May 16, 2006

Some, no a lot of people will tell you that there isn't alien life. Those people don't have a clue what they are talking about. Life is out there, it isn't waiting for us, it isn't coming for us, if anything we aren't even a blip on the radar just yet. There isn't much of interest here just yet and it's in a pretty remote spot as we will someday learn. It would take a strong draw to attract that eyes of any space faring race, but who knows, maybe someday? All things considered earth just isn't that big of a deal just yet, not in the grand scheme of things or even in this story. Why am I even talking about it? Back to that later more important stuff first.

What's important here is and the complete other side of the universe, a particular chunk of space filled with different races, some similar to us, some totally different, some not even resembling what we think of as life. Running this particular piece of universe is a race that refers to themselves as the Vastrans, they used to call themselves something else but that all changed sometime back apparently when this one guy came to power. The guy's name was Vastro, and he had essentially seized control of the planet, declared himself emperor and from their went on a campaign their solar system, and eventually bringing the other worlds under his control. Not one to not take advantage of his position he quickly began doing whatever the hell he wanted in order to keep people afraid of him. Randomly raiding worlds to capture prisoners, assassinating anyone who said anything negative about him, making sure that every world was surrounded by a fleet with orbital bombardment cannons ready to fire at a moment's notice and worst of all a device that allowed him to alter the atmospheric conditions of th world and cause natural disasters on a world for his own amusement, which he does regularly. With all of these tools at his disposal he kept every world in fear, making sure they all knew that the slightest sign of rebellion would bring his full wrath upon them. He also had a habit of demanding tributes regularly, and sometimes demanding extra just because he could. Back home they would call this guy a psychotic prick, hell I'm sure most out here would say the same thing if they weren't sure that they would die for saying that.

Somehow I found myself out here in this insanity, all started when in earth's orbit attempting to test a theory, next thing I know my shuttle was flung here and seized by the Vastran military. Apparently they never saw a human before and decided to put me on display somewhere. Where I ended up hearing this from was another guy in the same prison transport, still wondering how I understood a word he was saying but all things considered I found myself kinda unconcerned. I'm writing this down now, maybe somehow it will find it's way back to earth so others might at least have an idea of what im seeing here. My name's Tom Gordon, and I'm pretty sure I'm screwed.

1. no godmoding our powerplaying (In some cases involving villains it is allowed but still ask before doing so)

2. if you wont be able to post for a while have someone (other than me) cover for you

3. Try to post regularly, but dont double post

4. pay attention to posts

6. Try not to leave people behind and dont rush the plot

7. Relationships are allowed but dont make the whole rp about it. And if you play multiple characters they cannot be in a romantic relationship because that is just plain annoying.

8. If playing as an alien character explain what makes the species different from humans. If they are no different than just use a human.

8. Have fun and dont be afraid to ask me questions about things in the rpg

The Team's arsenal:

Vastran Type-X Combat suits:
A series of prototypes created to serve as the basis for the combat suits for the next generation of Vastran soldier. They are light, but more durable than any metal known to man. The main feature is the X system which allows the suits and their wearers to become stronger over time and readily adapt to the situations they are found with. The prototypes themselves are very effective, but also insanely costly to produce, rumored to have ruined the economies of several worlds, and thus scaling back would have been necessary for mass production. The prototypes were meant for Elite Vastran soldiers and Emperor Vastro himself eventually. The suits bright colors indicate their status as prototypes rather than standardized production models. The team will steal these when they make their escape.

Trans-Phase Brace: A wrist worn device that is paired with a particular combat suit. Once worn they DNA lock to the wearer to prevent use by anyone else. Naturally no one anticipated the suits and Braces would be stolen. It functions as a communicator and uses a small scale version of Space Fold technology to instantly teleport the bonded suit with it's wearer.

X-Bladeguns: The standard sidearm of the suit's is a collapsible weapon with two modes, a sword mode for close combat and a pistol mode for ranged combat.


X-shots: A secondary pistol sidearm, can be linked with a second X-Shot to combine into a rifle. Can be shared among team members.

Stolen Starship "Bohemian Rhapsody"
when the team makes their escape they end up taking this top of the line ship, original meant to be Emperor Vastro's personal vessel, and make a run for it. Ends up being named after a song from earth at Tom's insistence.

Other Important Tech:
Translator microbes: Artificial Microoraganisms that when injected into an individual, allow them to understand other languages without actually learning them. No matter what is said in what language someone who has received a translator injection will hear it in their language.

The Team:
A group of prisoners placed in a Vastran Zoo-Prison, considered criminals, potiential nuisances or rare specimens that were to be held for the amusement of Vastro and his citizens. Their escape is going to have quite a ripple effect. Initially unnamed they will eventually gain the name Astranger.

AstraRed: Thomas "Tom" Gordon/played by me
AstraBlue: Zeke the Fallen/Tigerhawk21
AstraGreen: Ilzohal Ruavu/LawWind
AstraYellow: Iluzjank/Denjin_Zaboga23
AstraPink: Miska Bardl/Mister Namechange!

[bold]Super Important Note[/bold]: Aside from Tom there are no humans in this corner of the galaxy so the rest of the team will be aliens, I dont want aliens that are humans in everything but name. Get creative, try to be unique with the alien race you create. And seriously, human looking aliens are dull, whats the point of a sci fi setting far from earth if everyone looks like they do here?

AstraSilver: Crowned Princess of the Vastran Empire, Anisyana/MagiPink
Emperor Vastra's daughter who for reasons of her own is supporting the Astrangers from the shadows, eventually gains her own personalized combat suit. Nonetheless her motives dont seem that heroic yet as she seems to take after her father quite a bit.

The Antagonists:
The Vastran Empire
The rulers of this solar system, rule under Emperor Vastro has turned them into an aggressive, and rather sadistic race that employs many types of weapons and methods to torment the citizens of other worlds.

Killeroids: Android soldiers of the empire, while the Emperor has no problems sending his people to fight, and possibly die, he finds that killer robots are far more efficient and can be made faster.

Elite Agents: Specialized soldiers who employ unique methods and weaponry for whatever task the emperor sends them on.

My profiles:

Name: Thomas "Tom" Gordon

Age: 26

Designation: AstraRed

Species: Human


History: Upon first seeing him there are some terms that immediately come to mind when people lay eyes on him, usually they are scruffy looking, lazy bum, sleepy and wont amount to much. What they dont know are the terms that actually apply to him besides scruffy looking and lazy are MIT graduate, astrophysicist and as he frequently reminds people: Doctor. Yes beneath the exterior of lazy southern fried slacker from Alabama is actually a rather brilliant scientist, inspired by sci fi stories from his youth like Star Trek and Star Wars and various others, his primary driving force being the sense of wonder and mystery that space may have held, that was just waiting to be found someday. While by no means a child prodigy or a genius, he worked toward those goals his whole life, proving that good old fashioned hard work and determination could do the job of natural talent and then some. His primary field of interest was astrophysics feeling that knowing how space worked could be important, aside from that he also focused on engineering, initially just wanting to make warp drive from Star Trek a real thing because he was certain that that would just be plain old awesome. At the same time he did a lot that was the opposite of stereotype associated with educated people, he partied hard and often, he spent many hours watching cartoons, sleeping in late, sat around playing video games, and more often than not acted like an idiot because he found most of his colleagues to be about as interesting to talk to as a stale piece of bread and tended to avoid them when not working. It certainly didn't help that his colleagues thought he was a little nuts and found the fact that he only bothered to focus on things that would have cool results over more practical stuff quite irritating. Though he did have quite an ego, he figured he earned the right to have a big ego, brag and tell people to refer to him as Doctor Tom because he could. He may have been smart but he was still human after all. Nonetheless between those moments of sleeping, watching cartoons and playing video games he actually had been working on something, it was just coming along pretty slowly since his priorities had a habit of being skewed, and his dislike of the others in his line of work. It was mostly just a theory, one that essentially outlined how earth's own gravity could be used in the acceleration of a space ship, something that would save on fuel costs and just be kinda cool in his opinion. Considering that by the time this was all put together there were no government funded space programs out there, he turned to the private sector, which in hindsight he would have done anyway because he could make a lot more money off a successful theory there.

The company he turned to was thankfully run by an eccentric billionaire who when not doing all sorts of insane thrill seeking was big into pursuing anything that could be crazy awesome that might be worth putting his company's logo on. With their recent venture being giving people rides into earth's orbit this sort of thing just happened to be right up their alley anyway. The development and construction of a spacecraft that would take advantage of this theory went rather smoothly and in the end the one thing they couldn't find wa a test pilot brave enough to get in the thing, it was still new, largely untested, and most importantly made by a guy who spent most of his time on his couch watching Looney Toons. In the end Tom himself volunteered, making sure to to tell everyone else that he was so damned sure of his designs and theories that he felt no reason to worry. Finally the day of the flight test had come. He was acting very calm and cool but there was a certain nagging in the back of his mind. A feeling telling him that something big was going to happen, a feeling that he had a few other times in his life. He took it as an indication that things would go just fine and this would be his big break. Things were going well, the ship was lifted into the atmosphere but it's carrier aircraft, it made it into orbit and Tom was about ready to put his theory into practice. And then it happened. Cosmically bad timing, bad luck, whatever it was it put him right in the path of a rogue wormhole, a tunnel between two points in space that could appear anywhere in space at random and never in the same place twice. Unable to change course the ship went right into it and from the perspective of those still on earth he and the ship had simply vanished in an instant. They were left wondering where he and the ship went, and if he was even still alive. He did survive, but there would soon be part of him that wished he didn't. He knew where he was originally but where he was now, he had know idea. All he did know is what looked like a bunch of fighter like ships surrounded his own and were hauling him back somewhere. It wasn't long after that that he found himself being poked, prodded and examined in a lab by a bunch of beings speaking what sounded like gibberish to him, at least until he was injected with...something and everything they were saying started to sound like English, which didn't put his mind at ease at all really. Overhearing that that they hadn't encountered anything quite like him before he was fairly certain the he was as far from home as he could get.

When all was said and done it was decided that due to being the only one of his kind in the system that it was best to put him on display when one of the Vastran Empire's zoo-like prisons as well as serve as this particular race's latest tribute to Emperor Vastro's collection. After briefly being presented as a tribute for the Emperor's collection of specimens he was shoved into a transport vessel with others who were also on their way to extended stays in a cell somewhere. Needless to say, that day hadnt gone quite as planned for him.

Name: Grand God Emperor Vastro

Age: Unknown, presumed to by hundreds

Species: Vastran


History: The ruler of the Vastran Empire, and conqueror of the of every world within the Vastra system, which he renamed shortly after conquering it. His origins are unknown and largely unimportant to him these days. With the average Vastran lifespan being 100 at most many assumed that his reign of terror would be long over by now but thanks to technology pillage from other worlds, as well as kidnapped doctors and scientists, his lifespan had been increased exponentially as well as prolonging his youthful appearance. He declared that the Vastra system's "beloved" emperor wouldn't be dying of natural causes anytime soon or ever for that matter. He takes full advantage of his position and to him the solar system is there for his amusement to do with as he pleases, and keeps the populace in fear of him through random acts of sadistic cruelty. He is also the Vastra system's most notorious womanizer, keeping a large harem of different woman from all planets for him to use as he will, possibly blasting them into space once he gets bored with them, or throwing them in prison if fail to remain attractive or get a little too chubby for his tastes. As far as he is concerned he makes the rules and is free to manipulate them as he sees fit. He has a daughter who he has done all he can to ensure will turn out like him, to ensure that the Vastran dynasty will continue to grow and conquer everything in their path.
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The Wind Of Justice
Nov 15, 2012
Name: Ilzohal Ruavu

Age: 27

Designation: AstraGreen

Species: Lindargis


History: The planet Eldation he was born on was quite peaceful, there were no wars for many years. However one last, and final war that happened on this planet. Ilzohal is a kind and caring person, who will never attack another person. However if anyone hurt, a person that is close to him. He will not hold back, in order to protect that person. The last and final civil war that went on for many years, and it was this man name Ilzohal that won. There were two big country Windation and Landation, both of them are quite powerful. Both country have develop, weapons during the war. Many cities and towns are destroyed during this war. Citizens from both country, was getting tired of the civil war. Many lives were lost this was the main reason, why everyone wanted the war to end. Windation leader Ilzohal plans, to end the war in one attack. The Windation army was moving, to Landation attacking from both side. Landation surrender seeing that there, is no point to continue the war.

After the war between, the two country there was a celebration. Everyone was quite happy, with the war being over. There was a lot of laughing, singing, drinking and dancing. Many Vastran starships appear, above the planet Eldation. Everything stopped moving, it was like if time itself has stop. The Vastran launch an attack, with out warning at the citizens of the planet. Ilzohal tells everyone not to panic, saying he and his army will do what they can to protect them. Ilzohal and his army, got on his personal starship in order to fight back. Landation leader and his army offer, a helping hand to Ilzohal. However their attempt, to push back the Vastran invasion was futile. Ilzohal and everyone that, took part in the battle was captured by the Vastran. Ilzohal was placed, in a prison transport with other prisoners.

He took a look at the other prisoners. One prisoner stands out the most it was a human male. It was the fact, that he never saw a human before. Wanting to know how, did he end up on this transport. So he ask the human, who seem to be quite calm. The human tells him that his shuttle, was flung here and seized by the Vastran military. He and the other prisoners, tell each other how they end up as prisoners. Seeing that they got, no choice but to trust each other. In order to escape, from the Vastran prison alive. The Lindargis race are, faster and stronger than most humans. There are scales and spikes, on various areas of their body. Most of them have, a long lifespan can live up to 120 years. The Lindargis race also have a stronger memory. Being able to remember, what they did in the past.
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is Mayor of Farmville
Aug 27, 2006
Name: Miska Bardl

Age: 473 (22 in Human years)

Designation: AstraPink

Species: Mylpharis


History: The Planet Hassetan is a small, lush planet located in the Ansari star system, a planet in which a race of beings known as the Mylpharis called home. Though they peacefully made a living in Hassetan's lush, green forests, surrounded by large mountain ranges, the Mylpharis have been particularly known to be a species known for their standing army, which is well-trained, and known to be ready at a moments' notice. Despite being such a powerful and advanced army in their little pocket of the universe, the Mylpharis did not opt to use their might to invade others; Rather, the Mylpharis opted to use their military might to serve as a defensive wall against outside invaders, along with the physical wall provided to them by the vast mountain ranges. The Mylpharis also were devout followers of a monotheistic religion known as Faruulah, expressing praise and worship to the deity known as Faruu, to whom they express gratitude for their lives, as well as the natural resources they felt blessed to have. For the most part, none dared to challenge this dual wall, and they usually didn't need to. The Mylpharis have thus been able to trade and make treaties with some of the nearby planets. The Mylpharis would then find this link with other planets to be useful, as a looming force by a race known as the Vastrans would come knocking on their door, or rather, barge in with guns loaded.

Having received warning from the neighboring planets, The Mylpharis were able to mobilize and arm their standing army, watching as the Vastran ships flew over the mountain ranges easily, while Vastran tanks were able to traverse those mountain ranges with no problem. Among the troops assigned to engage the Vastrans in combat was a young female soldier named Miska Bardl. Though the Mylpharis were able to initially take the advantage with their superior strength and reflexes, as well as their military training, the Vastrans would eventually defeat them completely due to the superior technological advantage the Vastrans had. With their city fallen, many Mylpharis were taken prisoner, sent back to the Vastran homeland to become slaves, while others that tried to resist were killed. That is, except for one. Having escaped capture back in the war, Miska, along with some Mylpharis that have managed to remain on the planet and escaped Vastran custody, has since staged guerilla attacks against Vastran troops, opting to don a mask and cloak as she targeted Vastran soldiers and Middle Command from the shadows. Within the span of what would be three Earth Months, Miska managed to be a thorn on the side of the Vastran force, and stood as the hope for Mylpharis that have taken to the underground in order to survive. However, The Vastran force would eventually manage to capture her in one of her guerilla attacks, having prepared for her to do so. Instead of killing her outright, the Vastrans, under the order of their Grand God Emperor Vastro, chose to lock Miska in a sort of zoo for other alien species. It was there that Miska would meet who appeared to be an unremarkable being in Tom Gordon. Talking to him somewhat, Miska would learn of Tom's origins from Earth. Though she did note that Tom had a rather unremarkable appearance, as well as unremarkable physical capabilities, Miska felt that somehow, Tom would be a wildcard she could count on to put a beatdown against the Vastran forces.
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Dec 5, 2006
Name: King Zekedra the Third (Now known as “Zeke†or “Zeke the Fallenâ€)

Age: 1000 (100 Earth Years)

Designation: AstraBlue

Species: Draknoir

Appearance: [HIDE]Zekedra.jpg
History: The Draknoir were once a proud race of beings. Able to soar through the sky and lacking the need for sleep, they sold their services as scouts and archers. Highly sought after, although some questioned the moral code, ultimately the King decided which contracts to accept. Time passed and the universe grew and changed. But the need for the Draknoir did not. Finally Zekedra the Third was born. A prophet, rare among the people, foresaw a great war and chaos that would shake the universe like none before. That same prophet foresaw the Draknoir Kingdom's down fall.

King Zekedra, gave minor thought to the prophets words. In Zekedra's own words “War was a given. Where there is life, there will be death. The manner of coming merely changes.†This would all be proven in time. When the King was 20, the Vastran Empire made contact. Originally they claimed to have need of the Draknoir's unique talents. Against his better judgement (in hindsight) Zekedra allowed the 'contracts' and even entertained a noble guest from the Empire for a time. But the prophets words remained in the back of Zekedra's mind.

“Blood and Fire rain down from the sky. Bitterest betrayal knocks at noble gates. The Demon reveals truth and the King is facing death. Survival will mean shattered pride.â€

Zekedra gazed at the prophet, who leaned to whisper the final line to his ears alone. “Bathed in Blue... Will you be able to reclaim the pieces?â€

Needless to say, the words rang true when his daughter, Triri betrayed him. The screams of his people ripped the King from his slumber. Already many lay dead. The castle seemed bathed in blood. With a roar, Zekedra attacked in a fury. But even with the Kings Blood coursing through his veins, Zekedra found himself laying at the feet the Vastran Emperor. Given a choice of surrender or death, Zekedra was about to say death, when a strange phantom appeared behind the Emperor. A racial being never seen before, glowing with a faint red aura.

The final lines of the prophecy flashed into his mind. King Zekedra, age 25, surrendered to the Vastran Empire. As his broken wings were chained behind him, Zekedra felt the pieces of shattered life slip from his fingers. 75 hellish years would pass and Zekedra endured it all. It was a 'normal' day when the Zoo-Prison ship arrived. Zekedra gave it a passing glance, until he saw it. The phantom... in the flesh.


Other Notes about the last Draknoir:

Behavior (Personality): Lonely, Brave, Fercious and Sadistic

Status: King turned Prisoner/Slave/Entertainment

Biological: Sleepless, Omnivorous, though can consume emotions of others (fear, hate, jealously, etc.)

Special: Flying, Enhanced Senses of Sight and Sound, Kings Blood (Enhanced Recovery), Enhanced Durability

Weakness: Hyper Frequencies; Lack of food; Extreme Damage (Overwelms Recovery)

Desire: Revenge on the Vastran Empire; Seeks further meaning to his life / reasons for survival.
Princess of Equesteria
Feb 18, 2006
Name: Crowned Princess of the Vastran Empire, Anisyana
Age: 25

Designation: AstraSilver

Species: Half Vastran / Half Draknoir

Appearance: 3a157517e624e17fb053b354924c62d1ef5a4e_zps4e230d78.jpg
History: Daughter of the Grand God Emperor Vastro and heir to Vastran Empire’s throne the voluptuous beauty Anisyana fearfully known across the enslaved solar system carrying out her father’s will with the same tenacious ferocity found in its Emperor. On the day of Anisyana’s birth had been spared from the ill-fated any of Vastra’s harem offspring shared while still being in the mother’s womb. The very concept having an heir to the Vastran Empire benefit greatly for expanding beyond the limits of their solar system. Recorded by Vastro’s council, the infants’ birth to be the only exception swiftly return handling women no longer appeasing to the Emperor by ordering Anisyana’s birthmother execution upon receiving the small infant into his arms. Made aware from her father surrounding the day of her birth stands uninflected to the woman’s death as the only parent important Made aware by her father surrounding the day of her birth stands utterly uninflected to the woman’s death for the only parent that truly mattered was him. This knowledge was symbolic proof of a father’s love and greater expectations they were of a noble race not to be opposed.

Anisyana education readying to take her places as the Vastran Empire’s princess soon as she was able walk and talk. Lessons not only included academically intellectual level so where the physical training and endurance aspects as well. These lessons were applied as she accompany her father’s raids to expand their glorious Empire in person demonstrated to be equally malicious as the Emperor’s. This is noted highly not only in Anisyana’s prowess continues to mature so does Anisyana into a young Vastran female. What never really troubled even when she was little the voluptuous Vastran did not object to her father’s harem often dreamed of having her own version (consisting of males instead). However, any potential suitor or captive found favor by the Vastran Princess quite frequently are met with a gruesome end. None all apparently trouble Anisyana for if they cannot defend themselves from an attack by her father they are truly not worthy to be concerned over at each turn.

There is another side of the princess cultivated over the decades highly guarded even in the presence of the Emperor himself. Anisyana continued to desire expand the Empire beyond their solar system found the raids growing even duller with each conquer planet/star that something was missing. Reviewing a newly revised data entry of the Vastran Zoo-Prison came across an astonishing discovery of an unknown species, Tom Gordon, a human from a planet called Earth. Reading further into the Zoo Prison’s data of the other prisoners believed them to be the answer solving the void of the mystery. As the Vastran Empire continues ravages planet/stars nothing is done bring back the life they had taken from them. Everything done in the name of the Vastran Empire and love of her father illuminated not to be destructive in nature than truly unite under their rule. Fear spread like wildfire not many would dare to challenge the Vastran Empire to take back their homes and stop other solar systems from sharing the same fate. A change needed to be made and found that hope within them. Each one was indeed capable handling themselves separately (or together) knew greater any hope for escape impracticable simply devise a way to get them onto the right path. As it was Anisyana’s father ordered for the next generation of Vastran soldiers to be fitted with a new combat suit. Light and durable than any metal known to existence were to be commissioned at the anniversary of Vastran Empire rise to power. The main feature is the X system which allows the suits and their wearers to become stronger over time and readily adapt to the situations they are found with. The prototypes themselves are very effective, but also insanely costly to produce, rumored to have ruined the economies of several worlds, and thus scaling back would have been necessary for mass production. The prototypes were meant for Elite Vastran soldiers and Emperor Vastro himself eventually. If these five were to have any chance for survival facing the Empire’s Elite Soldiers and her father would require to be prepared. And not only in terms of protective gear, but means of escape from the armada that would be deploy when news reach her father’s ears. The only means imaginable was the finished Starship meant for her father’s personal vessel. Requiring keep presence and not aroused her father acts in secret moving in the shadows of all the game pieces into place allowing the Astranger’s to make the next move. Even if for the present moment faced those as an enemy continue to support them from the shadows.
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is Mayor of Farmville
Aug 27, 2006
[ame=]Miska Bardl theme -- Sailing for my Dream[/ame]
Sweet Sweets
Jun 27, 2005
Name: Iluzjank (Real Name not known/unpronounceable)

Age: 22 (By her race's standards)

Designation: AstraYellow

Species: Owadag


History: The Owadag are a race that live in a Solar System neighboring that of the Vastra System, having colonized two of its planet's moons and working on its third and final one for their need of resources. Not much is known about them, but what little contact that has been made suggests that they are an insectoid race that communicate with what appears to be ESP that only members of their race can understand. Knowing the drawbacks of this and how difficult trade would be with other races, the Owadag constructed techno-organic humanoid bodies that they use to fulfill these purposes. The bodies tend to be chalk white colored, looking doll like to humans if they encountered them. The body moves by responding to the Owadag's ESP and emotions, which can turn ugly when they are agitated, as the techno-organic nature allows them to shape shift the body into a combat mode if needed, with the limbs typically becoming long skeletal claws, or forelegs that resemble a mantis, though other transformations have been seen.

This particular Owadag, named Iluzjank for simplicity's sake, was sent on a scouting mission, since the Vastran expansion has her people worried. She was told to just observe and, if approached by their soldiers, was to retreat immediately back to Owadag space and report to her superiors. However, she instead thought that maybe Vastrans could be potential trade partners, since the Owadag are always in constant need of resources. She foolishly tried to make contact, which resulted in her capture, and, since the Owadag are so rare in their neck of the woods, she was to be sent to some kind of "Zoo". Usually when an Owadag fails a mission, they are to self destruct their humaniod bodies and die in the process, but Iluzjank's curiosity isn't allowing this, since she considers more information (and potential resource gatherment) more vital than protocol at the moment. Of particular note are the other races she is in the company of, one of which she wasn't familiar with, in the form of Tom Gordon...
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May 16, 2006
Roster updated, soundtrack and opening post coming soon now that my homework is done and sickness almost gone.