Turbo power! Ha!
Feb 23, 2005
Hello, board.

This is Steve a.k.a. Crimson Tide sharing with you a fiNc I author. It's an AU to Power Rangers Turbo. I post this on RB, however, NinjaJack recommends this forum as well. This is my second go at it and I feel it's a vast improvement. Please feel free to critique in all ways.

Story notes:

1) In this AU, continuity (spelling?) wise, a season two of Zeo would have taken place in 1997 instead of the Turbo we've seen on Fox Kids. All the events would have transpired into the Space season the same, so no big deal there.

2) Forever Red did NOT happen in this AU. It just didn't.

3) Dino Thunder did NOT happen in this AU, either. This would have been the next "season" following Ninja Storm.

Now you're up to speed with what's going on. I'm not big on spelling checks like I used to be or grammar checks for the matter, so bare with me. It's alright for the most part! Enjoy.


Episode One - Shift into Turbo (part 1)

The busy intersection of Main and 50th wasn't bustling as usual. It was past one in the afternoon. Many were out on lunch but with no avenue to return. Motorists of Stone Canyon blew their horns impatienly waiting for emergency crews to clear a lane. Traffic was at a standstill and backed up for at least a good mile. The heat was sweltering this particular summer day.

A city bus sat gridlocked with many sweaty, unhappy passengers. Some opted to get off and walk the remainder of their respective destinations, but most stayed put. One teenager sat looking ahead to the front of the bus contimplating what to do. The headphones hugging his sandy blonde hair blasted the popular alternative tune of the moment, making him oblivious to some of the muffled complaints of neighboring passengers.

Digging into one of the many pockets of his green cargo shorts, the boy pulled out his cell phone to check on the time. He knew his uncle would be wondering where he was by now. Everyday at 1PM, one Adam James "A.J." Lorenzo must report to uncle, legal guardian, and Red Lightning Auto Shop owner Thomas "Tommy" Oliver. It's been seven months now since the passing of his mother. The only family left (or willing) to take him in was a relative only seen on occasion; a mid-twenties Californian and former martial arts campanion.

"Thanks," A.J. mumbled to the driver as he stepped off the idle mass-transit vehicle.

Life in the city was different the sixteen year old learned quickly. It wasn't anything close to the beach community in Florida he was raised in, but nothing he hasn't seen on TV. The ever-urbanizing city turned metropolis rivaled other major U.S. cities with its constant moving. The teen adapted quickly, thanks only to a shell created from his mother's untimely death. At least the summer provided his uncle a break from receiving calls from the high school.

Several blocks away sandwiched between a row of brick buildings sat a red-themed auto repair and parts shop. The sign mounted above the entrance sported a lightning bolt with the words Red Lightning wrapped atop the neon-lettering. The garage was fairly busy that day. The small team of red-suited mechanics were either busy hacking away at or tweaking cars, or assisting clients. One mechanic in particular sported a blue jump suit, denoting his position as supervisor. Rolling out from under the Frontier he had been clinking away at, the nineteen-year-old wiped his hands on a small hand towel and looked across the way to see a younger teen coming into the garage.

"You're late," he said rising up from the floor.

"Whatever, Nick," A.J. answered. "Where is he?"

"He'll be back soon. He had to take care of something."

Nicholas Butler reached for his water bottle and downed an extra large gulp. Sweat trickled from the short crop of auburn hair and down his face. He never liked Tommy's nephew's attitude toward him. Rude, honoary, rebellious; everything Nick was when he was A.J.'s age (perhaps the only reason he could tolerate him).

"Can you just tell him I checked in?" A.J. asked.

"No. That would be your job, kid."

"Look, I got better things to do than to sit around and wait for my uncle."

"And I got better things to do than to talk to you," Nick said turning back to the truck. "Yo, Christian!"

Another young man, looking about the same age of Nicholas, looked up from his project with a bothersome expression. "What is it?"

"It's almost time," Nick said pointing to his watch.

"Gotcha," Christian said adjusting the red duderag atop his head. "What about the kid?"

"Kaleb can watch him."

"No can do," the man of topic answered. "I have a doctor's appointment at 2:30."

"Until you uncle gets back, go chill in his office so you'll be out the way. Don't want anything flying or falling on you," Nicholas warned, his sincerity more than embelleshed.

* * *

A Red Trans Am pulled into the ally way alongside a row of beaten tin garbage cans. It's engine was at a quiet purr now as opposed to a moment ago when it was speeding fearlessly to its destination. The afternoon still was bright and humid the man inside the car assesed as he stepped out onto the pavement and away from the air conditioned vehicle. Baggy cargo pants and a red Polo would disguise him as a casual citizen, however, this was not the case.

"Lightning Cruser, engage security," the man ordered.

Instantly, without delay, a red-coated armor snapped onto the Trans Am. The tires were consumed with a protective shell and the doors, too, were consealed with a strip of metallic coating. A sequence of beeps chimed from the man's wrist watch.

"Red Lightning," he plainly answered into the device.

"It's me -- Eugene."

"Ugh ... what'd I tell you?"

"Sorry, Tommy," Eugene apologized before realizing the same mistake had been made. "Oh! I mean Red Lightning! Skull here."

"Go ahead, Skull," Tommy said shaking his head.

"I have a lock on the keys toward the center of the warehouse adjacent to the Lightning Cruser. Body heat is severe according to the scanners."

"So I'll have a welcoming committee waiting for me. How nice," Tommy grinned.

"You sure you can do this?" asked Skull. "I mean these keys don't necessarily mean he's going to use them for--"

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to you?" Tommy asked growing slightly annoyed. "I'm leaving the line open. Holler at me if any unwelcomed crashers decide to spring up. ... Plus, you know for a fact Henry Chin can't be allowed to use the turbo technology for his fueling company.

"Here we go..."

"Ever since the merger Shark Fuels, Gas Tech, and Drive-X, there's been too much at stake; too much power."

"Yada yada yada. I've heard your spiel a hundred times now," Skull said.

"That makes one hundred and one," Tommy corrected.

"Yeah, well, I still say you're paranoided. This could be a revolution of a lifetime! I mean, look, eliminating the dependency on oil and gas alone is a big feat. On top of that, reforming the turbo technology with the G8 project to transport matter can totally rid the world of all landfills. Why question it?"

"We've had this discission five times now, Skull. Chin cannot be trusted. He's got his past. Quit being his fanboy for a second and go with me on this."

"I am I am. Geesh," Skull groaned. "Whoa. Body heat nearby. Prepare yourself, Red."

* * *

A solar-yellow Suzuki zipped through the bicycle lane on Main, leaving behind the sitting traffic. The helmetted rider grinned as she shifted her weight to the right as she prepared to turn. Small children fled to the sidewalks in excitement seeing the noisy colorful bike cut through the small in-road sandwiched between two of Stone Canyon's busiest avenues. Local establishments hugged both sides of the pothole ladden street and served as the center of the city's Hispanic community. Spanish retailers, a deli, a cleaners; just anything. The borough doubled as the stomping grounds for one Erin Rogers.

"Hey, everyone!" the young woman said dismounting her bike.

The helmet was removed and sat resting on the seat of the Suzuki. Shiny brunette hair spilled from its confinement to the back of the woman's head, rich curly tips touching just past her shoulder blades. The small children rushed over to greet their visitor.

"Hi, Erin!" one shouted.

"Hey, Mellie baby," Erin said embracing the child. "Que pasa, mi amor?"

"Nada mucho," the girl giggled. "It's my turn to wear your jacket, remember?"

The other kids whined in protest. A gleaming Erin ignored their chastising as she slipped off the black and yellow Suzuki jacket and draped it over the shoulders of the eight year old. Mellie's face instantly lit up, as did Erin's. The sound of two more bikes cut the exchange short however.

Looking pass the girl, Erin saw two fast approaching Sukuzis similar to hers. The children lined the sidewalk again with quiet reception. Erin shepared Mellie to her peers as the two men stopped and dismounted.

"Are you trying to get our heads blown off?" Erin seethed. "Look at the time."

The one with the blue and white jacket removed his helmet and smiled coyly. "Of course."

"Nick, I swear--"

"Not in front of the children," Christian teased, removing his helmet next.

Nick, stealing a quick kiss from Erin, reaching into his back jean pocket and produced a folded piece of paper.

"We're so not late. Relax. We'll be early if anything. You know how Mikey is with these things. Late as always," Nick reassured his girlfriend.

"Uh huh," Erin said evidently not convinced. "I don't need to hear his mouth again."

"Been here long?" Christian addressed Erin.

"Just got here myself. So we're ready?"

"Ready," said Nick. "Let's do this."

* * *

Footsteps of two men pattered through the narrow ally way. Shielded by the row of garbage cans from earlier, Tommy waited in an uncomfortable squatting position. He could ill-afford to let Shark Fuels Inc. present the turbo technology at tonight's gala downtown. If evidence matched suspecion, this could possibly spell doom for the world at large Tommy imagined. All his research raced through his mind as he waited for the men to pass. The snapshots of secret meetings, the taped conversations, the undercover investigations; it was adding up.

This was his obession since that unfortunate evening two and a half years ago. As he squat there, Tommy's eyes grew as if the memories were projecting themselves before him. Everyday was a constant reminder of that void his uncle once filled after his days as Zeo Ranger 5 came to a sudden end. It was September of 1997 Tommy began to reminsce. It was several months after Jason lost the Gold Ranger powers. Everyone was going their seperate ways. Tanya had her gig at the radio station and was going for broadcasting. Adam had his stint as a stunt show performer and planned to major in business to start his dojo thereafter. Rocky shared a similar ambition, but one night eventually redirected his life down a path of dirty diapers and a desk job. Last, there was one Katherine Hillard. The hardly existent relationship was all Tommy had left before passing the torch. There was his car racing, but it was merely a part-time hobby after high school ended along with his after-school karate classes at Ernie's.

When Katherine announced to everyone she was returning home to Australia for a position at a dance academy, that was when Tommy threw himself into his racing. It was a temporary escape, but a good one. There was no more power, no more zord fights. The gang was gone and Tommy was left without a friend except for his uncle. Strange he thought how someone can raise you for all those years and not feel any sincere emotional attachment until the world comes crashing down. True serendipity.

Now that man who raised him was gone; his life taken by the hands of those whom he believes is linked to one of the world's most powerful moguels; Henry Chin; C.E.O. of Shark Fuels. The object to which the slaining took place over remained just yards within the warehouse beside him; or he had hoped thanks to some "help."

Eugene Skullovich, or simply Skull. The most unlikely of friends; the story usually brings a smile to Tommy's face. Neverminding it for the moment, he redirected his concentration to the task at hand. Listening carefully, he heard one man comment on the parked vehicle.

"Whose is it?"

"I don't know," the other replied. "We better radio it in. Could be a security threat."

Tommy rose from his spot. "Gentlemen?"

The duo spun around. Tommy stepped into closer proximity to the men. "If you're looking for a threat -- you found one."

* * *

"Just making sure," Michael said into his cell.

"Mikey, you know me. We're always on time," Nick said from his end. "Terrance just phoned me with the passcode. Rest assure, we'll be under the first floor after I hang up. Erin's got the equipment and Christian has the rest. So relax, man!"

"Don't tell me to relax! My father has his gala tonight and we need that computer program to activate those blasted things."

"Wouldn't it be easier just to get it on a disk? Taking the whole freakin' system with us is going to be a bit intrusive, don't you think?" Erin hollered in the background.

"Okay, we're outside the apartment building now. We'll call you right after," Nicholas said.

"Get going, Butler! You're my head Shark."

"I know this! Later," Nick said pressing end. "Ready, you guys? ... Christian?"

Nick and Erin looked down the stairwell to see the door to the apartment's basement already open. Christian poked his head out and nodded.

"Gotta keep up, guys. It's pay day."

Nicholas exchanged a pleased expression with Erin before joining up. The trio paced down the corridor to where their map led them. Erin set the doffel bag onto the ground and unzipped it immediately as Christian produced a pair of black leather gloves and slipped them on. Nicholas kept a keen eye on the time.

"Come on, guys. If that Malloy dude returns home, we're shark bait."

"We're hurrying, Nicholas," Erin growled.

The young brunette had completed assembly of the drilling tool that moments ago was in pieces in the yellow bag beside her. Christian grabbed the cord and jammed it into the nearest socket.

"Let's do this."

* * *

"Siekya!" Tommy grunted throwing his leg back into one of the men's stomach.

His other leg simultaneously impacted the other man, striking both at the same time.

"Ready for more?" Tommy asked.

The cloaked men staggered to their feet looking to eachother for an answer as what to do. Without debate, they were outmatched and fled on the spot. Tommy adjusted his shirt as he watched the duo flee in a most cowardly manner. Tommy almost chuckled at the thought of how similar this was to a Putty fight. The quarrel would be fierce for all but a minute, wind down by the second, and be over before the third without breaking a sweat in most cases. Checking his watch, time suddenly became of the essence. He couldn't afford any other encounters such as these.

"Open path. Take it now," Skull announced from Tommy's wrist device, his voice cautious of volume.

"Right," Tommy acknowledged in kind.

The former Power Ranger dashed to the warehouse delivery entrance and again made certain security was not afoot. An all-silver ten-digit keypad was mounted adjacent to the door.

"Code?" Tommy inquired, his tone intolerant to Skull's lagtime in assistance. "Today."

"Hold on," the former Angel Grove High alumni responded. "Any second. ... 6723."

Tommy repeated the four-digit passcode to himself as entered it in to the keypad. A soft-click from the door implied the login attempt as successful. Without haste, Tommy reached for the knob, slowly turned and pulled back.


Behind the door stood a long empty hallway. The floresant lights above were dim but enough to make out a clear route. Not a sound was heard from within, an indication no one close was around.

Tommy swiftly stepped into the hall and shut the door quietly as possible so not to draw attention. He checked the red striped device on his wrist and lowered its speaker volume as a further precaution. Unintentionally, his eyes fell on and studied the stunning star-shaped jewel studded center of the device. The outside appeared to be a simple glass or plastic casing with a red tint. With nothing illuminating it, the jewel sat dim and lifeless. Tommy stood looking at the piece in reverant observation. The memory crept back slowly...

"Uncle Rob?"

"Yes, Tommy?"

The man looked down to the hands of the eightteen year old. An object concealed in a red linen cloth was presented to him. Rising from his desk chair, Robert Resh looked to his nephew with bewilderment.

"What is it?" Robert asked.

"It's what I've been keeping from you. ... The reason I used to disappear countless amount of times," Tommy began to explain, his eye containing a child-like sense of honesty.

"Tommy, I -- you know you don't owe me any explanations, right? I mean all that's important is you've opened up. We're actually talking now."

"I know, Uncle Rob. But I want to. I want to show you what I've been keeping from you and tell you why I've changed. ... God, I have so much to say. ... Take a look."

Carefully, Tommy unwrapped the object from its covering, revealing a red sharde of crystal. A star piece was carved at its base and seemed to be drained off the life it once retained.

"Tommy, I ... it's amazing," Uncle Rob said finally able to speak "What is it?"

"Where do I start?..."

Tommy proceded down the dank hallway, panstakingly mindful of his walk. The forty-foot distance from the ground to the roof of the warehouse could easily resonate the simplist of footstops to give away his presence.

"What do you mean? Impossible!" an angry voice screamed.

Startled, Tommy froze. His eyes searched for a place to conceal himself quickly.

The voice continued. "When did you last see them?"


"Who was on your shift when they disappeared?"

"I don't know, but sir--"

"Do you have *any* idea what this is going to cost my father? Do you?!"

"Sir, Master Chin, all we know is the keys were guarded around the clock! It's impossible for any to be missing or--"

The man was cut short. A pain-filled cry echoed throughout the warehouse. From the sound, Tommy assessed the superior had struck his associate with great force, perhaps a fist or knee to the stomach.

"Maybe *you* took the keys!" Chin continued.

"N-no! What would I have to gain?!"

Another strike to the lower-ranked man was heard, this time his cry louder and longer. A small clicking noise followed.

"No! Please. ... My family. ... Please don't. ... Michael, please!"

A single shot rang out. Silence filled the warehouse for the following minute.

"It'll cost him your life," Michael Chin finished.

A shaken Tommy cowarded behind a wall of wooden crates. Footsteps paced about the open area where Michael stood over the dying Rider.

"If you can still hear me, Smith," Chin said kneeling beside the man, "I just might have the courtesy to return your body in one piece to your family if you tell me where the missing keys went."

A digusted, trembling Tommy bit his lip in an attempt to not stop what was happening. But i was too late to help.

A muffled cry was heard. A second shot followed a second after.

"Wrong answer, Smith."

Michael concealed the pistol and unclipped his cell phone. "Smith needs a ride home. I'm heading to the manor with the remaining keys for safe keeping -- Yes the *remaining* keys. I'll explain when I get there! Should of never let my father hire ingrates for security detail."

Tommy poked his head up to possibly catch a glimpse of the situation. All he could see was Michael's back as he approached a glass casing sitting atop a wooden crate.

"Too bad you couldn't bare witness to the greatness, Smith. While America and the rest of the world pays billions for our turbo technology, Shark Fuels will have access to anything we desire. We'll be richer than kings!"

Michael looked down at the small case in his hands. "Three out of five ain't bad -- but still -- Dad isn't going to like this."

It was now or never Tommy decided.



Tommy froze again.

Michael answer his phone. "Butler! What's the word?"


"Success, brotha. Christian's lowering the computer to us now," Nicholas reported.

"Way to go, Nicky boy. Bring it by the house. I'm heading over there now."

"Roger that."



Michael pocketed his phone and headed out with the keys. Tommy remained hidden where he was, his ears stunned with disbelief. Momentarily, the keys or Smith didn't matter.

* * *

"Come on, Christian!" Nick hollered.

"Shh! Just give me a minute," the twenty-year old shot back. "If I drop it, we're all screwed."

Erin giggled at the exchange as she peered up to the perfectly cut hole she drilled above.

Her smile disolved. "Guys -- I think we already are."

Confused, Nicholas followed Erin's eyes. "Oh sh-"

"Oh **** is right," the man spoke, cutting Nick's obsenity short. "BUSTED."

A gun was cocked and aimed down the hole.

"How ya doing, Mack?" Christian asked casually.

"I'm about to blow all your fuckin' heads off and you ask how I'm doin'?"

"Yeah. It creates a diversion so Nick here can disarm you. Watch."

Nicholas produced a small knife and flung it above his head. The blade pierced the man's shoulder precisely.

"Son of a *****!" Mack screamed.

"See?" Christian grinned.

Nick, too, grinned. "Let's hit it!"

Grabbing their belongings, the trio bolted down the corridor toward the basement exit. Christian bagged the PC and flug it over his shoulder and followed his friends outside.

"Hey, Malloy!" he said looking back. "You just been shark attacked, baby!"

"This isn't over!" Mack shouted.

Together, Nick, Erin, and Christian made their way outside the apartment complex and found their bikes waiting where they left them. The rush enthralled Erin to a great high. She lost count how many times they've pulled jobs like these without a hitch. The pay off was great. Even better (almost) was making love with Nick afterwards. Having the money on the bed to roll around in started off as a joke, but quickly turned into an interesting fetish. She could hardly wait to get back to his apartment. It'd have to wait however.

"Oh no," Erin choked, stopping abruptly.

Coming full speed in their direction was a blue bogger truck. Its twin cannons spun around in their direction.

"Sons of bitches!!!" Mack yelled from his window, an RC device clutched firmly in his hands.

"Roll clear!" ordered Nicholas.

Christian, with the computer bag, tossed himself into the shrubs behind him. The red sack slipped from his hands but luckily had landed atop the bushes as well.

"Fire!" Mack commanded.

The truck spun around and locked back to its closest targets; Nick and Erin.

"Oh my God," Erin muttered, her face buried in Nick's shoulder.

"I'll protect you!" Nicholas said putting himself in front.

Twin lasers charged, releasing a blast of blue energy. Nick closed his eyes, ready to meet his end. Instead, the two were perpelled into the sky as a salvo of black-shaded lasers diverted the truck's attack, creating a force able to throw both thieves onto the street.

"No!" cried Christian.

Nicholas and Erin stirred, but were unable to mobilize themselves. A trio of Shark Riders pulled up on matching jet black Suzukis, each one with a shark face molded at the nose on every bike. Identical helmets sat on each Rider's head; trenchcoats, pants, and boots to complete the emsemble.

"You didn't think we'd forget about you guys, did you?"

"The thought crossed my mind!" Christian said running to his comrades. "Here's the computer. Let's get them up and ride out."

"Whoa. No time. We need to jet *now*."

"But Nick and Erin--"

"No time! Come now or let that thing blow your ass off, too!"

The bogger truck reconnected its RC connection finally and reversed itself back onto the street.

"Ride or die, Christian! You choose!"

Christian looked to his injuried friends. They stirred helplessly unable to move.

"Pay day, Mosley! What are you waiting for?"

It hurt all over; bad. How could he? The sting in Christian's eyes was great as he mounted on the back of the Rider's bike and took off. From the street, Nick titled his head off to see Christian leaving. Though semi-concious and his vision blurred, he understood what had transpired. They were left behind.

"Sucks to be you," said Mack.

His hand motioned the controller, guiding the truck's cannons back to the abandoned Riders.

* * *

"You've had it, Doltron!"

The Sword of Isis ripped through the towering dragon's belly, exposing and loosening the bloody guts within. Inevitibly, the monster exploded into the desert's night sky, each shred of its flesh consumed in wavering flames. Thunder and lightning roared behind the armor-clad J-Kid, protector of the land.

"J-Kid scores again!" A.J. declared, his fists raised high above his head. His smile vanished. "God I'm bored."

Playing Desert Thunder 2 for the past three hours had gotten old, especially after beating the game four times in a row. Tommy hadn't returned and the rain's been beating down hard for the past hour or so. Business being dead now, most of the mechanics called it a day already and left.

"Yo, kid," said a man standing in the office doorway.


"I locked up the joint and everything's caught up, so let your uncle know."

"I haven't heard from him and he isn't answering his phone, either."

"Oh for real? Do you want a lift home?"

"I don't take rides from strangers."

"Whatever, kid. 'Night."


As much as A.J. wanted to leave, home was the only place to go and there wasn't much to do there either. He hated to think about it, but having no real friends got to him sometimes. There's been a few guys at school he'd roll with and inevitibly get in trouble with, but no real friendships were made. Now with a looming explusion, a new school may or may not be in order.

I'm starving...

A.J. craned his neck about the office looking something, perhaps an opened bag of chips or a candy bar; anything to hold him over for an hour.

The snack machine...

A.J. sprung up from the squeaky swivel chair to go find some substanance. His eyes scanned the selection and fell upon a bag of bite size Amos chocolate chip cookies. His hand dug into a pocket but produced nothing. A.J. then checked the other million pockets on his cargo shorts, coming up empty-handed again. A mischevious smile crept onto his face.

"Let's see what a little rocking will do!"

A.J. placed both hands atop the machine and began to shift it back and forth. The candy inside didn't budge.

"Damn this is heavy," A.J. said, his arms finally giving up.

Catching his breath, the teen heard a faint noise. A.J.'s senses shot up. His eyes scanned his surroundings carefully. How scary everything seemed to be when alone in the dark with rain and wind howling outside.

"Hello?" A.J. called.

No reply. A shuffling noise came next from around the corner, something like a crumpling bag or a similar noise.

"Nick? Christian? ... Uncle Tom?"

A broom!

A.J. took the sweeper from its crebis between the wall and the snack machine and gripped it tightly. He took short steps closer to where the sounds were coming from. The shuffling progressed as A.J. came closer to the bend of the wall.

Time to introduce this broom stick to someone's ass...

Jumping out from the corner, A.J. let out a vicious cry of war, swinging the broom in a spinning motion he's seen countless of times in his uncle's martial arts videos. The figure concealed in the shadow cried out in a similar response, sending an accurate side kick to A.J.'s broom. The stick flew away from the boy's hands and rolled underneath a nearby workbench. Astonished and without a chance to react, A.J. found himself with a hand to his neck; a soft hand.

"What - the - hell?" A.J. said, all previous emotion draining from his face.

"Oh my GOD! You idiot!" the voice shot back.

"You're the idiot! You didn't answer me when I said hello!"

"Whatever, A.J.. I'm wet and grumpy. So, please..."

Jaime Butler unsnapped the last of the six buttons from the pink rain coat covering her body and kicked it off to the side. The pink baseball cap atop her head, too, as soaked and was thrown alongside the crumpled tarp. Bright blonde hair freed itself from its imprisonment and draped over and behind the sixteen year old's shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" asked. A.J.

"I might ask you the same thing."

"Better yet, how'd you get in here?"

"For your information, Nick made me a key and yes your uncle is okay with it," Jaime answered sharply. "Is he here?"

"Obviously not. I'm here alone."

"Wonderful. His phone is off and I need him to get back home."

"And where's home?" asked. A.J.

"Not anywhere close to here. I didn't have money for bus fare and my quick pass is out of funds."

"So I guess you have no spare change for the snack machine then?"

"No I don't have spare change for the snack machine then," Jaime mocked.

Lightning interrupted the exchange, cackling very closeby. Jaime jumped.

"It's just lightning," A.J. said.

"Is your uncle's computer running?"

"Yeah. Better go catch it."

"So not funny," Jaime said leaving the boy. "I'll be online getting some homework done."


A.J. followed the blonde into Tommy's office. "But it's summer."

"It' called a summer reading list. You know -- BOOKS?" Jaime asked.

"Whatever. Why the hell are you reading them? No one does."

"Holy Mary Catholic High students do. They make us."

"Is that where you go?" A.J. asked lamely.

"Catholic schoolling since kindergarden," Jaime said, her voice suddenly meek.

"Oh. ... So you wear those little plad skirts and those tiny white dress shirts tied above the stomach?"

"Ugh. If you're thinking Britney Spears, get real."

Jaime sat down at the desk and logged on to the computer. A.J. remained standing, his mind bathing in the idea of a school full of skirt-clad Britney Spearses.


* * *

"I still say it's risky. Bulk used to make me do some crazy things, but nothing like this."

"Eugene, wearing a tux is hardly daring. Keep still," Tommy said holding the man's bowtie.

The former Green Ranger placed a small disc behind the black article and secured it properly.

"You're all set, man."

Eugene Skullivich turned to face his bathroom's vanity. How ridiculous he felt -- yet it worked.

"A tux. I'm wearing a tux," he said.

"Nothing gets by you," Tommy said. "And that's a damn good tux I might add. It used to be mine."

"Yes yes. The faux turbo keys; they're on the counter."

"You got them that quickly?" Tommy asked astonished.

"Tom, please! You're talking to the jack of all trades here," Skull boasted.

"Just as long as they look like the real thing. I can't let Chin notice the difference when I retrieve the real ones."

"Don't worry your spiky little head. They're fine. ... I gotta tell you. I still don't like what you're doimg. You must have a death wish."

"I've had one since 'the rescue'."

Skull sobered at the discreet reference to Tommy's past. The day Jason destroyed the Sword of Darkness and freed Tommy from Rita's evil spell was the day he shook hands with the former Ranger leader and pledged to protect the world from the space witch's 'menancing monsters'. The job never ended.

Tommy left the bathroom and returned promptly with the box Skull spoke of. "I snuck a look. They're perfect."

"Told you. ... So I guess you're ready."

"Almost. When the trenchcoat is done drying then I need to iron it out a bit."

Tommy was dressed head to toe in black; a black shirt, black jeans, and black boots -- the same exact boots Smith wore.

"Don't you feel a little weird about wearing those?" asked Skull. "The man just died this afternoon."

"How do you think I feel? I heard him die," Tommy said grimmacing, his eyes falling away from Eugene's. "I have no choice. I have to get in and out of there unseen."

"The helmet?"

"In my car."

"Alright, Tom. Good luck to you and God speed."

"Thanks -- oh son of a..."

"What? What is it?" Skull asked.

"A.J. I never checked in with him. What if he's stil at the garage?" asked Tommy, his voice similar to that of a worried parent.

"Ha. That kid is long gone by now. Probably at home," Eugene said trying reassure his friend. "No time to worry. You've got a schedule to keep. It's almost seven."

"Damn, you're right. Okay, I'm out. See you there if I can. Remember, keep in contact," Tommy said pointing to Skull's bowtie.

"You got it."

"Alright then. ... Let's go get some keys."

* * *

The shadow-like glow from the evening rain running down the winow spilled across the hardwood apartment floor. The place was dark in most areas. A desk lamp lit a corner of the studio apartment as did the occasional bolt of lightning. A large blanket was laid out covering part of the floor from earlier's break in. Drips of water from the pipes below echoed beneath the perfectly-cut hole. Just feet from the incison laid two still bodies; one male, one female. The sound of footsteps broke the room's deafening silence.

Mack Malloy came and stood above the motionless lifeforms. The aged-man appeared grieved and exhausted from the day's events. His eyes were bloodshot; his silver hair a mess. It's already been twenty-four hours of no sleep for Mack before today's incident, but thanks to Nicholas and Erin, sleep would have to be delayed once again. How sweet it would be to just hack the sons of bitches to pieces he thought. It was just that -- a thought.

I would never... Came close though eariler...

"Be grateful I recongized you, kid," Mack said kneeling beside Nicholas. "If I hadn't known you were Tommy's, well ... who knows?"

Nick's head began to make a suttle movement. He was coming to. Slowly, his eyes slid open and adjusted to his unlit surroundings.

"So you've awaken finally," Mack spoke.

"Where...," Nick managed to mumble.

"I assume you're asking about your whereabouts. ... You're a prisoner of war."


"Not quite. I was joking about the prisoner of war jibe. Come on, kid. I'll help you up."

Mack took Nick's arm and helped him rise to his feet. The teen noticed his arms were bare, meaning his bike jacket was missing. The black sleeveless tee he bore clinged to his body with cold sweat. His eyes then fell on Erin.

"Oh ****. ... I'm so sorry, Erin," Nicholas said attempting to kneel down beside his girlfriend.

Mack stepped between. "She'll be fine," he said. "You and I need to talk."


Mack pointed to the tattoo on Nick's left bicep. The black, navy, and sky-blue colored shark head covered the majority of the large defined muscle; its teeth dripping with specs of red no doubt resembling blood of its victim.

"I need to help her," Nick protested. "Please..."

"Okay. But I could always go to Tommy if you wish. Maybe he could provide some insight for me."

"You wouldn't."

"Would I?" Mack retorted, his eyebrow cocked.

Nick stood emotionless, aches of exhaustion and soreness growing by the second. And what a headache.

Mack nodded. "Let's begin..."

* * *

A three story seven million dollar manor; Stone Canyon's grandest estate. The house overlooks Canyon Bay, the body of water seperating the city's elite from the city's average and poor. A black stretch limo pulled up to the front of the mansion as rain continued to pour in. A pacing shadow could be seen coming from the center third story window.

"Are you certain?" Henry Chin asked again for the second time.

"Yes, sir," the man replied. "I must end this call, Mr. Chin. The press is arriving and I highly advise you will too, soon."

"Of cource, Danny. Thank you."

"Very good, sir. Goodbye."


Henry flipped his phone shut and pocketed it back into his tux coat.

Through these months of careful planning, two keys go missing. For crying out loud...

"At least I can still present three of them," Henry said aloud.

The middle-aged Korean stood before his six-foot vanity to prod over his appearance one last time before departing.

With my excessive worrying, I'm suprised all my hair isn't gray.


The door to the office gently and quietly opened. There stood Michael Chin.

"Looking sharp, son. Come in."

"Thanks," Michael said. "Mom picked it out. Oh, she says the limo's here, too."

"Good. Shut the door, son. I want to talk to you."

"Sure, dad. What's up?"

Henry Chin adjusted the cufflinks on his sleeves once more as he turned to face his one and only son. His face grew stern.

"I want you to listen to me, Michael. And I mean this," Henry said.

"Is everything alright, dad?"

"Yes. Everything's fine. I want you to know -- I'm very proud of you."

Michael formed a humble smile. "Thanks, dad. ... Where is this coming from?"

"Do I need a reason to compliment my son?"

"I guess not?" Michael answered. "You usually don't just say things like that."

"I know, and I'm sorry. You've done quite well. I've seen your hard work lately, keeping up with the dockets, coordinating the jobs and hits. ... You're a responsible young man, Mikey."

"Heh. Mikey. ... God it's been forever."

"My only regret is I've raised you for twenty-one years and I never gave you the childhood you deserved."

"Dad, no--"

"No, please. Let me finish. I wish I could be more of a friend to you sometimes."

"Dad, you are my friend and I love doing what I do. I have everything I could ever imagine. By next year, who knows? Shark Fuels will be an unstoppable juggernaut."

"Nevermind that. I work and I work and I work. It's all business. Starting next week, I made a decision. I'm taking a month off."

"What? Why? There's so much to get done, dad," Michael protested.

"The company's in good hands. I trust our board. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I want you, me, and your mother to take off for a month. You know; a vacation."

"A family vacation?" Michael said in disbelief.

"Sure! Why not?" Henry asked. "I think it'd be nice."

"I suppose that'd be okay -- I suppose."

"Son, I just don't want the rest of my life to be ordered by this Palm Pilot or my cell phone. I need -- I need a vacation! And so do you! You with me on this?"

Michael laughed. "Yeah, dad. I am."

Henry embraced his son. "Good. ... I know one day when I'm gone, the company will be in good hands."

"You talk as if that's going to happen soon."

"Nah. That's not it, but this is a risky and dangerous business, Michael. A merger of our three leading competitors, plus our other, um, 'projects', is bound to make some crazy things happen. Don't be surprised."

"Don't give me any ideas. Tonight is stressful enough," Michael said.

"I'm sorry, son. Enough about that for now. Let's go. The limo is waiting."

With three umbrellas ready, the limo driver outside waited patiently for the Chins, as did another man. Outside the estate sat a parked black Suzuki with a cloaked figure standing by.

Binoculars were raised to the eyeplate as he watched Henry, Sandra, and Michael Chin walk outside to their waiting limosuine.

Behind the shark-shaped helmet, Tommy Oliver gave a brief nod of assurance. "And it all comes tumbling down ... starting tonight."

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Turbo power! Ha!
Feb 23, 2005
Episode 02: Shift into Turbo (part 2)

A shot of lightning lit Stone Canyon's darkened skies with continuing showers throughout the city. One particular window of the co-op remained unlit. Two men sat opposite of eachother in the single room apartment. The table between them was torn on its pale yellow surface with rust settled on its uneven metal legs.

The younger man shook his head at the offer of a cigarette. The older man, shrugging in response, lit his and sat back in his chair lazily. The white wifebeater hugging his thin hairy body was stained with sweat at the top and gave off a combined strench of smoke and alcohol. The lamp hanging overhead rocked slowly, as the window across the room was cracked for better ventilation, allowing the wind outside to cool the apartment significantally.

"A Shark Rider ... for how long?" Mack began.

"Just over a year now," Nicholas answered, his being still groggy as denoted by the sound of his voice.

"And your friend?" Mack asked nodding in Erin's direction.

Her body was now laid across a sheet-covered sofa.

"A month after me. ... I got her involved," Nick confessed.

"Oh? How nice."

"How long is this going to go on? I wanna leave."

"You're certainly free to go, but if you don't have a job come tomorrow, you'll know why," Mack explained, his face straightened. "Same goes for that other one. What's his name?"


"The one with you and your girly friend here. The one with the red and white bike jacket."

"If you mean Christian, then yeah. That's hm. ... I can't believe he'd do this to me," Nick said through a low growl. Both hands clenched atop the table.

"Well, you know what they say, right?" asked Mack.


"Money talks."

"I used to believe that up until today," Nick said drawing his eyes to Erin. "But it's not suppose be that way."

"So you got burnt, or should I say 'shark-attacked'," Mack said rephrasing his statement to echo Christian's line from earlier.

"Who the hell can you trust anymore?"

"Tommy might ask the same thing if he knew about this."

"Why do you call him Tommy?" Nick asked with scowled eyebrows. "You talk as if you're best friends."

"Not best friends," Mack said back. "We have our history."


Mack removed the cigarette from his mouth momentarily to exhale. "Yes."

A stir in the background turned the mens' attention. Mack looked back to Nicholas who already was up to be by Erin's side.

"Make it quick. We only have forty-five minutes."

Nick stopped and turned. "Til what?"

"Til we go downtown to get my propety back."

"At the gala? ... Do you have any idea what trouble you're asking for?"

"Yes. Don't act you never crashed a party before. ... So hurry."

* * *

The red carpet was out for tonight's gala. The media was present, eagerly awaiting distinguished guests who arrived by limo and were personally escorted inside the lit Hilton Plaza. The hotel stood bright in the fully darkened sky. The rain had eased to almost a complete hault now.

The ball room where the presenation was to be made was already almost full. A stage sat against the wall girdled with a red curtain concealing tonight's mystery behind the thick velvet drapes. Two of Stone Canyon's best reports stood talking amongst themselves.

"A matter transporter," one scoffed.

"This Chin guy is something else," his collague grinned.

Another gentlemen joined the conversation. A press pass *similiar* to theirs was pinned to his suit a tad sloppily.

"I don't know, you guys," the man interjected.

The two men turned to see who had cut in. "And you might be?"

Eugene Skullovich smiled cunningly and shrugged. "Just a lowly scoop boy."

"What's your disagreement with Shark Fuels then?"

"Didn't say I had one," Eugene replied, his eyes roaming about the room's attendants. "There's the hype. You know the rest."

"Kid, please!" the first reported scoffed again. "Shark Fuels is on top of its game. It's only up from here."

"We'll see," Skull winked. "If you'll excuse me, gentlemen."

Eugene stepped away to a less populated corner of the gala. Inconspicuously, the former high school punk lightly tapped the back of his bow tie.

"You there?"

Dead air weezed through the speaker.

"Red Lightning, come in," Eugene repeated. "Crap..."

"I'm here," Tommy spoke, his voice dull.

"Don't scare me, dude. Where are you?"

"Atop the Citi Bank building across the street. I have a perfect view of the room. Can't see you though. Where are you?" Tommy asked refocusing his binoculars.

"I'm by the doors," Skull informed. "How exactly are you going to do this?"

"You'll see. Just be ready for a grab and run if necessary," Tommy joked. "Red out."

* * *

From a distance, hundreds of onlookers watched the Hilton behind police baracades. Curiousity was great amongst the citizens of Stone Canyon, as the word was a live demostration would take place and would be visible for all to see, Amongst them were Nicholas and Erin accompanied by Mack. Erin held Nick's hand tight feeling unsure of her ability to stand alone after awaking less than an hour ago. Mack, now fully dressed in khakis and a white jacket, led them through the crowds to nearby ally way. His darkened eyes almost never blinked. Mack turned and faced his acquaintances.

"It would take at least seven years to start from scratch again," Mack hoarsely stated.

"For what?" asked Nicholas.

"My turbo program. The mechanics that software can program into a car's computer is beyond anything Shark Fuels has right now."

"Yeah, and we almost had it."

Mack glared at Nicholas with a fanciful look his face. "We? You don't work for them anymore. You work for me now. They abandoned you and your girlie friend if you forgotten already."

"Don't remind me," Nick mumbled, the sting he felt earlier returning full force. "I'm only here because I need to keep my cover."

"And you shall. You see the parking garage there?"

Mack pointed out the car haven.

"Yes," Nick answered.

"There's a service entrance. It connects to secret passages throughout the hotel; used mainly for emergencies, maybe even for a celebrity trying to avoid paparazzi."

"And you plan on getting us in there how exactly? There's security everywhere."

Mack checked his left and then his right. "Look."

The oldest of the three unzipped the off-white nilon jacket and revealed two devices; one striped blue with a triangle jewel piece and one striped yellow with a double bar jewel piece.

"What are they?" asked Erin.

"Turbo morphers," Mack answered with a growing smile.

"Come again?" said Nick.

"Metamorphasis," Erin said furrowing her brows. "These will change us?"

"Precisely, young lady," Mack said handing the brunette hers.

Erin took the morpher and examined it.

Nick, too, looked closely at the device. "Change us into what?"

* * *

"You have nothing better to do?" A.J. asked coming back to his uncle's office.

Jaime, growing intolerant of A.J.'s frequent interuptions, momentarily glanced away from the screen. "Don't you?"

"Not really. I'm hungry and bored."

"See that closet door? Open it, sit down, and shut it for me."

A.J., as always, was ready to respond, but instead fell mum. "Not a bad idea."

Jaime watched the teen in green open the door to the utility closet.

"I was kidding you know," she said.

"I'm looking for something to eat. Hello! What do we have here?"

Piqued, Jaime rose from her seat.

"Cheetos," the boy announced. "Expired no doubt."

"By the smell, probably a good year."

"Let's find out. Try one!"

"Stop it!" Jaime said swatting away his hand.

A.J. put the bag down and continued exploring. His hands roamed about the literature and knick knacks stored inside. His eyes randomly graced the spine of the shelved books.

"Paleontology?" A.J. chuckled. He placed the book back on the shelf.

"I don't think your uncle would appreciate you going through his things," Jaime said.

"Did you know my uncle was a martial artist?"


"He was real good," A.J. said poking his head out the closet. "The best in Angel Grove."

"That's nice."

"I used to take martial arts when I lived in Blue Bay Harbor. Wanna see some moves?"

"Not really, but I'm sure you'll do them anyway."

A.J. stepped out the closet and stood center of the office. Jaime shiveled in her chair ready to watch A.J. make a fool of himself. Instead, she witnessed an explosion of punches and kicks; each one precise and accurate. A.J. finished, bowing in protocol. Jaime sat stunned.

"Okay. That was -- wow," she said.

"If you think that's awesome, watch this!"

A.J. attempted a back flip combination, but faltered as his legs lost balance and hit a painting on the wall. The teen tumbled down harshly onto the floor. Jaime was unsure whether to laugh or offer her assistance. A low humming noise grabbed her attention instead.

"Shh," she said.

"What?" A.J. asked, his body still spralled on the ground.


The low hum continued before finally stopping.

"What was that?" asked A.J.

"It was coming from there," Jaime said rising up again.

She and A.J. stood at the closet's door peering inside. The closet was now a hall.

"Oh snap," A.J. whispered. "How'd that happen?"

"You did something when you hit the wall. ... The painting. Of course," Jaime said approching the art piece.

The girl in pink dismounted the large portrait from its nail. A.J. assisted in taking the picture down to not cause any further damage, revealing a lit triad of red buttons.

"This is interesting," Jaime said arching a brow. "What now?"

"We see what's behind door number one."

"Wait. A.J., let's respect your uncle's privacy."

"Hell no. There could be like millions of dollars stashed back there!"

"Or dead bodies," Jaime mumbled.

"Even better. Let's go."

"A.J., wait!"

Tommy's nephew was already inside. A reluctant Jaime followed behind. The hall ended with a stairwell and a dark abyss.

"Well that was fun. Let's go back now," said Jaime.

"No way!" A.J. said stepping down, his hand gripping the steel banister.

A series of lights came to life. Their path was lit.

"Uncle Tom has some s'plaining to do," A.J. said, his smile ear to ear now.

"What is this place?"

Jaime and A.J. descended the short stairwell. They found themselves inside a large room similar to the garbage above, but different. It was bigger, cleaner, more structured. A large computer display sat nearby, covering almost the entire wall.

"So your uncle is Batman," Jaime said.

"Yeah? So where's the Bat Mobile?" asked A.J.

"Over there."

A.J. looked to where Nick's sister was pointing. Two tarps covered what seemingly were cars; their colors yellow and blue. There was an additional tarp laying on the ground; its color red.

"Huh," A.J. commented now standing in front of the mystery vehicles. He glanced over to Jaime. "Still interested in summer reading?"

* * *

It was like nothing happened -- but it did. Blue and yellow energy cackled at their feet before finally deminishing altogether. Nick and Erin found themselves in a wet, dim tunnel way. Sporadic drips of water leaked from the wall-mounted pipe above; the only sound being made in the silent corridor. The couple looked at one another almost afraid to speak. Clueless security remained outside the door.

"It worked," a wide-eyed Erin whispered. She looked to her wrist-strapped morpher; its radiating twin bar jewel returning to its previously dull state.

"Yeah," Nick said back. He was desperate to keep cool. "Let's get down there and get it over with."

The triangle piece on his morpher hummed with an ice blue hue. The effect drove Nicholas crazy inside as he walked. He tried to ignore it, but he couldn't. It didn't make sense. He wanted to understand, but he couldn't. Nick stopped walking. Erin almost ran into his back.

"What's wrong?" Erin asked in hushed-tones.

"You don't feel it?" Nick asked with his eyes still fixated on the morpher.

The twin bar piece on Erin's device lit once again just moments after losing its glow. Its sun-yellow shine further lit the corridor.

"Now I do," Erin answered belatedly. She took another minute to find the words for what had transpired. "It knows..."

* * *

The applause was long and hardy for Shark Fuels CEO Henry Chin. He stood humbly center stage as the receptive welcome finished up. Michael watched from the side next to a taller and heftier suited man. Elder Chin looked to his son who approched him with a microphone.

"Good luck, Dad," Michael whispered.


Michael returned behind the curtains.

"Thank you all for coming out this evening," Henry began. "Even Mother Nature can't stop me from getting richer!"

The audience laughed as a round of photos were snapped from the media line clustered in the front. Henry continued.

"For the past 25 years, Shark Fuels has grown into the mecha it is today. From its humble beginnings as a gas stop and shop in Nevada, Lee Chin together with childhood friends invisioned a chain of gas stations throughout the southwest for the sole purpose of being the only business to offer gasoline, pop, and fresh baked egg rolls served to you in under five minutes. Instead, Dad ended up creating the world's leader in petrol and racing products for NASCAR and circuits alike. Not bad for a man destined for poverty in one of North Korea's most war-torn cities."

A large projection screen descended behind Chin as he spoke. An image of the Shark Fuels logo flickered onto the white sheet.

"If Dad was here tonight, he'd be amazed at the advancements this world has made in the remainder of the twentieth century, let alone the past ten years."

Henry continued to speak as Tommy watched attentively outside the Hilton. Setting aside his binocolors, he strapped back on the Shark helmet and hurried across the rooftop. Jumping to the bank's ledge, he looked down to the street below. Everyone was still there. The thought of meeting the ground in the next few seconds quivered in Tommy's belly. He took in a deep breath and exhaled.


Without another diversion, Tommy dashed back across the roof with full force. He lifted his left arm forward and joined his right arm to it. Pressing in a series of buttons sounding distinct beeps, the device on the former Rangers' left wrist consumed itself with a ruby-red energy and lifted him off the ground.

A thousand emotions raged inside Tommy's body like a violent moshpit. The black trenchcoat cloaked around his neck flowed wildly behind him. Tommy's feet emulated steps, as if he never left the ground, for he was literally walking on air.

Landing on the Hilton roof, Tommy skidded to a stop safer than he had predicted. Checking his morpher, he listened in to the presentation via Skull's lapell mic.

"There's been much spectulation amongst the media, the science community, and the general public about what Shark is doing next," Henry continued. "Let me assure everyone here tonight Shark Fuels has the best intentions in mind in order to better serve our world. But like the old adage goes, it starts in your own background. Thanks to our recent mergers, Shark Fuels will sponser Stone Canyon with a restoration project unlike any other. The heart of any project of ours is people, but tonight the people will have something extra. Something wonderful. My guests, I present to you a revolution! A breakthrough in technology!"

A premature standing ovation was given. Skull stood and mindlessly clapped along with the rest. Henry Chin gave the cue. The curtains were pulled back revealing a computer hooked to what appeared to be a car engine. Photo snaps went off for minutes.

"Turbo technology has been around, but still is young," Chin proclaimed. "So it's time to take it up a notch! Shark style!"

Henry produced three multi-colored keys. The projection screen above gave a better view. Skull renewed his attention and flicked on his bow mic.

"He's doing it, Red. It's go time."

"It's with these keys the Turbo Shark Engine can be brought to life. Ultimately, speeds with this unprecedented machinary will reach beyond anyhing NASA could ever dream and accomplish only what we've been hoping to end; war, famine, pollution, and the like. It's time, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to shift into turbo!"

Applause roared as the house lights died away slowly. Henry took the first key, its metal tinted red, and placed it inside its slot. The two proceding keys, blue and yellow, were inserted next. A rising hum filled the conference room that silenced the praise. Guests watched in awe as the engine on display shone magnificant hues of red, blue, and yellow. The colors projected outward and ran across each face in the audience.

"Tom, where are you?" Skull muttered.

A shower of broken glass poured from the ceiling windows overhead. Henry cowarded and covered his head. A roped claw screeched down and crashed its piercing spikes into the prized engine. The kalidoscope of colors vanished immmediately.

"What in the name of -- who is responsible for this?" Henry Chin seethed. His eyes lurked up to where the claw descended.

Michael reached inside his coat and drew a small pistol. "Dad, stand back."

"Michael, no. The press!"

The young, ill-tempered Chin ignored his father. Aiming his pistol upward, he rang out several shots to a descending black figure. Panic broke loose in the audience, people everywhere fleeing. Eugene, in the midst, pushed his way through and leapt his way to the stage.

The dark cloaked figure landed center stage in a crouched position. Michael Chin discovered his gun was void of bullets now and tossed it aside.

"Big Ricky! Cease this intruder!"

"Gladly," the lathargic guard said.

Ricky lunged at Tommy with balled fists and a savage yell. Tommy squatted, easily dodging the attack. In the same fluid motion, he side-swept the Polyinesian to the ground. Tommy leapt over, but Ricky caught ahold of his leg and pulled him to the ground.

"Who dares dawn a Rider costume and goes against me?" Henry cried angerily. He drew his pistol.

"Not today!"

A foot met Henry's hand, sending the gun across the floor. Nick brought his knee up and slammed his foot square against Henry's forehead. The Korean flew backward. Erin darted toward the Shark Engine accelerated by her ever-glowing turbo morpher. Skull came from the opposite direction recongzing who she was.

"Erin? What are you doing?" he asked, his pistol lowered.

"Eugene, if you have any sense, you'd leave now!"

Erin placed her hand on the red key. Skull raised his pistol.

"Those don't belong to you," he said.

"Erin!" Nick said running up behind her.

Michael tackled Nicholas to the ground. Erin and Skull stood motionless, face to face, her hand still clenched on the red turbo key.

"Two-faced mother fucker!" Nick said slamming a fist into Michael's face.

Michael returned the strike and used both feet to push him off. Henry Chin stood to his feet and discovered the chaos on stage.

"No!" he cried. "I will not allow this!"

Chin drew a device from his coat pocket. Its silver shell encased a series of buttons. Henry eyed the middle one.

"Perhaps my special guests would like a preview of Shark's other projects."

Nicholas and Michael matched strike for strike. They knew eachother's every move. Tommy came crashing between the two after Big Ricky sent the faux Rider flying across stage.

"You!" Michael seethed, his foot slamming into Tommy's side.

"If you're going to shoot me, then do it," Erin said.

"I don't *want* to shoot you," Skull said gritting his teeth. "Now please, back away."

"Tommy sent you, didn't he?" Erin asked. Her eyes grew. "That's him, isn' it?"

"And that's a morpher you got there," Skull said looking down to Erin's wrist. "You're working for Mack! We're on the same side here!"

"What? I don't understand."

Black and purple energy collected overhead and shot down single strands of lightning all over the platform. Rust-colored soliders materialized from the energy. Their metal armor was form-fitting and strong. Their bodies swayed in a uniform and disciplined way. One stood center of the humanoids; a Shark Rider.

"Stop this mess!" Chin ordered.

"Yes, sir," the Rider said. "Piranatrons!"

The fleet of chittering grunts rushed forward to both parties. Michael and Big Ricky sprinted away leaving Tommy and Nick.

"The keys! Quick!" Skull said. He nabbed the red one.

Erin nabbed the blue and yellow keys. A Piranatron grabbed her by the arms.

"Leggo!" she said.

The morpher's twin-bars activated again. Its bright ora ran up Erin's arm and consumed her body whole. The Piranatron wailed out in pain before falling limp. The fire-like glow disapated from Erin, leaving her amazed.

Nick kicked a Piranatron into another as a third jumped up from behind and sent him into Tommy. The two fell on eachother.

"Who are you?" Nick demanded to know.

The disguised Tommy ignored the inquiry and flipped back up.

"Sekiya!" he shouted, executing a poweful spin-heel kick.

Nick flipped up and smashed his knee into a Piranatron and used the same leg to peform a back kick to fend off another of the plated grunts. He suddenly found himself on the ground after being swept off his legs. A small gang of Piranatrons hovered above ready to smash their brassed fists into Nicholas. The triangle piece on his morpher hummed once more with its alluring color. A dome of blue light formed around Nick to protect him.

"Yo, Red!" Skull called. He held up the key for him to see.

"Coming!" Tommy said.

"Wrong answer," the Shark Rider with the same costume said. He dealt a flying kick to Tommy, sending him off stage.

The Rider leapt down to where Tommy landed. "Traitor!"

He kicked Tommy's ribs. Tommy grabbed his foot and wrestled him down. He had no time for this he thought. He had to get to the red turbo key.

Skull aimed his pistol and rang out a shot. The bullet was ineffective in disabling the Piranatron. Skull threw down the gun and clenched his fists.

"Down and dirty is the way you want it, huh? Well let's rock n' roll!"

Eugene threw a punch to the Piranatron's helmet and missed by a long shot. The solider took Skull's arm, twisted it, and kicked him away.

"That went well," Skull said.

Erin twirled around in the center of the Piranatrons, delivering kicks and punches every time one dared to get closer to the newly empowered teen. She smirked cockily.

"If you think that was hot, check this out."

Leaping up, Erin extended her arm forward and released a blast of yellow fire-like energy, its force allowing her to go higher. The Piranatrons screamed before falling to their death.

"Dad, we have to get out of here!" Michael said to his father, his eyes still fixated on the battle on stage.

"No! Not without the keys!" Henry protested.

"Christian's got this one!"

The Shark Rider battling Tommy struggled. Tossed, he crashed into a row of chairs occupied earlier by the gala attendees. A bright red flushed over the star jewel on Tommy's turbo morpher as strands of ruby-shaded lightning danced at the base and grew upward and over the dazed Shark Rider. The eyes behind the helmet grew suddenly wide with fear.

"I'm better than you," said Tommy.

The lightning diminshed. Tommy extended his hand.

"What is he doing?!" Michael yelled. "Christian! The keys!"

Tommy looked at the youger Chin then to the Rider. "Christian?"

Christian recongized the voice. "T-Tommy?"

"We could use some help here!" Skull hollered as Nick came rolling to his and Erin's feet.

The Piranatrons closed in on the three. Tommy and Christian unstrapped their helmets and looked at eachother then their friends.

"He's going to go to the roof," Christian informed, regrettably almost.

"You're doing the right thing."

"Tommy!" Skull yelled. He tossed a small object over the Piranatrons.

The red turbo key landed in his hand.

"Go help them," Tommy said. "I'll get Chin."

Christian got up scurried away.

* * *

The underground layer remained quiet. A.J. and Jaime sat in the black chairs seated in front of the oversized main frame exploring whatever they could access.

"I still say this is wrong," Jaime spoke. "And hacking the passcode; even worse."

"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome aren't I?" A.J. smiled. "But we'd be dumb not to."

A.J. guided the mouse and clicked onto another of the c drive's many sub-directories.

"All I'm seeing is car specs I could care less about," he said scrowling his brows. "No games, no porn. Geesh."

"Whatever. Look, we should go then if that's all there is," Jaime said rising up from her seat. "Your uncle has side projects obviously he wants to keep away from prying eyes such as yours."

Dual alarms cried out overhead. Flashes of red light stroked the walls of the secret garage and flooded the floor.

"Oops," A.J. laughed. "I guess we're busted."

"Not funny! Oh my God. This is so your fault. I had *no* part in this."

A live video feed sprang up on main frame. A grid-like prompt appeared above it. Bits of neon-green data hugged each corner of the large viewing screen.

"View disturbance?" Jaime read.

They lingered for a moment staring at the inquiry.

"Hell yes," A.J. answered finally.

A.J. guided the cursor to yes and clicked. The video feed resumed showing people pointing to the sky from crowded streets and sidewalks; some fleeing for safety. Shots could be heard but faintly. The video feed scaled up the Hilton building apparently trying to zero in on whatever was causing the "disturbance."

A helicopter came onto screen.

"Who is that?" Jaime asked.

"Better yet, what's it shooting at?" A.J. asked.

* * *

Tommy rolled clear from the line of fire behind a row of industrial-sized pipes. The jet-black helicopter circled about searching again for its target. Inside was Henry Chin fuming in the backseat. Big Ricky sat front alongside the chopter's pilot.

"Kill him! Kill him now!" Chin screamed.

A salvo of gunshots streaked down at the rooftop. Tommy again rolled out of harm's way but to the feet of an unwelcomed visitor. A foot slammed into Tommy's side, then again.

"Look what you've done," Michael seethed.

He swooped his foot down again. Tommy caught ahold of the leg and flung it away.

"Isn't it pass your bedtime, kid?"

With his feet, Michael flipped back up. He fell into a fighting stance Tommy easily recongized.

"Tai Chi Chuan ... nice," Tommy said cocking a small grin.

Michael stayed silent before responding. "The keys. Hand them over."

"You have a better chance of tai chiaing me off this building."

"Have it your way."

A flying kick came at Tommy's head. The former Zeo Ranger rolled underneath and sprang to his feet. A series of reverse side-kicks flew out with precision. Michael, however, was capable of avoiding every strike Tommy had. The successor of Shark Fuels grabbed ahold of Tommy's foot.

"Looks like you've become a little rusty on your Chaun," Michael said.

"Big mistake."

Tommy took his other leg and pushed himself through a backflip. His freed leg smashed into the bottom of Michael's chin. Tommy landed in a crouched position and looked up.

"That's the matter with you kids these days," Tommy shook his head. "You train for however many years and you think you can outdo the master."

"The master? Who do you think you are?"

Tommy reached into his backpocket and produced the red turbo key.

"I've done my homework on you, kid. Maybe you should do some on Tommy Oliver."

"That key belongs to my father!"

"It belonged to my uncle!" Tommy retorted angerily. "Then guess who decided it didn't belong to him anymore."

Michael rose to his feet. Blood ran from the side of his mouth. He used the back of his hand to wipe it away.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself involved with, Oliver!" he shouted. "The Piranatrons -- they'll eat you ALIVE!"

"Meh," Tommy shrugged. "I've dealt with worse. Cogs put up a better fight to be perfectly honest."

His morpher lit. Its red light consumed Tommy's entire body this time. Michael's eyes grew with the red light reflecting on his color-drained face.

"What? Never seen a grown man glow before?" Tommy asked.

The key in his right hand drew close to the ever-red wrist morpher.

"You know what goes great with turbo morphers?" he asked.

"Morpher? Who do you think you are? A Power Ranger?"

Tommy half-smiled. "Turbo keys; turbo keys go great with turbo morphers. Allow me to demonstrate."

Tommy's extended both hands and crossed them at the wrists. "Red Lightning, power up! Ha!"

He connected the red and copper-colored key into the morpher's iginition. The red glow consuming Tommy's body intensified as a shell of armor materialized out from the morpher and snapped on accordingly. The helmet was last to form and snap around the head.

The fury of crimson energy subsided almost as quickly. Tommy found his eyes behind a tinted visor as blitzes of data scribbled pass the edges of the protective plate.

"You're a -- Power Ranger," Michael said, his mouth gaped.

* * *

"He's a Power Ranger!" A.J. screamed. He nearly fell out his chair. "Can you believe it?"

Jaime sat saying nothing.

"Hello! Did you just not see what he did? Man, this is all making sense now."

"I saw it," Jaime spoke. "Just can't believe it."

"Believe it!" A.J. said shaking her arm.

"Stop! I'm trying to watch!"

* * *

Michael stood drained.

Lightning Ranger uncrossed his arms. "I'd love to stay and play with you, really, but I have a plane to catch."

"What plane?"

"Lightning Cruiser!" Red Ranger called. "Sky Streaker, engage!"

Recognizing the voice command, the turbo car's armor snapped off. Its headlights flicked on as its mighty engine roared to life. Curved wings unshethed from underneath the car. Twin turbo canons from the rear pointed downward in uniform movement, producing air-propelling flames. Lightning Cruiser ascended from the ally way and flew toward the Hilton.

"Well, there's my ride," Tommy pointed. "See you soon?"

Lightning Ranger planted his feet together and leapt, landing effortlessly into the seat of the hovering Trans Am. A red seat belt snapped around his waist and across the chest.

"Let's ride."

Lightning Cruiser ascended away from the roof and took off after Chin's helicopter. From the ground stood Mack, sandwiched between droves of onlookers and press flashing away their cameras.

"Son of a *****," he said cocking a grin. "Go go Power Ranger."

* * *

From the floor, Christian thrusted his legs upward and spun them about, allowing him to land erect and keeping a triad of Piranatrons away with their various weapons. Another jumped on his back, holding on by the leather coat draped from his shoulders.

"You want it you can have it," Christian said uncloaking the black article.

The Piranatron lost its grip and slid back. Christian slammed his foot into the helmet of the babbling grunt. He joined up with Nick and Erin who had their share of Piranatrons to deal with.

"They just won't die," Nick said dodging a mallet to the face. He slammed a knee into the Piranatron and brought his elbow to its neck.

"Each one is equipped with a motor hidden in the posterior," Christian said tossing aside his gloves. "You can char them all you want, but they'll get back up."

"Great," said Erin.

Christian continued. "They have turbo technology like you guys. Use the power and you can defeat them."

Nick looked to Christian. His seething anger he felt earlier conflicted with the present situation.

"Right," Nick conceded "Ready!"

"Ready!" Erin echoed.

Simultaneously, the two brandished their respective turbo keys and extendeded their arms outward.

"Star Fire!" called Erin.

"Storm Blaster!" called Nicholas.

"Power Up! Ha!" they called together.

Their arms crossed at the wrists with the keys connecting into their morphers' iginitions.

Yellow fire-like energy set Erin aflame. Armor materialized above and encompassed the femine figure, snapping on instantly. A helmet snapped on last around the pretty face. Erin found her eyes behind a protective visor. She looked down at her Ranger costume as the energy disapated.

"Perfect fit," she cooed.

A sheet of ice-blue energy shot upward and back down, wrapping several times around Nick's muscle-clad figure. His entire being shone a blinding bright blue as claw-like pieces behind his head came and snapped on to form a helmet. Nicholas looked down at his Ranger costume in disbelief. The blue energy flashed a final time before going away.

"Okay?," he spoke finally. "Works for me."

Christian, too, stood in awe. His friends; Power Rangers. The Piranatrons momentarily stood idle as their internal computers worked frantically to asess the situation.

"What are we waiting for?" Blue Turbo asked. "Let's take 'em!"

Yellow Turbo sumersaulted into the center of a group of Piranatrons and sent a flying spin kick to all. The kick was accelerated by her morphing powers, catching the soliders off guard and unable to fight back.

Blue Turbo was surrounded by the other Piranatrons. Each one hobbled around plotting their attack from the various caculations being contribed within their rust-colored helmets. They dove forward with mallets extended. Blue Turbo leapt up with his left arm stretched out.

"Storm Power! Hail!"

Pellets of hail showered the Piranatrons and exploded upon impact, leaving behind a fountain of sparks. Yellow Turbo drew her auto blaster aimed at the grunt's lower region. She opened fire, directly impacting the plated behind. Shaking violently with electricity and steam, the Piranatrons fell and collapsed at the bolts. A rust-colored helmet rolled across stage, stopping at Christian's feet.

"Don't go losing your head," he said kicking the scrap away like a soccer ball.

A hand clasped Christian's shoulder. The former Shark Rider spun around ready to fight. It was Mack.

"You want a piece, too?" Christian asked, his eyes narrowed.

"No," Mack answered placing up a hand. "Come with me. Tommy needs our help."

"What?" Christian's scowl disappeared. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain on the way. Let's go."

* * *

The all-black helicopter flew over the lit city of Stone Canyon. Its pilot concentrated on keeping the chopter straight under the pressure of his gun-wielding passenger. Henry Chin looked back to see Lightning Cruiser closing in the gap.

"Can't you make this thing go any faster?" Chin yelled at his pilot.

"It's going! It's going!" the pilot answered both scared and nervous.

Red Turbo accelerated closer to the Shark Chopter. As focused as he was on capturing Henry, Tommy couldn't help to think how inspiring it was to have the cruiser's flight mode working and on the first try. Best, the power was back and flowing through his veins. Though not seen now after the morph, red energy continued to cackle along the spandex-like material protecting his human form; a good sign he thought.

"Always loved a good chase," the Red Ranger mumbled to himself as aligned the chopter into the cannon's projectary. "Fire!"

Twin red sheets of lasers bursted from underneath the Lightning Cruiser and hit the Shark Chopter dead on. The blades continued to spin as the nose turned downward.

"This isn't happening," Chin screaming as he slammed his fists repeatedly on the dash.

Below on the streets of Stone Canyon, a black jeep zipped down a near-empty backroad. Christian was seated in back as Skull and Mack sat up front.

"Will someone tell me already?" the youngest of the three snapped.

Skull looked back to Christian. "Okay. We--"

"No," Mack interuppted, his eyes focused on the road. "If Tommy wants him to know more, then he'll tell him. We only need you for one thing, Christian."

"And that is?" the young man asked.

Mack tossed a small tin box to Christian's lap. The silver case had a small lunch-pale type lock securing its contents.

"Knowing your boss -- former boss I mean -- he'll have a team waiting to receive him at his estate," Mack explained. "A new team."


"You'll see when you get there. See what's inside."

Christian took an index finger to the lock and flicked it open. Laying back the lid, he found a leather-strapped device sitting inside. A small copper and red-striped key was taped to the side.

* * *

Nicholas and Erin, now demorphed, headed out the back looking for where Tommy or anyone might be. They were alone. Police chopters hovered above at the front of the Hilton trying to secure the chaos.

"You alright?" Nick asked his girlfriend.

"Better than alright," Erin said checking herself all over. "You feel it?"

She was all smile, as opposed to Nick.

"Yes," he replied examining himself, too. "It's too real."

Suddenly, Erin became still. Carefully, she clasped both hands together with only her index fingers and thumbs sticking out. Her eyes concentrated at the tips.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked, his sense telling him to stand back.

Yellow light shot up Erin's index fingers. She giggled. "Isn't that great?"

"Wonderful," Nick lamely answered.

Erin unclasped her hands. Without warning, the yellow light that consumed two of her fingers scorched into the sky in a fury of flames. She fell back in fear. Nicholas dodged being roasted by rolling behind a parked delivery truck adjacent to him.

"Make it stop!" Nick shouted.

"I can't!" Erin cried.

If this continued, someone would notice and police would investigate within moments. Thinking quick, Nicholas rose up and stretched out his right arm. Electric-blue energy danced from his shoulder to his finger tips and exploded outward. Water washed over the fire and extinguished the wild flames.

Erin wiped the hair out her face as Nick stood over her shaking his head.

"Try not to do that," he said.

"Sorry," she said with a sheepish smile.

A short melody toned from Nicholas' morpher as he helped Erin up. Instinctively, he rose his wrist to his mouth.


"Protocol is to say Storm Blaster, but we'll work on that later," Skull replied from his side of the signal. "You two alright?"

"We're okay," Nick assured.

"Good. We're going to need your help. Tommy almost has Henry Chin. It's almost over."

"That's good," Erin said.

"Oh no..."

"What is it, Eugene? Eugene!" Nick shouted into the morpher's talk piece.

"Tommy's in trouble! Mack, we'll visit Chin's manor another time. Nick, Erin, shoot down to Canyon Bay Bridge right now!" Skull commanded.

"What's going on?" Erin asked.

The transmission was cut off. The two looked at eachother with alarm.

"Let's get going," Nick said.


"The same way we got in this building."

Erin looked down at her feet. "You think we can -- I mean run there?"

"Turbo streaking -- it's the only way to travel."

As if the power understood, blue and yellow light began to hum beneath the soles of their shoes.

Nick nodded. "Let's do it."

The two began to run and suddenly found themselves enveloped in blue and yellow streaks of light.

* * *

Red Lightning was spiralling down and quick.

"Oh my God," A.J. said in disbelief.

He and Jaime watched as Tommy worked frantically to work the car's controls to somehow level off the damaged vehicle.

"I can't watch," Jaime said turning away from main frame.

"Come on, Uncle Tom! Do something!"

* * *

Red Ranger smashed his palm against the control panel in hopeless frustation. None of the buttons would respond. Smoke vented from the hood as the Trans Am came closer to the earth below. A loud explosion was heard ahead. The Shark Chopter was now a heaping pile of flames sitting center of Canyon Bay Bridge. Cars from both directions screeched to a hault, some rear ending eachother without a chance to react.

"I say it's time to jump," Red Turbo said unstrapping his seat belt.

The Ranger removed his turbo key from the car's iginition and leapt out. His body broke the still waters of Canyon Bay.

* * *

"Yes! He made it out!" A.J. shouted.

Jaime turned back to the viewing screen. "Thank you, God."

Another alarm sounded. A live visual replaced the one currently shown. A small army of humanoids in rust-colored armor marched down Canyon Bay Bridge.

"What are those?" A.J. asked standing to his feet.

"I don't know," Jaime said taking the seat. "This is too much."

The feed started to wane. The picture suddenly became scrambled.

"NO!," A.J said slapping the screen like an old television set. "Work!"

* * *

Nicholas and Erin found themselves at the foot of Canyon Bay Bridge. Yards in front of them sat a burning helicopter and the sound of marching feet.

"Not those guys again," Nick said readying his morpher. "Let's get this over with."

A black jeep charged from behind and slammed its breaks.

"Guys! Where's Tommy?" Skull said hopping out the vehicle.

"We didn't see him anywhere," Erin said turning around.

"Good grief," Skull smacked his forehead. "Where'd he land?"

"We have more urgent things to deal with," Nick reminded them. "Look."

The army of Pirantrons drew in closer; all with weapons varying from mallets to long machette-like blades.

Christian came forward. "You can count on me."

Nicholas shot venomius eyes at Christian.

"You sure this time?" he asked.

Before Christian could respond, a thin red light shot forth from the bay below led by a star shape hologram.

"No way," Skull stood slack-jawed. "Tommy, what are you doing, man?"

The red star craned toward where the five stood and descended in their direction. The ora surrounding the star mystifed Christian the most, as the light sped straight in his line of vision.

"What's it doing?" Erin whispered.

Suddenly, a burst of crackling red energy washed across Christian's face and down his body, consuming him whole.

"He passed it on," Skull said faintly. "I can't believe this."

The explosion of energy subsided, disappearing altogether. Christian remained standing. The Piranatrons, however, continued their march ahead.

"Christian, you with us?" Erin asked.

The twenty year old examined his arms and the rest of his body.

"I said you can count on me."

"How is this possible? I mean--" Skull looked to Mack.

"I'll explain later," Mack answered. "But we need to find Tommy now before it's too late."

The two hurried away. Christian came to stand center between Nicholas and Erin.

"Let's Ranger up and take care of these rust buckets. ... Ready!"

"Ready!" Nick and Erin echoed, all three brandishing their respective turbo keys.

"Red Lightning!" called Christian, his arms out and crossed.

"Storm Blaster!" called Nick, his left forearm torqued upward, his right crossing.

"Star Fire!" called Erin, her left arm torqued upward, too, and her turbo key extended out.

"Turbo power! Ha!" they called together.

Three keys jammed into their respective iginitions, triggering an explosive mass of colorful energy.

Dancing red lightning raced up and hugged every inch of Christian's body, levitating the new Ranger off the ground into a flawless cyclone. The teen landed back onto the ground as a helmet snapped around and secured his face.

"Lightning Ranger!" Christian shouted.

Cool-blue specs of energy swirled at Nick's feet and wove its way up around his body. The energy disapated, revealing his Ranger form.

"Storm Blaster Ranger!" Nicholas announced.

Yellow flame-like power raced up Erin's legs and consumed her tone frame whole. The rush tossed her mohaggany hair into a wild flare as a Ranger suit formed with a helmet snapping on simultaneously.

"Star Fire Ranger!" Erin cried.

The awesome display of power was uncanny. Like opening a gift on Christmas morning, the three checked their new threads once more.

"Fabulous," Yellow Ranger quirked.

* * *

The video feed on main frame scrabbled back into play.

"Yes!" A.J. shouted.

His eyes focused back and winced.

"You're shitting me!" he laughed. "More Power Rangers? This is crazy bananas, seriously."

"Crazy -- bananas? I'll act like I didn't hear that," Jaime scrowled her brows. Her attention was then recaptured. " A.J., look! The Red Ranger!"

"Uncle Tom?"

"Is it?" Jaime asked.

"I don't know..."

* * *

Red Ranger received a digital analysis of the situation as a blitz of data scribbled across the inner-part of his helmet visor.

"Let's show 'em our toys," Christian said extending an arm. "Lightning Saber!"

A mighty sword hugged at the base with a candy-red shell materialized in the grip of Red Ranger's right hand.

"Turbo Max Lasers!" Blue Ranger holding out his hands.

Twin hand-held laser pistols appeared directly into Blue's grip.

"Star Chargers!" Yellow Ranger said crossing her arms outward.

The set of hand-fitted weapons materialized into Yellow Ranger's hands. They hardly looked threatening.

"Let's see what these things can do!" she said falling into a fighting stance.

The three teens dashed into the on-slaught of armed Piranatrons. Yellow Ranger dealt a kick to the rusted solider, following up with her star chargers. A blaze of fire scorched the crony, flinging him backward into several others.

"Ha! So nice!" Erin laughed.

Blue Ranger landed in the midst of the soliders with his Turbo Max Lasers at arms length.

"We're gonna have a blast," Nick said charging up the twin weapons.

The tips of the pistols shone bright blue and released an icy-line of cackling fire power. The Piranatrons crashed onto the pavement as the lasers struck their bolted chestplates.

"Mind if I cut in?" Red Ranger said joining Blue Ranger's side.

Christian twirled his Lightning Saber about, cutting through the score of grunts ahead of him with a shower of sparks. From behind, one Piranatron lunged with a blade and slashed it across the back of Lightning Ranger. The teen hit the ground.

"Christian!" Nicholas knelt beside his friend.

"I'm fine!" he yelled back staggering to his feet. "Let's get 'em!"

* * *

"Tommy!!!" Skull shouted into the night air.

He and Mack carefully skidded down the steep muddy banks seperating the bridge and the bay.

"Tom!!!" Mack echoed.

"This is hopeless! I don't see him anywhere! ... Damnit! Mack, where the hell did that second morpher come from?"

"I said I'll explain LATER. --- Skull, look!"

The punk car tech winced toward Mack's gaze. "Tommy?"

* * *

"There's too many!" Yellow Turbo hollered from where she fought.

Blue Ranger continued blasting apart the Piranatrons with Turbo Max. "Chrisitan! Any ideas?"

The Red Ranger spiraled through mid-air and landed next to his comrade. "I don't know -- wait a sec; hold on. I'm getting something."

A second digital analysis scribbled across the internal workings of the Red Turbo helmet visor.

"What's it saying?" Nick asked.

"Out the way quickly! Go help Erin!" Christian ordered.


"Do it!"

"Fine!" Nicholas hurried to Erin's side.

Red Turbo raised his sword high and drew in a breath. "Hope this works."

A stream of red lightning cackled overhead as bright electricity was produced seemingly out of thin air. The lightning gathered at the tip of Lightning Saber and consumed the weapon all the way down to the sword's hand guard. The Pirantrons were relentless and drew in, not understanding their iminate demise was afoot.

"Your funeral..."

With both hands, Christian swiped Lightning Saber downward, piercing the ground with its tip. The collected red lightning snaked across the concrete and blasted the chittering chromeheads into charred scraps of metal.

Nicholas fell into Erin as they were being taken quickly by the remaining platoon.

"Working for Shark one day, trying not to get killed by Shark the next!" the Yellow Ranger said getting to her feet.

Information appeared and scribbled past the Blue Ranger helmet visor.

"My turn finally!" Nicholas said readying Turbo Max. "Watch this!"

Blue Turbo snapped the dual laser counterparts together to form a new combination.

"Well look at that," Erin said.

"I'm calling it the Turbo Max Doble!"

"That's great, really, but use the damn thing!"

Turbo Max Doble released a 200% dosage of blue fire power and disabled the last of the Piranatrons completely. Within seconds, the lifeless Pirantron units began to deform and turn into large puddles of copper-coated liquid right before the Rangers' eyes.

"You guys alright?" Christian asked his friends.

"We're fine. That was -- INSANE," Nicholas said, excited almost.

"Nice weapon you got there, homeboy."

"That sword of yours ain't bad either."

A second explosion errupted from the already destroyed Shark Chopter. The Power Rangers shielded themselves instinctively then looked back at the wreck.

"You think Chin is gone?" Erin asked.

"I don't know," Christian answered. "I don't see how he could survive."

Nicholas turned his attention to Canyon Bay. "Damnit. Tom, you guys!"

The Power Rangers hurried away to join Skull and Mack down by the banks just as police and amberlunce sirens wined their way onto the bridge.

"Tom!" Nicholas hollered.

He, Christian, and Erin found where the others were and joined them.

"Don't tell me he's--" Christian began.

"He's not concious," Mack cut in.

Tommy's demorphed, wet body appeared pale and limp. A dim red ora glossed his skin, disappearing and reappearing every few seconds. Skull remained quiet and visibly frightened, taking his friend's head and propping it onto his lap.

"Let's get him to the hospital."

* * *

"I can't believe it cut off!" A.J. slammed his fists on the console.

"I hope the Rangers stopped those -- whatever they are," Jaime said staring at the blank display.

Tommy's nephew jumped off the command post heading for the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Jaime asked.

"Uncle Tom; I have to find him."

"A.J., he's a Power Ranger. He doesn't need help, especially from--"

"From what? Say it, Jaime."

"That's not what I meant to say."

"Yes it was," A.J. said turning away again. "I'm gone."

Jaime sprang up from her seat and hopped down. "Hey! Wait up!"

* * *

Tommy's body was placed carefully in the backseat of Mack's jeep. The Power Rangers were now demorphed and back in their human forms.

"How's his pulse?" Erin asked Skull.

"It's there," Eugene spoke tiresomely." We're going to get him to the hospital now. Can you do me a huge favor, Erin?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"A.J. Find him and let him know Tom is staying over with me or Mack working on some project. Make whatever up. Just don't let him know what's going on, okay?"

"You got it," Erin said turning to go do what was asked of her.

Nicholas reached for his cell. "Crap. Jaime must be thinking I'm dead somewhere."

"I'll just swing by and tell her you're with Tom," Erin offered.

"No," Nick protested. "It'd be too suspicious."

"Mack and I got it from here, guys," Skull said hopping in the passenger seat. "Go home and get some rest, guys."

"Good idea," Mack nodded. "We'll meet tomorrow and talk more about this -- Power Ranger business."

"I don't know. I don't feel right not going with you guys," Christian said looking over at Tommy's still body. "If it weren't for me, maybe he'd--"

"I won't hear of it," Mack cut in, sounding almost angry. "There's way more to this then you know. We'll talk more tomorrow. Go home."

Mack started the jeep and drove off. Christian, Nicholas, and Erin stood idly not sure what to do. In the background, police and emergency crews worked to secure the aftermath of the choas left on Canyon Bay Bridge.

"So," Erin said unpocketing her hands, "I'll go find A.J."

Nick's cell played a familar ring tone.

"Hold on. That's Jaime," he said reaching for the phone. "Jaime?"

"Oh my God. Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Calm down. I'm fine. I'm with Erin and Christian. Where are you?"

"Trying to convince Tommy's nephew not to go nuts looking for his uncle," Jaime said running to catch up to A.J.

"So he's with you?" Nick asked nodding at Erin.

"Yeah. I--"

"Don't move!" Nick cut in. "Tell me where you guys are and we'll come get you."

A.J. stopped, figuring Jaime was talking with her brother from what he was hearing. "Is my uncle with them?"

"Is Tom with you?" Jaime asked.

"Um, no, actually," Nick grasped for an answer. "He's with -- Skull. Look, just tell me where you are and we'll get you."

"We're right outside Red Lightning. We've been here the entire time. I'll explain later. Just come and get us *please*."

"I'll be there in a jif. Bye."

Jaime hung up the phone. "Oh my God. He lied."

A.J. winced. "What? What's going on?"

"Nick said Tom's with Skull. We saw Tom last jumping into the bay, remember?"

A.J. struggled to make sense of it. "Then where the hell is he?"

Jaime shrugged. "I don't know ... but I bet they do; all three of them."

"We grill Nick then as soon as he gets here and--"

"NO," Jaime stopped him. "Put two and two together, Einstein. Your uncle is hiding something underneath the garage."

"A secret garage," A.J. added.

"Right," Jaime said. "And your uncle is a Power Ranger; a *red* Power Ranger."


Jaime rolled her eyes. "Hello! Nick lied about where Tommy was! And the video feed we watched blanked out just before more Rangers showed on the scene, plus a second Red Ranger."

"Or what we *think* was a second Red Ranger," A.J. added.

"Let's go on the assumption it was a second Red Ranger. Do you get it now?"

A.J. was lost in thought again. "No?"

"They're the Power Rangers, dolt! Hello!" Jaime practically screamed.

"WHO?" A.J. yelled back. "NICK? You're joking, right?"

"And Erin and Christian! No I'm not joking! Think about it, A.J. It makes too much sense. They've been gone all this time, Rangers show up, and Nick's lie ... okay now?"

"I getcha," A.J. digressed from arguing any further. "Man, how come I didn't see this?"

"I'm not suprised," Jaime mumbled inaudible to A.J. "Hey, listen, we've gotta play dumb about this, alright?"

"What? Why?"

"Let's go back inside. I'll explain."

* * *

The E.R. waiting room was lightly populated tonight suprisingly. Thankfully, there were no patients from the earlier accidents caused by the Piranatrons Skull thought over. He and Mack sat by eachother in silence waiting to hear something. Mack's eyes shifted to the wall clock for the millionth time that hour. He was a patient man, but also a tired man in need of sleep. Skull took notice.

"If you want, I'll stay and call you if I hear anything."

Mack shook his head. "No. I'm here. -- Besides, I have dibbs for yelling at him first for totalling Lightning Cruser."

Skull gave a half-smile. "Why do you suppose he passed on his zeo?"

There was the elephant. Mack clear his throat. "I've been thinking about it, too. I really can't convince myself of an answer I don't want to believe, Eugene."

"Same," Skull concurred. "There's a time for courage, but a time also to have sense to save your own behind. Why'd he do it -- I can't figure it out."

"Maybe," Mack began as he turned to look at Skull, "Just maybe he thought it was time. Maybe he got tired of fighting the war."

"I don't accept that. It's Tommy. He doesn't just quit," a sobering Skull replied with eyes wide. "But I believe he may value the cause over his life."

"Even if it means he won't see the finished result?" Mack asked.

Skull nodded assuredly. "Yes. He saw the helicopter go down with Henry Chin inside. He's always said he just wanted the keys back. That's it; just to get back what was taken from his uncle -- who was taken from him. ... Maybe there was a part of him that wanted, you know ... Chin's blood."

"Well ... I wouldn't blame him," Mack said rising up from his chair. "Come to think of it, Tom's reason for going on went down with that helicopter."

Unexpectedly, Skull's eyes glossed over with tears. He fought them back.

"What?" Mack asked.

"That's so incredibly -- selfish," Skull buried his face in his hands. "He has people who love him, people who need him; like A.J."

"I understand, but -- why are you upset?"

"Forget it," Skull said taking his head out his hands "Are you getting coffee?"

Mack nodded. "Yeah. Want a cup?"

"Please," Skull said over a a stifled yawn. "Thanks."


Mack left the waiting room. Skull sunk back in his seat and folded his arms. The tears he fought back returned and ran loose.

"Tommy ... you're not going to give up. I won't let you; even if it means getting people who know you best to remind you of that."

End of Episode 02