New Updates Arrive In Perfect World Mobile

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Jun 20, 2012
Perfect World Mobile has gained some additions within the last week…..a new class, new dungeons, new equipment slots, more equipment to stick into those slots, and new events. For starters, the Vulpine class has been added…they’re anthropomorphic fox people, and they’re strong fighters.

Belonging to the Untamed race, Vulpines are able to shift between
two forms similar to that of their fellow Untamed the Barbarians. While
Barbarians are able to shift between anthropoid and tiger forms, Vulpine
is able to shift between anthropoid and fox forms. Excelling in both
damage dealing and debuffing, making them powerful adversaries and
allies in both dungeons and PvP combat.

          As a member of the Untamed family, Vulpine can shapeshift, changing
between their bipedal and fox forms to give players more flexibility in
their abilities and the way they approach their adversaries. An
exceptional damage-dealer and debuffer both, the Vulpine stands as a
formidable adversary to any foolish...

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