May 4, 2012
About/Story: 800 years ago Tyku was created along with Ankh and the other greeed however he and a few others were created after Ankh and the other first four. He and Ankh were created by the same Alchemist so Tyku thinks of Ankh and referrers to him as his Big Brother. Tyku along with the other greeed created along with him were unique from the first batch however while Tyku was on par with the first batch, he has a curiosity about humanity with creep out most of the other greeed. When the king OOOs and the first batch of greeed decide to sealed away the greeed that came after the first batch by scanning the core medal containing their consciousness, Tyku was the last one to be sealed away. However Tyku was extremely tuff and almost beaten the first OOOs if Ankh haven’t appeared. Tyku turned his pack, stared at Ankh figuring that he had sided with the king, and asked, “Why Big Brother?†That was enough time for the king to stab Tyku take his Conscious core medal and scan it. He was unsealed by accident in modern days when his case was discovered the first time. Although free he was weakened by the fight he had with the king forcing him to maintain himself as his left hand/arm. He soon found a human body recently deceases by a few minutes by poison and possessed it. Not only did his possession of the body healed it and converted it into a greeed one but it granted Tyku humans memories, senses, and emotions. As if it couldn’t get any weirder Tyku’s and the human’s personalities fused into one. He currently lives with the human’s family who know what he really is.

Color: White
Combo: Striwagle
Finisher: Air Rider Slash