What's your take on the character of Squall Leonhart in FF VIII?

New Member
Feb 22, 2018
Squall is my all time favorite LC, compared to all the protagonists from all the other Final Fantasy series, he has had the most character development. He went from being a loner to actually being social with the rest of the crew.
New Member
May 7, 2018
I am Squall's greatest fan because I like his attitude. His silence in being a loner and introvert speaks about his maturity and his past life. His childhood without parents and his silence make sense to me.

I can understand his role very well because I am also like Squall, a loner, staying away from unwanted people and loving and caring towards the loved ones. Squall Leonhart loves Rinoa and cares for her. If he is not of his attitude, then he would have never loved a girl like Rinoa.