The Most HYPE Moments From Awesome Games Done Quick 2020

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Jun 20, 2012
Awesome Games Done Quick 2020 ended Sunday night and, once again, set a record for itself: $3.13 million was raised in just one week for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Not bad for an event that, just ten years ago, was being held for the first time — in a basement somewhere.
There were many memorable runs this year, and since it would literally take a week to watch every single one of them, we’ve picked a bunch of our favorites. And away we go…

This speaks for itself: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, two players on one controller, BOTH BLINDFOLDED. Little Mac never took a single blow.

Bad Games Done Quick never fails to be one of the star attractions of each marathon. This year’s block led itself off with the horrible Game Boy Color Animorphs game, which believe it or not shipped to stores missing its final level. A cheat code has to be put in to access it…

Following that was Super Hydlide for the Genesis, which is the best game in the Hydlide series — and that should tell you something...

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