The Suicide Squad Releases Its Big Trailer

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Jun 20, 2012
Warner Bros sent out the trailer for The Suicide Squad this morning. There’s no rating on the trailer, but sources indicate they’re shooting for an R with this one. The trailer is Red Band, but don’t worry — it’s of the “swearing” variety mostly; you won’t see anything that’ll spoil your lunch.
So what is this — a sequel to the David Ayer Suicide Squad, or a reboot? It appears to be…both? It’s a new story, but several of the same actors show up in the same roles, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn most prominently. Also, the two movies are called “Suicide Squad” and “The Suicide Squad” and they were released within five years of each other. Why, that’s not confusing at all!
If it’s a better movie, though, it’ll serve its purpose of making everyone forget about the first one. And this is a pretty solid trailer that amused me in quite a few places (though I’ve been hoodwinked by trailers before, so who knows until launch). For one thing, it opens with the first Harley gag in a live-action...

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