The Walking Dead

New Member
Aug 10, 2013
I can't wait for Season 4. I've read the comics but the TV series is so different from the comics already so I really don't know what to expect. In the comics it wasn't Andrea who dies but in the TV series, Andrea is dead. There are so many questions up in my head. How will they ever survive in that prison? They hardly have any food there. What will the governor do? He lost majority of his "army" already.
New Member
Aug 10, 2013
Having read the comic book before watching the series, I'm excited how the TV series will evolve into its own creature. There different limitations for TV so the series could be a lot more exciting to watch. I've come to appreciate the many intricacies of the characters and am very very curious how they will fare.
Aug 10, 2013
I have never been drawn to this series.. It just doesn't sound appealing to me for some reason.. What exactly is the plot shortie861?

You need to give this show a chance. Obviously watch season 1 and you will be hooked. Season 3 does start getting a little weird, but the first 2 seasons are great.

I love the show and recommend to everyone, including my parents
Aug 10, 2013
I know a lot of people who watch The Walking Dead, but I am not really a fan of it. I have watched a few episodes and I thought they were okay. Personally, I do not feel like it is my cup of tea. :p[/quote

Worst case scenerio is; if there is a zombie apocolypse then you will know how to handle yourself. Thats why I watch ofcourse...ha
Staff member
Apr 7, 2012
I can't wait for Season 4. I've read the comics but the TV series is so different from the comics already so I really don't know what to expect. In the comics it wasn't Andrea who dies but in the TV series, Andrea is dead. There are so many questions up in my head. How will they ever survive in that prison? They hardly have any food there. What will the governor do? He lost majority of his "army" already.

I'm pretty sure the Governor will find more crazy people to follow him. He's a charismatic psychopath. I do wonder who'll get knocked off next.
Aug 10, 2013
I liked the first two seasons but season three kind of lost me. Rumor has it that season four is shot in a shopping mall so I wonder what they'll do to make it different from the film Dawn of the Dead. I'll watch it anyway because I have the time to kill.
Staff member
Apr 7, 2012
You know what keeps bugging me?
That Merle's sacrifice came off as more of a suicide
...and why didn't Rick already know about the prison? He's a sheriff.
New Member
Aug 11, 2013
I absolutely love The Walking Dead. It's definitely the type of show to suck you in and make you wonder what's next. I know it's shocked me quite a few times, taking unexpected turns with unexpected characters. I do want to read the comics, too, at some point.
Active Member
Aug 10, 2013
I totally love this amazing TV show! I've been following it for a while, and I just can't wait for the next season! I think it's going to be awesome, I can't stop wondering what's going to happen next in that prison. I think a lot people is going to die, I pray to G-d that Daryl is not one of them. I also happen love the comics on which this TV show is based :) The comic book is a total masterpiece... wish it was full colour tho.