New Member
Jul 10, 2020
So this is a different kind of game, I played it with a few family members last week and really enjoyed it. I am going to buy the game for myself. I don't know if this is a newer game or not but I never heard of it before last week. I am assuming it is new. Have you ever played it? If not, does it sound like something you would enjoy?

Wavelength is a social guessing game in which two teams compete to read each other's minds. Teams take turns rotating a dial to where they think a hidden bullseye is located on a spectrum. One of the players on your team — the Psychic — knows exactly where the bullseye is, and draws a card with a pair of binaries on it (such as: Job - Career, Rough - Smooth, Fantasy - Sci-Fi, Sad Song - Happy Song, etc). The Psychic must then provide a clue that is *conceptually* where the bullseye is located between those two binaries.