New For Game Boy: Glory Hunters

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Staff member
Jun 20, 2012
Ever since GB Studio was first released, retro gaming enthusiasts have been crafting new and exciting titles for the obsolete system. One of the more interesting is Glory Hunters, a game that is currently funding its own physical release on Kickstarter.
Glory Hunters patterns itself after the original Legend of Zelda, but adds in a bunch of extra twists. The light plot involves a meteor heading for your world; your quest is to find and awaken one of the four gods that can stop it. From there, you have many choices to handle the situation. You can play the pacifist way, gathering items and unlocking puzzles, or the aggressive way by slashing at monsters. The unique “achievements” mechanic awards you points for doing pretty much anything, and you trade in these points to open new areas, unlock minigames and other content. The only...

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Boss of All Bosses
Sep 2, 2012
So this is not multiplatform, It is indentional for the old school Gameboys. I wish my Gameboy is still working but it gave up before I purchased my first Gameboy color.
Blondes have more Puns
Apr 9, 2022
There is something special about having a new game for a an obsolete console. I love the nostalgia factor! I remember when someone published a new ps1 game in 2011 and I purchased it because of nostalgia.