than Japanophobia.
Really? Seeing a different take on a show isn't enough? I think it's really interesting that you can have (mostly) the same footage worked to (usually) different stories.
Not-So-Rabid Blade Fangirl
Dec 4, 2008
Like many others, I consider the two shows to be completely separate. I'll watch whatever is airing at the time, or not, on the shows' own merits. Besides, I care much more about the storyline and the characters than powerups and mecha, so being spoiled about what new toys will be coming up for the Rangers in PR doesn't bother me a bit! :p
Nice post!!
Nov 20, 2008
I tend to find Power Rangers interesting for the Super Sentai shows I dislike or find mediocre. For shows I really like, I have no desire to watch an adaptation.
Just an Internet User Passing Thru
Aug 15, 2009
Depends on each show........if the Sentai counterpart sucks and the PR counterpart doesn't, I'll stick to the PR version. If the PR version sucks while the Sentai doesn't, Sentai is the one. If they both suck, don't watch either........and the same vice versa