PUBG Mobile Getting Serious About Cheaters

Staff member
Apr 7, 2012
When PUBG first caught fire on the PC, it took some bad press for letting cheaters run rampant on their servers. Arguably, it could’ve been one of the reasons Fortnite overtook it in the Battle Royale popularity contest. Now that the game has expanded to mobile, they really can’t afford to look the other way any longer.
Tencent, the developer of PUBG Mobile, has announced a new system put in place to detect, catch and ban cheating in the game as soon as it starts. For starters, a system of detection software will scan each account to inspect for modified data or illegal enhancements. Those who fall under suspicion are handed to the second line of defense, a team of monitors who watch PUBG matches that suspect accounts are taking part in. In case they miss anything, it’s still possible to report a cheater when you encounter one.
“We want players to know that we are 100% committed to providing a fair gameplay experience for everyone,” said Vincent Wang, General Manager of Global...

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