Rangers that are worth seeing again, but aren't

Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
I was thinking the other day how unfortunate it is to not see the rangers I connected with the most, in SMF, which were the NS and DinoThunder Rangers.

They were arguably the most enjoyable, and well acted casts (NS being my fav of the two) in the history of the franchise. The lack of a cameo isn't really a biggie though, because I know Pua and Sally are in NZ but they're both on the NZ TV series Shortland Street so I can understand being busy with that. Kira made a comeback in OaR in OO so you can say I sort of had my DT fix way back then, so the craving isn't as strong.

But what gets to me is that none of these two teams have made Con appearances, not to my knowledge at least; and I'm almost 100% sure they haven't had team panels. I would have really liked to hear about their time during the show.

But yea, that's just my 2 pennies.
Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
Life needs a Ninja Storm..and a Dino Thunder...wait was the deal with mixing themes and weather...

SPD should have been Police Tornado.