The Flashback Interview: John Caglione Jr.

Jan 7, 2014
A few months back, I wrote the article 15 90s Things I Like. One of the projects I mentioned was Dick Tracy, and my newest interview subject, John Caglione Jr., is a large reason why I loved that movie so much. With his Oscar-winning makeup designs, created alongside Doug Drexler, John Caglione Jr. helped bring the characters of Chester Gould’s classic comic strip to life.
There’s more to John than that, though, as he’s been creating makeup since he was a teenager and one of the youngest staff members at Saturday Night Live. He’s worked with legendary directors like Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola, his working relationship with Al Pacino, which began on Dick Tracy, has been going on for over three decades now, and he’s still working to this day.
John took the time out of his schedule to speak to me on Monday, May 25th, and I hope...

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