The Flash will still go to theaters despite the controversies of Ezra Miller

Jun 18, 2011
Listen folks, I gotta be honest with you. I'm not too hopeful about this Flash movie. And it's not just because of Ezra Miller's recent behavior, which, let's be real, has been completely unacceptable. The way WB treated Henry Cavill was just messed up too. You can't trick a dude into coming back for a 5-second cameo and then give him the boot. That's just not right. So, while I hope people enjoy the movie, I've got no intention of throwing any of my hard-earned cash towards supporting it or anything else with Ezra Miller involved. He's got some serious work to do in terms of making amends for his actions, and I won't be contributing to his success until he does. That's just the way it is.
Apr 17, 2005
"My good friends, You know, Robert Downey Jr. was able to turn his life around and become one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, all starting with Iron Man. And who's to say Ezra Miller can't do the same? We all deserve a chance to redeem ourselves, don't we?
So, I'm going to head to the theater and check out this Flash movie. Let's give the guy a chance, shall we? After all, forgiveness is a powerful thing. Everyone deserves another shot, and maybe this film will be the start of a new chapter for Ezra. Here's to hoping for the best
Oct 2, 2022
Bah! Can't believe people are trying to compare Robert Downey Jr. and Ezra Miller. The situations they were in were completely different, and let's be real, RDJ wasn't causing harm to as many people.But I suppose everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves. However, a successful movie does not equate to redemption. Miller needs to actually show regret for his actions and make amends to those he's hurt. Until that happens, I'll reserve my judgment."
Listen to me
Feb 7, 2023
Bruh, this movie has been in the works for what feels like forever, but finally, it's coming to theaters, baby! I'm a huge fan of The Flash, and I'm so excited to see what they do with the character. It's gonna be epic, bro!
Semper Articulately
Feb 3, 2023
I agree with DC separating the artist from the art. Regardless of Ezra Miller's controversies, I believe that the final product will speak for itself. The Flash looks like it's going to be a great film
New Member
Aug 29, 2022
You know what, folks? DC made the smart move by separating the artist from the art. I don't care what's been said about Ezra Miller, the final product of this film is what truly counts. The Flash has been in the making for a hot minute, and it looks like it's gonna be a showstopper! I'm on the edge of my seat to see how the story unfolds. The cast and crew have been putting in the work, and I have no doubt that it'll show in the film. Sure, there's been some controversy surrounding Ezra, but I have faith that The Flash will stand tall and bring a captivating and entertaining experience to all superhero fans out there. I have big expectations for The Flash, and I can't wait to see it in theaters!


Feb 27, 2021
The official trailer looks amazing! The special effects and action scenes look top-notch. I'm definitely getting hyped for this movie.
You Don't talk about!
Aug 6, 2015
I couldn't agree more, Benimaru! The Flash has been in the making for a while, and it's exciting to finally see it come to life on the big screen. No matter what's happened with Ezra Miller, the film will speak for itself and I'm confident it will be a great one. The cast and crew have put in so much effort and I can't wait to see the final result.
A Writer seeking his path.
Jan 19, 2023
I've been a fan of The Flash for a long time, and I'm so glad that the movie is finally coming out. The controversies surrounding Ezra Miller don't change the fact that this film has the potential to be amazing. The cast, the crew, the director, and the storyline all sound like a recipe for success. I can't wait to see The Flash in theaters! Honestly, I think it's a smart move by DC to release The Flash in theaters despite the controversies surrounding Ezra Miller. The film has been in production for a long time and they lost a lot of money already.
Have a mustache, be cool.
Sep 13, 2022
I personally cannot support this film and the lead actor. The actions and behavior of Ezra Miller are unacceptable, and it is disappointing that the studio has chosen to keep him in the film. I will not be contributing to the success of a project that supports and perpetuates this kind of behavior.