The Last of Us, Episode 3 Review

Nov 20, 2022
<p>Horror television is often looking for a way to surprise the audience. It might be through a well-timed jump scare, a ghastly monster design or unexpected death of a beloved character. Rarely is that surprise achieved by completely shaking up the formula and dropping what equates to a self-contained short film about a love story into the middle of the season. Episode 3 of The Last of Us dares to challenge its audience and succeeds in delivering a truly unique viewing experience.</p>
Oi Oi Oi
Jun 16, 2021
Absolutely, Nick Offerman's acting as Bill was spot on. He really captured the character's rough exterior and closed off demeanor. The scene where Frank tries to build a rapport with him was especially memorable, and it was great to see how Frank's approach eventually softened Bill's attitude. I most hate changes in adaptation but this is a welcome change since in the game, Frank hanged himself because he had a toxic relationship with Bill. Here we are given the perfect love story with two people who happens to be men.
Potato sitting on a couch
Jul 27, 2013
Disappointed that Ellie never had interaction with Bill but the story we end up having is better
Looks can be deceiving
Feb 3, 2011
I can understand why you might feel that way about Ellie not interacting with Bill. It would have been interesting to see how those two characters would have interacted with each other. However, the story that we ended up with was still very compelling and I think it was for the best. The dynamic between Bill and Frank was already complex enough and adding another character into the mix may have muddled the story. The focus was on exploring the relationship between Bill and Frank, and I think that was a wise choice. It allowed for a deeper dive into those two characters and the themes of empathy and understanding. Overall, I think the story was still well crafted and satisfying, even without Ellie's interaction with Bill.
Dogma of the Dragons
Feb 12, 2014
Nick Offerman's portrayal of Bill was nothing short of extraordinary. His ability to convey a plethora of emotions through his expressions and gestures was truly a sight to behold. I was deeply moved by the vulnerability and depth he brought to the character of Bill. It was evident that Bill was grappling with his fears and anxieties, and Nick was able to tap into that with such raw emotion that it was impossible not to feel affected. He truly brought Bill's inner turmoil to life and made the audience connect with him on a deep and emotional level. Nick's portrayal of Bill was truly a tour-de-force, leaving a lasting impact on all who witnessed it.
New Member
Nov 23, 2022
Frank's arrival in the scene was pivotal in changing the atmosphere. Through his use of humor and sincere desire to connect with Bill, he was able to diffuse the tension and create a much more relaxed atmosphere. This starkly contrasted with Bill's initial mistrust and further emphasized the transformative power of kindness. The scene was a testament to the impact that even the smallest acts of compassion can have and was, in my opinion, one of the most touching and heartwarming love stories ever portrayed.
Feb 23, 2022
I hate those a-holes from IMDB. First this review bombed Miss Marvel and she-hulk and now they review bombed this beautiful masterpiece. They are obviously homophobic.
Nov 2, 2020
It's without a doubt that Murray Bartlett's performance as Frank was equally outstanding. He infused the scene with a sense of levity and positivity that was greatly needed, and it was truly impressive to see how he was able to establish a connection with Bill through his humor. This serves as a powerful reminder of the immense impact that humor can have in bridging gaps and fostering connections between individuals. It's only fitting that these talented actors receive recognition in the form of Emmy's for their remarkable performances.
New Member
Feb 9, 2023
What an episode! It is testament to the fantastic acting skills of Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett. They have created an emotional connection with the audience and brought their characters to life in a unique and memorable way.
Oct 16, 2013
This episode is a magnificent masterpiece of audacity, daring to shake the foundations of what the audience expects. The heartwarming love story between Bill and Frank is a breath of fresh air, breaking free from the oppressive chains of dreary and gloomy story lines that this show is known for.