Jul 19, 2011
Power Rangers: Anime



Main Setting: Anime Multiverse

Backstory: Anime...one of the most favorite genre to all mankind, boy and girl, kid and adult. Originated from Japan, Anime became very popular throughout the world and gain many fans, even the ones in North America. Lots of series like DragonBall Z, Hetalia, and Sailor Moon were adapted from Japanese comics called manga, which the anime fans became very hooked on were seen either on television or on the Internet. Because of this, Anime has gotten very popular throughout the years and is still popular to this day. But what these fans don't know is that there is a universe where all of their favorite anime characters live freely.

Story: In an alternate universe, there are many anime worlds living in harmony until after the ringing of the New Year, when many of these worlds came together and formed into one massive world where everyone can live together as one. It was shocking at first, but they soon gotten into the hang of it and lived their lives normally and peacefully. However, whenever there's peace, there's someone who wants to break it. Hearing about this world being formed, one character, a former Shiningami named Sosuke Aizen devised a plan to bring destruction and poverty to this new world and with his new recruits by his side, Aizen wasted no time making his move. He unleashed an attack so big, that many lives were put in great danger. Many of the characters have superpowers and tried to battle Aizen, but was overpowered by his strong power. Not even the magical girls, like the Sailor Senshi or the Pretty Cure can beat him. It seems that all hope was lost for our favorite anime characters as this villainous Shinigami slowly reaches to victory. Lots of cries for help rang through the air as the attack gets worse and worse by the minute and there was no other way to have Aizen stopped.

Or so they thought....

Five young characters witness the gruesome event and finds themselves caught in the middle of it. But soon battles Aizen's forces after realizing that everyone around them were in great danger and needed someone to protect them and the world. That is when they are approached by Makarov Dreyar with a small wooden box, which revealed five morphers. He tells them that after seeing them fight, they were the only ones that can stop Aizen from causing more pain and bring peace to the world. In other words, these five will fight Aizen as the heroic team we know and love.....

The Power Rangers!

* No Original Rangers. Please stick to the designated open role(s)
* You can apply for two Ranger roles.
*The Ally and Villain Roles are open as well. I would like to have some players try out other than the Rangers.
*There WILL be Romantic pairings in the game: Gay, Straight, Lesbian...everything. But keep it short and CLEAN. You can ask me or the others to do a pairing.
*This RPG is rated PG-14, so there will be cursing and mild blood. Trying to get out of the kid stuff.
*Not First Come, first serve. Best Bio gets in.
*Do NOT go ahead, you must wait for me or the co-runner(s) to post in the game.
* You must participate in the game. Try to post at least twice a week.
*This is a marathon, not a sprint. Do not expect a short game. If you think that you will not be able to remain active, please let me know now before any casting decisions are made.
*PLEASE remember that this is a game and not to take things that are said here personally.
*Oh and have fun. If there are any other questions please direct them here and then to the DT once the game starts.

Ranger Arsenal:
Warrior Morpher: The transformation device of the Anime Rangers. The transformation call is "It's Morphin' Time! Anime Change, Start!"
Warrior Blasters/Sabers: Special sidearms used for minor combat, mainly battling the grunts.
Lion Knuckle: Red Ranger's Power Weapon
Eagle Slasher: Yellow Ranger's Power Weapon
Bison Axe: Green Ranger's Power Weapon
Dolphin Fin: Blue Ranger's Power Weapon
Tiger Staff: Pink Ranger's Power Weapon
Wolf Launcher: Black Ranger's Power Weapon
Panther Claw: Purple Ranger's Power Weapon

Makarov Dreyar: OPEN
Erza Scarlet: GoseiYellow
Ichigo Kurosaki: OPEN
Rukia Kuchiki: OPEN
Dr. Franken Stein: OPEN

Sosuke Aizen: OPEN
Dartz: GoseiYellow
Orochimaru: OPEN
Medusa Gorgon: OPEN
Naraku: OPEN

Bio Application:
Age: 17-23
Series Origin:
Appearance: ANIME ONLY!
Ranger Designation:
Side Notes: Theme Songs, Love Interests, etc.


My Bio for Yellow

Name: Alphonse Elric
Age: 17
Series Origin: Fullmetal Alchemist
Ranger Designation: Yellow Warrior Ranger
Weapons/Gear: Warrior Morpher, Warrior Blaster/Saber, Eagle Slasher
Animezord: Yellow Eagle Animezord

Personality: As the younger brother of Fullmetal Alchemist, Alphonse is calm and passive, not to mension kind-hearted and compassionate and also selfless and is protective towards his family, new friends and sometimes his enemies. Alphonse's anger takes longer to spark unlike his older brother, who has a short temper. Alphonse lost his body due to an alchemy accident, thus having his soul sealed to a large suit of steel armor, but was managed to get his body back by Edward and has matured to a young man. Although he's a bit surprised that his world was fused into a large massive world with the others, Alphonse made new friends and felt comfortable living with other anime characters.

Side Notes:
- His older brother is Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist.
- He loves to adopt stray cats.
- Love Interest: Alphonse is unaware that the Red Ranger has a crush on him.
Dec 28, 2010
go back to the kishi's we are waiting for that game to start up and you could really start with four rangers add in as we go along like kyoryuger or abaranger or huricanger
Feb 6, 2014
I hope this is still open

Name: Train Heartnet
Age: 23
Series Origin: Black cat
Appearance: acedee05f40430f775951f96143417531270305762_full.jpg
Ranger Designation: Black Warrior Ranger
Weapons/Gear: Warrior Morpher, Warrior Blaster/Saber, Wolf Launcher
Animezord: Black Wolf Animezord
Personality: Train takes on a lighthearted approach to life and takes enjoyment in annoying his enemies.
He hasn't gotten used to the fact that his world has combined with others and often shows surprise when seeing that for him is strange and unusual. Train also is not one to " look before he leaps. However when sufficiently angered, he reverts back to the personality ha had when he was a hitman for a secret organization.
Side Notes:
- Is an expert marksman
- Open as love interest for female characters