Apr 18, 2006
Why must I suffer this cursed burden?
Thought Dawn as she lay sprawled across on the bathroom floor. The cold tiles sending chills down her spine. Her face was lightly sprinkled with droplets of water, coming from the bathtub. She meant to get in but the pains from inside her were acting up again. She couldn't feel her fingers and so, curling into a ball was the only thing she could do. Now, hours after she had gone into fetal position, she was tossing and turning and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Why do I feel this pain in me? She couldn't understand it. What was it that was making her feel in such a way. Then from the door, she heard footsteps. And soon to follow the footsteps. Knock Knock " Dawn? You in there? " A concerned voice called out to her. " Your mother says you've been in there for over two hours. Are you alright in there? " Two hours? Only Two? It's felt like so much more. Dawn brings her knees in and tightens back into a ball. She closes her eyes and screams at her friend " Leave now Rooney! Just. Leave!". Her screams echoed in Kaoru's ears, as he stood there on the other side of the door.

"I'm Sorry" He apologized. "It was my fault." He began to explain to Dawn exactly what was happening...

"Look Dawn. I'm not really... Japanese..." He began to say.
"Well of course your not, your accent is horrible!" She said, with a slight smirk.
"No, Dawn. I mean. I'm not really... a Human."
Following an awkward Silence, he continued.
"I'm... a Tirranid..." He paused for a moment to allow it to sink in. "I know it sounds ridiculous. But it's true. That's why I really didn't want to.. you know. Before. With the bed and the night. And." He sighed and tightened his fists. " I'm sorry okay?! I never meant to harm you! I didn't realize what this would mean. I didn't think something like this could happen! I don't even know what happens in a normal situation! I.. I.. Don't have the answers." He fell to his knees and placed his hands flat on the door. "But you're not alone here! I'm here. Right here, can't you see?" His eyes began to swell. " Look! I'm Crying again! See? It means I really have a connection to something. And I think I'm trying to connect to you! "
"Then... Rooney, Kaoru, or whatever your real name is..." Dawn sat up, " Why are you here? "
"Because. I wanted to explore this planet. This world. And this culture of Earthians. Or Human, as you call yourselves. " Kaoru placed his forehead against the door. " My Real name IS Kaoru. It happened to be that Kaoru is also a name on your planet. So I chose Japanese as my appropriate race. I never would of thought someone like you would make me break the laws of my kind. We know that not all Planets have a culture, as advanced as others. I never meant for this to happen to you. But now we have a connection that none before of my kind has had with yours. And I find that very special." Kaoru paused as the door began to open. He watched as Dawn's eyes looked into his through the small opening. " You share my blood. You carry my child."

-----Intergalactic Love Story-----
One Last Love Song

Years ago, I came to this planet, in search of a culture that has been ever so interesting with their habits. I have grown to know these habits well from my educational classes. I have become wealthy through a lucky random prize. With this wealth, I have bought myself an Intergalactic Travel Ship and have found myself on planet Earth. I have discovered that the information I received about the planet Earth was very old and historic. For Earth has grown much more advanced than I was led to believe. Furthermore, there was something unexpected here. There was... Dawn.

-To Be Continued...???