The Flash will still go to theaters despite the controversies of Ezra Miller

Feb 23, 2022
It's disheartening to see the clear double standards in the entertainment industry, where a man like Ezra Miller is given a second chance after controversies, but a woman like Amber Heard is not given the same consideration. Both have faced similar issues, yet only one is being given the opportunity to redeem themselves and continue with their careers. This perpetuates the harmful gender bias that still exists in our society and it's imperative that we call it out and fight for equal treatment for all.
New days fly away across D universe See you there
Sep 2, 2012
I have to say, the interaction between the two Barry Allens was one of the highlights of the movie. It was great to see the playfulness and humor between the two, and it added a lighthearted and enjoyable element to the film. I also appreciated how they explored the differences between the two characters and how they each brought something unique to the table. They are two different people and the same person at the same time. I have the fantasy of meeting other versions of myself in the multiverse.
3... 2... 1... Krypton
Feb 6, 2023
As a passionate admirer of the CW's The Flash series, I must confess that my devotion to Grant Gustin as the scarlet speedster remains unwavering. Grant brought a unique, sincere, and charming interpretation of Barry Allen to life on the small screen, captivating audiences and winning the hearts of fans everywhere. Although I comprehend that the new movie represents a different incarnation of the beloved hero, it is impossible for me to avoid comparisons with Gustin's masterful performance. I have yet to be persuaded that Ezra Miller can match the high bar set by Gustin, and I fear that his portrayal may fall short of the expectations set by the CW series. In my eyes, Gustin will forever be the Flash, and I do not anticipate anyone else to alter this perspective. Furthermore, I firmly believe that Grant is a better person, with a spotless reputation and beloved by his peers, than Ezra.
Sep 24, 2022
Definitely! I completely agree with you. Grant Gustin's performance as the Flash was truly unforgettable, and he brought a special touch to the character that is hard to match. It's hard to see someone else take on the role, and it's understandable to have concerns about how the new movie will turn out. I, too, will always see Gustin as the Flash, and I hope that future adaptations of the character will be able to live up to the standards he set.
New Member
Jan 7, 2023
It's important to consider the current state of Ezra Miller and their recent troubles. With the release of The Flash, they will likely be in the public eye more often and face more scrutiny. I hope that they are able to use this platform to promote a positive message and show that they are taking steps towards bettering themselves. Rehabilitation is a difficult but necessary journey.
New Member
Feb 13, 2023
I'm such a regular viewer of the 'superhero-multiverse' (MARVEL, DC ... DOCTOR WHO? TERMINATOR/SKYNET?), I regard most of these movies as 'episodes in the continuing space-operas' LoL
Jun 26, 2022
Flash have big role in DC and Justice League movies. He started Flash Paradox and he will start point for Universe Reset. In my oppinion he have more important role than Batman or Superman, at least in global movement. Thumbs up for DC not changing actor after first bad thing.
New Member
Feb 14, 2023
Can someone please explain to me the concept of Non-Binary and why they prefer They/Them pronouns. I feel out of the loop.
Apr 22, 2022
The film has faced delays due to Covid-19 and the release date of July 2018 being pushed back multiple times and undergoing changes in the production team, director, and script, which have all contributed to the delays so I hope there are no more delays.
Will win againts the Entity
Nov 10, 2021
They pushed it back because the lead actor is mess, He is currently in a rehab now, He got lucky to be given a second chance. DC may have settled his kidnapping cases too.