Power Rangers Samurai - Episode 5/7 'Fish Out of Water'

Feb 19, 2009
Nah nah! Not this time. lol

I woke up at 12:00 on the dot! Right? Then I went downstairs, were the computer and the TV is right?

So I went on the computer...then watched Gokaiger by accident...


ROLFLMAO! :laugh:
Feb 3, 2011
Kavin SUCKS in this episode. That all there is to it. His acting was just bad.

Jayden was AWESOME! His acting was alot better in this episode. His characters seem to be more flesh out.

Mike was good as always.

The girls will we need to see more of them.

Juzo/Deker at the end was awesome.

Bulk and Spike wasn't as good as the last episode.

Story and plot was the OK. What Jayden was doing is this episode was good for fleshing out his characters.

All in all this was another good episode even those it was a bad characters Focus episode.
May 29, 2008
Hmmm, pretty solid episode. Everything was pretty much direct from the source, except for the "Fisherman" part. I didn't like the way they handled that part of this plot, but it was okay.

Once again, the CHARACTER Kevin continues to be one of my favorites. Unfortunately, Najee fails to fully portray the character to its full potential. He had some descent moments, but out of the entire cast he fails to make Kevin truly believable. I hope he improve in the later episodes, because I really like Kevin.

As always, the Bulk and Spike moments are random as heck! But hey, at least we know they're within the vicinity of the Rangers. Counts for something, right? lol

I really enjoyed the scene (s) where we saw the team suffering. Major kudos to the cast making truly believable that they were in pain.

All in all, I give this episode a 4/5. A pretty descent adaption, and the ending was golden! I look forward to how they handled the future feud between Red and Juzo/Deker. The fun is really about to begin!
It's Judgement Time!
Mar 8, 2005
unfortnately the bulk and spike moments are still comlpetely random and irrelevant to anything that is going on. That makes them unenjoyable. I liked the episode though and it's great to hear Cole's voice as Deker!
Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
I cannot get over...how fuckin sexy my is in this episode..:O_O:
Twitter - @MisturYellow
Jun 9, 2009
A pretty decent episode. I like Kevin too, and I'm sure Najee is trying his hardest, but it's still kind of lacking. I have hopes he will improve. And I actually got excited when I saw Dekker, great to see that we were right and it is Rick.
Just an Internet User Passing Thru
Aug 15, 2009
When me & Erika get married........I'll make sure she stays outta the kitchen.

PB&J Omelette? Yeah, I'll be the one doing the cooking and wearing the pants in this relationship :169:
Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
I know Kevin didn't just say "...and now we're poppin!"



I'm shaking my head, but I'm freakin rolling laughing at the same time.