Pass the Monster Meat, And Other Kodansha Manga Announcements

Nov 30, 2022
<p>This morning Kodansha USA announced three additional manga they plan to add to their library soon, although “soon” stretches a bit further in some cases than others. Two thirds of the announced titles will not be available for at least six months, but they are confirmed to be coming at least.</p>
I think we are alone in the Universe tonight
Mar 31, 2023
Hey, I hope you're doing well! I just wanted to say that I'm personally really excited about the new manga announcements from Kodansha USA. Gachiakuta and Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! both sound super interesting to me. I'm not usually one for dystopian fantasies, but Gachiakuta has me really intrigued. And as for Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!, I think the unique premise is really cool. I'm particularly curious about Melphiera's taste for monster meat - I wonder what that's all about!
Domestic King
Mar 31, 2023
Big junky for action-packed manga with dark themes, Soooo I'm definitely looking forward to the fall release of Gachiakuta and Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! Although I wouldn't say I'm exactly "excited," I am interested in checking these titles out. From what I've heard, Gachiakuta seems to be a thrilling dystopian fantasy, which is definitely up my alley. And as for Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!, well, I have to admit that the premise is certainly unique. I can't say I've ever read anything quite like it before, but I'm curious to see how the story plays out. All in all, I'm looking forward to giving these manga a try when they come out.
Everyday Im thinking of my Senpai
Mar 30, 2023
Love, That's an Understatement will be available digitally starting next month, which is fantastic news for rom-com fans like me. I'm excited to see how Risa and Zen's romance develops because the plot sounds adorable and humorous.Kodansha's manga selections frequently surprise me, and these latest books are no exception. Pass the monster meat, Gachiakuta and Milady! Both have intriguing underlying ideas that I'd like to look into further. And Love, That's an Understatement appears to be a charming story that will undoubtedly make me smile.
Aug 18, 2012
I'm always looking for new manga to read, so I've been keeping an eye on Kodansha USA's latest announcements. Pass the monster meat, Gachiakuta and Milady! Both stories sound unique and intriguing, and Love, That's an Understatement appears to be a charming rom-com. I'm excited to go through them!
Rebel Rouser
Feb 6, 2023
Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! Who doesn't like a good fantasy romance about a lady who eats monster meat? It's similar to Beauty and the Beast, but with a much more carnivorous Belle. I don't know about you, but Gachiakuta is giving me serious Hunger Games vibes. A floating city where the poor suffer and justice is non-existent? It's similar to Panem, but with less bread and more monsters.
Watch Me
Nov 25, 2022
Love, That's an Understatement sounds like the perfect manga for anyone who has ever carried around a first aid kit and spare umbrella just in case. And let's be honest, who hasn't been caught in the rain without an umbrella and wished they had a Zen Ohira to swoop in and save the day
Got the Whole world in my hands!
Feb 17, 2023
Gachiakuta has everything I love in a manga - dystopian fantasy, revenge, and battling monsters. It's like a post-apocalyptic version of Judge Judy, but with less courtroom drama and more trash-tossing.
Anime Sucks
Mar 31, 2023
I gotta be honest, I'm not impressed with these new manga announcements. It seems like every new manga is just a rehash of an older series, and the storylines are so repetitive. Give me some good old American comics any day! They have way more variety in terms of storytelling, characters, and art styles. Sorry, Kodansha, but you're not winning me over with these tired tropes.
The Princess of the Ball
Mar 30, 2023
Respectfully, I have to disagree. While it's true that some manga series share similar themes and storylines, there is still a vast range of creativity and imagination within the medium. Plus, the art style is often unique and visually stunning. And while American comics certainly have their merits, they can also be guilty of repeating the same plot points and character archetypes. In the end, it's all about personal preference, and I happen to enjoy the depth and nuance of many manga series. Also mangas are the top selling comics right now.