Someone JUST NOW Found A Two-Player Mode In Super Punch-Out

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Staff member
Jun 20, 2012
Punch-Out has gone by many names (Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, Punch-Out Featuring Mr. Dream, or just Punch-Out!!) but it’s remained a perennial favorite since its debut in the arcades as an impressive two-screen machine. It hasn’t gotten many sequels since its NES port, but it did get a turn on the Super NES in the form of Super Punch-Out. The game was sold and marketed as a one-player experience, but it turns out it had a hidden two player mode this entire time.
That’s correct…a whole other way to play the game, unreported in Nintendo Power or anyplace else. The Twitter account Unlisted Cheats revealed the existence of a secret button combo to unlock the feature this afternoon. Here’s how to do it….
You will need two controllers plugged in. On the title screen, hold Y and R on the second controller, then press Start or A on the first controller. A new-to-you, never-before-seen menu will appear before your eyes...

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Feb 9, 2006
Imagine it has been 28 years since this game is release and it took them forever to discover this mode. I wonder why Nintendo never revealed this to gaming magazines back then.
Worthy of Trust
May 8, 2006
This hidden mode for two players looks like a lot of fun. When my friends and I were younger and still used the original Super Nintendo Entertainment System to play Super Punch-Out shortly after it was released, I really wish I had known this information. Many thanks for enlightening me to the previously unknown fact! This made my day! I am utterly and completely taken aback. By a wide margin, this was my favorite game, and I genuinely can't believe anything like this ever exists. I beg you to consider making Super Punch Out a side mode in another game.
Active Member
Feb 28, 2013
Although I'm not a big fan of this game, I can't help but be impressed by how well this secret was concealed for so long.
Jul 20, 2006
When I was a kid, I spent years playing this game, and I remember one time when I accidentally used the Japanese letter hack. That is the amount of times I've played this. You have no clue how much time I'm going to spend playing in the two-player mode.