Dec 14, 2014
Inspired by The Long Earth trilogy by Stephen Baxter and Sir Terry Pratchett

Kamen Rider Vortex
By Known Unknown.

Willis Linsay's blueprints for a Stepper Box are released on the world wide web.

A young man named Joshua saves a group of children who trap themselves in a parallel universe after building a Stepper Box. The world is introduced to Stepping.

Stepping allows anyone to travel either one way or the other to another Earth. Colonization begins immediately and Joshua strays from the limelight, retreating to live a life off the grid. Keeping secret that he was able to Step without a box and had been doing since he was a boy.

An ANImate (Artifical Neuro-Intelligence mate) has announced to the world he is the reincarnation of a Tibeten monk and is pleading to be recognized as a human, named Lobsang. His case is only strengthened when it is discovered he is able to step, despite being mechanical in nature and not needing a box.
Lobsang, through the Black Corporation, the entity behind ANImates, hires Joshua Valiente to join Sally Linsay, the daughter of the man behind the Stepper Boxes, to head out on an expedition into the officially named "Long Earth." They are granted a special role aboard the Mark Twain, a prototype airship built, again, by the Black Corporation.
The three of them, backed by the Amero-Europeon Cooperative, venture out towards a direction they decide to call West, while a venture China-Korea-Japan expedition heads in the polar opposite direction, taking the cue to call it East.

Joshua, Sally and Lobsang return three months after their departure with incredible news, and a pack of large ape-like humanoid sapients. These "Trolls" are discovered to also be able to step, but without a box. This realization comes in the nick of time as Yellowstone erupts on Earth prime.
Joshua Valiente is once again the hero, leading a successful massive stepping exodus Westwards.

The exodus established a Pro-America dominant presence in the Westward Earths and governs the Inner Worlds (West 1-400,000) and currently holds Capitol on Asgard, the floating Fortress-City of West 10157. The Black corporation has provided for commercial Mark Twains that offer travel between the various parallel Earths and allow for the colonies to continue cleaning up the aftermath of Earth-Prime's Yellowstone eruption.

Lobsang has successfully been able to duplicate his physical artificial body while maintaining a connected sentience across the Long Earth and each individual "copy". One Lobsang body is sent Eastward as an ambassador and diplomat for the AEC (Amero-European Cooperative), to meet with and spy on the CKJ (China-Korea-Japan) Republic.

Elves are discovered in the Outer Worlds (West 400,000-2,000,000), stepping predators that hunt in groups of three, favoring Trolls, but quickly gaining a taste for human. This sparks the Outer World colonist to break off of the unhelpful AEC and form the Western Kingdoms. They hunt Elves and Trolls alike, and have been rumored to have discovered secret "Soft Zones" that allow them to "Skip-Step", which, as the name suggests, lets them skip a vast number of worlds in a single step.

The Lobsang copy that had roamed the Eastern worlds, has spontaneously gone offline. A CJK diplomat assures them it was most likely an attack by a Beagle, a sapient dog-like creature common to the Eastern Inner Nations (East 1-33,625) or possibly even a Kobold Raider.
Raiders are not well known of as they are never consistent and rarely seen on our side of the "Gap", a unique parallel universe where there exists no Earth. Very few CJK have gone beyond the Gap and no AEC member has been allowed.


Our story begins.

New Howard, W-8520

Pvt. North was not prepared for this. All his training was focused on Troll care and maintenance and counter combat against Elves. That was all easy. Trolls loved humans and sang old 80's pop songs. They were like a big-foot-shaped jukebox that could also help you with literally any kind of manual labor. Some of the outer Earths treat them like **** but for the most part, Trolls are well loved. Especially compared to the Elves.
Elves were tall, lanky, hairless and down right mean. They favored the wooded regions and roamed mostly in groups of three. They excelled at incorporating stepping into how they hunt, and their favorite prey were Trolls.
But a Kobold is different. Wherever a Kobold was seen, a Beagle was lurking close-by. These two were always found in a pair. And that's about the only consistent thing about them.

"Crotch-stink Hoo-man!" screeched the Kobold.

North raised his arms fast and began to roll all the possibilities through his mind. Could he reach for his baton in time? Would it be better to try his aim with the pistol? Could this be one of those rare Trader Kobolds? Why is this thing shaking like that? Is that normal? Is that blood? Wait. Blood?

"Uh, are you, are you okay?" North managed to ask, sounding only slightly terrified.
"War is coming," it snarled, "the long war is coming."
"What do you mean war is co-"
"War is coming and no Hoo-man ready. You need be ready." It reached into a satchel that it had slung across it's back. "You need belt." A belt was produced from the sack and North hesitated towards it. That was when he saw it. In the corner of his eye. The Beagle.

"Master! Danger! Die!," the bastard barked. All four of it's monstrous limbs were a blur, the signature red main flowing down it's spine, a flash of teeth and glowing yellow eyes.

The Kobold grabbed my wrist and shoved something into my hands. I could feel it then rush my waist, wrapping the belt around me. -CLICK-
"Beagle Fang betray me. Fan infected by the Spore." The Kobold returned it's grip to my wrist and tightened down. "You must..."

"Armor Up"

The words came out of Pvt North's mouth as his face went from hosting a look of panic to holding the look of enlightenment. Suddenly he understood how to operate the belt. The glowing belt. The glowing Kamen Belt.

The light flowing out of the belt began to wrap around North's limbs and promptly swallowed him in a furious explosion of blue.

A protective layer of black fabric was followed by chrome segmented armor. His face was enveloped in a sleek metallic helmet with a V shaped black glass visor. A cloth-like cloak suddenly appeared around his neck and dropped down to drape his back and left shoulder. The Beagle stopped in it's tracks and sized up his newly geared-up opponent.

"Bad dog. Someone needs to put you down."

North threw his right hand up and to his left where a light emitted from his palm. A voice announces, "Pistol" and a handgun seems to step into his hand.

"And I've got plenty of time to kill."

To Be Continued
Last edited:
Dec 14, 2014
Next Time on Kamen Rider Vortex
Welcome to the AEC Riders

Pvt. North dispatched of the rogue Beagle and returned his attention to the dying Kobold in front of him.

"I am Raider," it managed to say, "One of many from beyond Gap." It pointed at the Belt around North and the device that was where the buckle should have been. "This tells armor where you are." It snarled as blood spurted from it's now foaming mouth. It continued. "You must be ready. Long War coming from so far aw-"

And North was staring at a patch of scorched earth through a fleshy hole where the Kobold's face used to be.

"Get away from the dead 'Bold, newbie."

North spun around and warped in a rifle with a flash.
"RIFLE," a voice announced.
"Who the hell are you!?" he demanded.
"Stand down, kid, we're on you're side." North could now clearly see that the figure looked just like him, except for the face-plate and the color scheme, a few minute details here and there. And with breasts. It was a woman. A woman wearing a Raider belt holding a Rifle of her own, glowing purple.
Behind her North could make out 2 more figures, one red and the other yellow, both brandishing their own rifles and making a show of how out gunned he was.
North raised his arms. Twice in one day. He's surrendering.