Brave Sound~
May 14, 2008

Bandito Shake Cometh
Apr 1, 2009
These 3 mini trailers have shown more personality than any of the 2-3 minute trailers i've seen.
New Member
Feb 21, 2008
No offense dude, but if cloesly follow the movie you'd find several picures of Noaang smileing

I don't get why people nitpick at such little info that comes there way like that ,but i cannot see an excuse that Shyamalan coudn't do some research and get some upcoming acotrs of color for the mian roles of the Gaang. The only cast members i do like are Noah Ringer , Dev Patel and Shaun Toub.
From the reviews i've read , and from the novelization I've read , the film doesn't even sound like the show at all. Alot of the plot should've been left untouched. They took out all of the feminism that made the strong female characters well liked in the show,even changing or removing aspects of the history. [/HIDE]

The only plot i would've kept out was Jet's or maybe integrate it with the Haru episode plot . Besides that the show could've easily transitioned into film without any kinks. You would just have to extend the film time to like 2 and a half hours long to get all of the development in and such. It feels like a fanfic more than anything . Not even the stellar effects are going to save it . Alto of the changes were really not necessary like the elimination of Asian influences altogether ,and do not even mention the fighting styles. Anime is not ambiguous ,especially since the big eyes were adapted from the influence Disney had on the great early Japanese manga-ka at the time .

In fact , if they really wanted diversity , why not do it like this:

Air Nomads: South-Eastern Asians with Tibetan influence. No whites because their population is homogeneous and very small like in the show, though it could be an exception .

Southern Water Tribe : Same case with the Air Nomads and keep them Inuit. No exceptions to the rule here as they have been isolated from their Northern part. Also makes sense considering their population is ridiculously small.

Northern Water Tribe: Perhaps a multiracial melting pot is in order here since they are a big port city, but an Inuit and Siberian (White if ya wanna kno) mixed presence is the majority like it is in America. Great population laong with traditional values.

Earth Kingdom: Indian , Arabic and primarily Chinese with Mongolian and Korean tossed in .This nation would ,like in our world's Asia , have the Middle Eastern counterparts near the deserts , the Indians in some of those cities like Omashu ,Korean for Toph and Ba Sing Se would be a Beijing counterpart with a strong majority of Han Chinese.

Fire Nation: White people can be in this nation (Latinos and Mediterranean peoples are white) , while the mainland is primarily Japanese influenced with some roman undertones. In the colonies , their would be a blend of Earth and Fire influences ( Racial, whatever)that would of course sway their allegiance to their motherland. The Gaijin complex would come to play in this scenario as it did with the older generations of Japanese.

No one would be truly excluded. When they do reboot the franchise film series, i hope to be a part of it or even direct it. I don't beleive in colorblind casting since it really doesn't challenge the status quo of having whites for every role. Also I love the actors in this so lifting them from the ealrier film albeit in different roles would be great. The main problem is that it sounds like he didn't get any consultation from the creators and mainly since it would be a bit better had they written it. The film feels really dark and depressing, a long way from the adventure that was in the show.

I will give a chance and go to see it , but this is what i wanted to unload from my chest.
Last edited:
Jan 11, 2009
1. This movie was cast looking for the best actors for the parts. No one was singled out and everyone had their chance.

2. Their are only so many things you can put in a movie based on a series like this. And since you also have to take into account that little kids will be watching this, you need to be able to keep their attention.

3. I have also read the novelization you don't need the feminism to make strong female characters. Especially when it comes at the cost of making your main characters unlikable (sokka, and Master Pakku).Also do you know how episodic season one is there are plenty of episodes that are unnecessary. Also I would also like to remind you that certain episode plot points, and characters have been moved to other movies to save time and create a better pace. And if M.night had put in every episode like you are suggesting this movie would be 10 hours long. You wanna know why he already tried:
The first outline I made of the movie I bought Mike and Bryan to my house and said, "I have an outline of the movie, what do you think?" And they said, "This is like 10 hours long. You have to cut stuff." And I thought, "I can't. I love everything." The first outline was so long that — you know, I'll give you an example. You know the bounty hunter? I love that! I thought, "I'm getting her in here I have to." And I just couldn't fit her in. In an episodic series, the nature is that it's episodic. You need to have a beginning, middle and end in each episode. It needs to go "right, left, right, left," like that. But there's a through-line that's present in most of the episodes — like he has to master all the elements, those kind of things. Someone's chasing him. Katara and her brother are becoming like a family and they're protecting him, and they're moving to the Northern Border Tribe. Broad things like that, that represent the story of the first season. So there's a bunch of things that had to get jettisoned for this movie.
Found here:

4. The Asian influences are still in the movies all the bending is based of the same martial arts in the show, and the nations are designed with asian influences too as shown here:

5.These are what make up the movie version of the nations.

Air nomads: All mixed raced because of their nomadic background.
"The Air Nomads look to be a combination of asia's many monk-like cultures, from Shaolin to Tibet to India. The inclusion of Indian culture is something that wasn't highlighted much in the show despite talk of Chakras, Avatars, and countless Buddhist references. They've detached themselves from the world and its many concerns, physically and mentally, and live a care-free life. Compared to the show, the Air Nomads actually look much closer to the Tibetan and Shaolin cultures they were based off of, while adding in a new Indian cultural influence"

SWT: Inuit except Sokka and Katara who's background comes more from the Nwt.
"The South Tribe is based primarily on Inuit culture and the outlook of survival."

NWT: Russian,
"While the North Tribe is based mostly on Europe and the pursuit of grand art. The two cultures are vastly different and show how much one tribe has been affected by the war while the other has remained strong and safe. The cultural changes are minimal when compared to the original show.

Earth Kingdom: All Asian with some African. There hasn't been much shown of the earth kingdom except for some villages. So I can't really say what the culture is gonna primarily be based off of, but I assume it will be an Asian culture.

Fire nation: Made up of Indian, middle eastern Maori etc...
"the Fire Nation Military has the spirit of Qin Dynasty China, the technology of the early 20th Century Wars, and a hint of modern-day designs. It's an odd mixture, but it's a fantasy world. The other cultural aspects of the Fire Nation like their day-to-day clothing and architecture probably aren't going to be featured until the third movie when the gAang gets to the homeland."

So you don't believe in color blind casting, but you think it's wrong for the PR casting sheets to look for a specific race. But at the same time if MMPR were to be remade you want them to keep their race like in the show, but if it's spider-man, who like the Power rangers,
"don't even show face"
can be black. Even though Spider-man has had tons of comics, 4 cartoons, and 3 movies with him white. The power rangers who are less iconic, and have not even been around half the time spider-man has can keep their race. I think you're being very hypocritical, and I think you don't understand the process of making a movie ADAPTATION and how things will be changed just because there is only so much time. Also M.night has had the script approved by the creators, and they are also producers on the movie and have visited the set before as confirmed by another producer:

And one more thing I don't see how you could possibly think this movie is dark and depressing. Did you not see that Tv spot with momo and Sokka getting frozen.
New Member
Feb 21, 2008
1. This movie was cast looking for the best actors for the parts. No one was singled out and everyone had their chance.

2. Their are only so many things you can put in a movie based on a series like this. And since you also have to take into account that little kids will be watching this, you need to be able to keep their attention.

3. I have also read the novelization you don't need the feminism to make strong female characters. Especially when it comes at the cost of making your main characters unlikable (sokka, and Master Pakku).Also do you know how episodic season one is there are plenty of episodes that are unnecessary. Also I would also like to remind you that certain episode plot points, and characters have been moved to other movies to save time and create a better pace. And if M.night had put in every episode like you are suggesting this movie would be 10 hours long. You wanna know why he already tried:Found here:

4. The Asian influences are still in the movies all the bending is based of the same martial arts in the show, and the nations are designed with asian influences too as shown here:

5.These are what make up the movie version of the nations.

Air nomads: All mixed raced because of their nomadic background.

SWT: Inuit except Sokka and Katara who's background comes more from the Nwt.

NWT: Russian,

Earth Kingdom: All Asian with some African. There hasn't been much shown of the earth kingdom except for some villages. So I can't really say what the culture is gonna primarily be based off of, but I assume it will be an Asian culture.

Fire nation: Made up of Indian, middle eastern Maori etc...

So you don't believe in color blind casting, but you think it's wrong for the PR casting sheets to look for a specific race. But at the same time if MMPR were to be remade you want them to keep their race like in the show, but if it's spider-man, who like the Power rangers, can be black. Even though Spider-man has had tons of comics, 4 cartoons, and 3 movies with him white. The power rangers who are less iconic, and have not even been around half the time spider-man has can keep their race. I think you're being very hypocritical, and I think you don't understand the process of making a movie ADAPTATION and how things will be changed just because there is only so much time. Also M.night has had the script approved by the creators, and they are also producers on the movie and have visited the set before as confirmed by another producer:

And one more thing I don't see how you could possibly think this movie is dark and depressing. Did you not see that Tv spot with momo and Sokka getting frozen.

1. If they did ,then why did the casting sheet say otherwise? While I do acknowledge the fact that other ethnicities were gonig for the main roles, M. Night should have strived to get a far more diverse cast ( not counting minor characters or villains) so it wouldn't look like whites versus evil minorities.

2. I agree with this.

3. Sokka wasn't really that bad but Pakku was ,but that could be explained in tradition and such, and with the back-story of him and Gran Gran would get people to sympathize with him. They could have kept the story intact , and trust me , i would have removed some unneeded stuff like the filler or melded it in with other plots to quicken the pace. M. Night will have alot of explaining to do when Jet and other characters come out of nowhere in the sequel unless he can write them into the plot without being distractions to Azula. The main problem is that there will be too many characters in the second so unless they are going to make the sequel longer, it will be a mind boggling train-wreck .

4. Good job highlighting the cultures used . That site is pretty sweet ,and the reason why Northern and Southern tribes are vastly different closely match my suspicions. I thought the Northern tribe was based off the Siberians which are white and are Russian. Air Nomads now make more sense than before and the Fire Nation sounds really cool. :thumbs:

5. I agree with you no this. But i have to add that since Appa is stolen in the show by the Desert people , I guess there will be some Middle Eastern influence or some other .

6. I believe that there are certain instances where colorblind casting and specific casting is appropriate. Specific casting should be used for characters or real people with known ethnicity and colorblind casting should be for characters that can be anything. I forgot to mention that the original Power Rangers could be any ethnicity much like Spiderman also , but keeping it intact is just a minor nod. Both could be played by anyone because they are universal. It would make no difference if you change the race of characters as long as the story doesn't make the race a big factor. If not , then the change would alter the character and make him or her into a different person altogether. In that way I'm not hypocritical . I do understand that there is an allotted time for the casting and such but M.Night got the approval in 2007, more than enough time to cast everybody up to the second film if he was going to pull a LOTR. Because after that there are only a few characters introduced in the third one since most would come from the second film onwards. That time could have given him the opportunity to try to cast people of color in the film . Sadly people of color unfortunately couldn't be brought into the film in the main cast because it would open alot of opportunities for them .Although I like the final cast anyways , I will have to get used to Gran Gran since she looks kinda creepy.
Jan 11, 2009
1. The casting sheet was created by a third party not paramount, Frank Marshall a producer has provided documentation saying that the casting was open to all ethnicity's. Here:
M.night strived to get the best actors he could it's not like in the end the entire gaang is gonna be white Toph will be Asian and Zuko will join later. In the end I think the acting is most important because that's how people will be able to connect with the characters not through the skin tone.

3. The thing with Pakku though is that it was very Deus ex machina and in the long run it's not all that important. You also have to understand there are some important characters and some not important. Characters like jet and his crew and jun aren't very neccesary for the overall plot there are alot of characters that may not get in the movie just because they aren't needed

6. If you have that mindset then why should it matter what race the people in The last airbender are. Since it doesn't really make their characters change whether they are black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or Indian. M.night has gone on the record saying that he made the races of the nations based on the main characters cast. And like I've said before every one had a chance to be a main character, no matter what the ethnicity so it shouldn't be a problem since he was looking for acting skills not races.