May 16, 2007
I am having trouble choosing from two sets of Zords for a Power Rangers story I'm planning right now. Here are the two sets of Zords and the basic plot.

Zords/Lifeguard Megazord
Red Lifeguard: Forms the head and body of the Lifeguard Megazord.
Blue Lifeguard: Forms the right leg of the Lifeguard Megazord.
Black Lifeguard: Forms the left arm of the Lifeguard Megazord.
White Lifeguard: Forms the right arm of the Lifeguard Megazord.
Yellow Lifeguard: Forms the left leg of the Lifeguard Megazord.

Zords/Shark Warrior Megazord
Red Megalodon: Forms the body and head of the Shark Warrior Megazord.
Blue Saw Shark: Forms the right arm and primary weapon of the Shark Warrior Megazord.
Black Hammerhead: Forms the left arm and shield of the Shark Warrior Megazord.
White Bull Shark: Forms the right leg of the Shark Warrior Megazord.
Yellow Tiger Shark: Forms the left leg of the Shark Warrior Megazord.

"Many centuries ago... Poseidon, the god of the oceans, plunged his own continent of Atlantis into the ocean forever. When he discovered that Atlantis was on the verge on conquering the known world. Present day in the year 2017 A.D. Poseidon has continued to watch over the Atlantic Ocean in order to prevent the return of his once beloved city. When the Atlantis Empire returns to reclaim the modern day world. Poseidon selects five lifeguards to become the Power Rangers and defeat the empire once and for all."

Basically I'm having a hard time deciding on which Zord set should be first and which should be the upgraded Zords for the Rangers. Plus I'm having problems fitting the Flying Dutchman and it's crew into the story. I should also add that the Atlantis Empire is governed by Dagon, his wife Tiamat and general Leviathan. They also have a god they're trying to resurrect called Cthulu. Maybe I should make a lot of changes before starting the story proper?