[CASTING CALLS] Kamen Rider Kiva: Rite of Succession

No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
Hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass but...I can always remove it should it need removing. This shouldn't stop anyone else from posting for Kiva, this is just in case no one else posts. I know me, Scarlet, Gankun and G.K. are ready to play is all so instead of patiently waiting on the side lines I'm gonna hit the issue with a brick. Mazel Tov everybody.

Name: Tegura Kurokawa

Age: 25 (apparent) 52 (actual age)

Faction: Lunar Sovereignty

Race: Fangire

Appearance: [hide] Tegura.jpg





Rider/Kaijin distinction: Kamen Rider Emperor Kiva/ Beetle Fangire

Weapons: Zanvat Sword.

Powers/abilities: Battle Empathy, Life Force Reinforcement, Seal Breaking, Spellcraft, High Intelligence, Skilled with Bladed Weapons, skilled with fire arms, combat expert, military training.


“Those who live have to fight to keep on living. Those that want power have to take it in battle. In the fight, even the weakest of us can become a king. We are strongest when we feel the reaper’s breath on the back of our necks. It is in those moments that we find our real selves buried deep down inside and see ourselves for who we really are. That is why I fight; because it is the only time I feel like any of us can be ourselves. It is the only time I can see the true nature of a person, even if I have to force it out! Isn’t that what a King is supposed to do; to understand his people, and to rule them as they deserve to be ruled?”

These were the words spoken by Tegura when he left his father’s side thirty years ago. He left to travel, to learn, and to fight. Where ever there was a war to be fought it seemed Tegura could be found their covered in blood. He was always a hard person to read, even by his father and mother who feared the boy was addled. In his youth, Tegura had loved combat practice more then any other subject which was seen as natural for a young, hot blooded fangire. Eventually, however, Tegura’s tutors began to confess to the King and Queen that their son was “too good”. He did everything in his power to push his tutors to their limits and showed a joy for battle that caused the King much distress. Had it been a time of war Tegura’s talents might have been welcomed and praised. During this time when the hard earned peace was still so young and fragile, however, the king was not sure how to handle the young prince’s love for combat. At first, Albert simply lessoned his son’s time for combat training and tried to distract him with other subjects. Tegura was fond of history, but, much to his Father’s disappointment, the young prince quickly connected many major turning points in history to the wars of the time. He started to connect conflict to change, and he was right to do so as many turns in history came at the hands of war. Albert did find some peace of mind that his son found wars fueled by racial difference alone to be rather foolish. In Tegura’s mind, if people wanted to fight they shouldn’t just find an excuse; the reason should be a good one, even if only to work out their differences.

In literature, Tegura started to find kindred spirits in the epic heroes of old such as Cu Chulainn, Sigurd, Wei Yan, and even Lancelot. All were men who were known for their skill in battle and for the fury they bore during time of war. They were also often depicted to meet their ends because of betrayal which lead to further tragedy. For a time it seemed this was enough to sate Tegura’s appetite for fighting, but soon Tegura was engaging in more fights then ever. When questioned about this, Albert was shocked by his then fourteen year old son’s answer. “What happened to them happened because they didn’t understand the people around them, or didn’t care what those people thought. That won’t happen to me because I understand people best when I’m fighting them. People show their true colors and feeling in the thick of battle, so why shouldn’t I fight them all out. Why shouldn’t I force them to take off their masks?” It was that day that Albert realized his son could never be king. A king who could only understand people by fighting them and who seemed enthralled by forcing people to show their true selves in battle would lead the fangire race into a new age of war. This was the fear that rang deep within Albert’s heart and caused him to become more and more estranged from his son. What troubled Albert most of all, however, was that such a king might usher in a new age where people understood each other, but at what cost? How many would die to achieve such a world and would the prize be worth the price.

By the time Tegura was twenty two, he had become one of the most powerful fangire warriors in the world and had even stood toe to toe with two previous members of the check mate four. He had earned the rank of rook and was responsible for defeating potential threats to the peace. It was the best thing for Tegura; a position that allowed him to fight to his heart’s content while also serving the greater good. Even Tegura himself was satisfied with serving his father and the Lunar Sovereignty in this way, though he longed to be closer to his father. Then the day came, the day Albert had feared for many years, the day Tegura challenged his father to battle. When his father refused, Tegura issued a challenge for ruler ship which his father could not refuse. The very terrain was changed by the warring father and son as their fight rocked the country side. The battle lasted for hours, but finally ended with Tegura battered and broken and his father prepared to land the death blow in his battle frenzy. Then, Albert stepped away and looked upon his injured son and asked one question. “Do you understand now Tegura?” Tegura frowned as tears welled up in his eyes with the realization of the sort of man his father was. Albert would do whatever it took to protect the peace he had fought to create, but wouldn’t kill his own son. He would even wear one of the masks Tegura so despised if it meant ending conflict and protecting fangire kind. Still, Tegura had seen his father’s true “Face” and wondered how anyone could stand such a visage even for the greater good. Tegura thought he understood people, but he now knew he was dead wrong. The half dead prince knew he had so much more to learn.

Tegura left his home the next day and started to travel the world, fighting in many conflicts along the way. He made many like minded allies and soon formed his own, nameless party. It wasn’t about killing, gaining power, or even winning, but about finding truth in war that couldn’t be found any other way. Whatever happened to Tegura over those thirty odd years left the man with a deep, self loathing for his nature, but also with a desire to change the world into something simpler. A world in which people showed their true natures and weren’t bound by social norms or the expectations of others; that was Tegura’s new hope. When word reached him of the contest his father had issued to his children he knew the time had come to return home. He would claim the throne and bring about a new age in which people were truthful; both to others and themselves. Tegura and his allies marched toward Japan not for a contest, but for a war.

Personality: Tegura loves battle, fighting, and conflict because he feels it brings out the true nature of those involved. Be it a friendly contest, or an all out war, the warrior sees people shed their well made disguises to reveal their hidden feelings when they clash with others. This doesn’t mean Tegura finds pleasure in inflicting pain or death, but rather he feels the threat presented by these is what forces people to make the hard choices with themselves. It is also these choices that lead people to either except themselves or to change into something better. (Or what they perceive as better.) Tegura himself has a deep seeded self loathing for his love for battle but instead of trying to change he has chosen to use his battle frenzy to help others overcome their own issues. This isn’t to say he doesn’t find a thrill in the fight, as he often smiles while engaged in combat. Tegura also finds peace in Shakespearean plays and believes that “The Bard” was one of the few people in history who lived with his true feelings on his shoulder for all to see. The knowledge that such people have existed brings hope to the prodigal son and he dreams of a day when people can show each other true compassion and companionship by understanding one another. He openly admits he wishes he could understand people better without the need to fight them, and wonders often if he bares some psychological trauma from a past experience. He admits he doesn’t feel his father is the right man to be king, but also admits that no one else is fit for the job. Part of his reasoning for this is that he feels sorrow for his father, though out of respect he won’t say why. It should be mentioned that while he feels people should be truthful to themselves and others that he also understands why people choose to keep secrets and to hide their feelings. As stated before, Tegura desires a world where people are open and truthful but also understanding and compassionate.

He deeply loves his wife, Blanid, who was the second woman he ever met who he felt understood him, and intends to spend the remainder of his days by her side. He also adores his daughter Shiroko though he fears how letting her see the world for what it is might affect her in life. He would gladly die to protect either of them and knows that his crusade puts them at risk, but both want the world he desires as much as he does and they fight alongside him happily. His relationship with his mother is very good as the fangire queen often feels Tegura takes more after her then he does his father. That being said she has a hard time understanding her son’s odd personality and feels he should let go of his silly notions and focus on how his skills can better help the fangire become more powerful. He has not seen his younger siblings in many years and has no idea what sort of people they have become nor how he will react to them. He hopes to rebuild his relationship with his father but knows his ideals will still clash with the current king’s. Even so he wants to relieve his father of the burden the king carries, even if it means becoming some sort of villain. Tegura doesn’t really care about race and sees people as people, not as Human or Fangire. Tegura does feed on beaten enemies but only kills them if he feels they deserve it. His daughter and wife follow a similar principle as do many of their followers, though it isn’t a set rule. Tegura isn’t against a world where fangire no longer need to feed, though creating such a world isn’t his primary concern. It should also be noted that Tegura is a fervent believer in the rule “You keep what you kill” as long as you were left with no choice but to kill.

Additional notes: Tegura has shown the ability to reinforce his natural armor with the life force of fallen members of the demon races. He can also break seals rather easily by pinpointing their weak spots and overpowering them with martial prowess of his own strength. His talents as a swordsman are rather impressive and he has honed his skills as a warrior to the peak making him a one man army. His sealing skills and spellcraft are limited, but potent and he knows how to utilize them to their greatest efficiency. Though he often smiles he isn’t always happy, and often his smile is just him laughing at himself for his odd nature.


Side character profile

Name: Kivat Bat the Third

Race: Kivat

Appearance: [hide]

Bio: Considered the middle brother of the three kivats born from Kivat Bat the Great, Kivat Bat the Third desperately wants to solidify his existence as a separate entity. He isn’t pleased with how he came into being and seeks to separate himself from his heritage and be his own bat. His cocky attitude and extreme outbursts of emotion have roots in his desire to live every second to the fullest, even if only relaxing and chatting with others. He understands Tegura’s desire to change the world as his very existence and the deaths that made it possible are signs enough to Kivat about how messed up things are. He beloves Shiroko and Blanid as much as Tegura does and feels the warrior prince has the makings of an even greater king then his father, Albert. Kivat works tirelessly to try and help Tegura work out his complicated personal issues.


Name: Tatsulot

Race: Doran

Appearance: [hide]

Bio: The energetic little Doran was found by Tegura during his travels. Rather, Tegura was given Tatsulot by a man named Masanori who convinced the prince that his path might lead to a bright new world, but could also lead to countless deaths. Tatsulot follows Tegura loyally due partially to a debt he owes Masanori, but also because he is interested in how Tegura will treat his larger brethren. When working with Kivat Bat the Third, Tatsulot grants Tegura the power of the Doran. This power manifests as a draconic transformation called flight style. Tatsulot also has the power of Fangire, Wolfen, Franken, and Mermen within himself that he can transfer to Tegura in the form of many unique finishers. This can be further enhanced by Tegura’s own abilities and the Zanvat sword.


Name: Zanbat of the Zanvat Sword

Race: Kivat

Appearance: [hide] Zanbat.jpg [/hide]

Bio: An extremely old and powerful Kivat, Zanbat has been the protector and keeper of the Zanvat sword for generations. His own origins are long forgotten, but it is known that Zanbat was the partner of one of the first fangire kings who wielded the blade. When that king died much of his battle spirit was transferred into the blade causing it to become almost sentient. The next king tried to wield the sword but any time he did he would go on a rampage. Zanbat understood why the sword was acting as it was and took it upon himself to become a limiter for the sword so that the new king could become accustomed to its power over time. Even when the blade’s power has been mastered, Zanbat can still increase the sword’s amazing cutting power many times fold by sharpening it with his equally powerful fangs. After years of controlling the sword’s power, Zanbat has transformed into one of the most menacing kivats on the planet and serves Tegura as he has all the other wielders of the sword; with respect and honor. Zanbat has seen much in his centuries of life and is just as sharp as he ever was. His advice is sound and he has become one of Tegura’s key advisors.


Name: Blanid Kurokawa

Race: Legendorga

Appearance: [hide]



Bio: What started as a bar fight, ended as the most romantic moment of Blanid’s life. Blanid was raised in Scandinavia where she was trained to be a killer by the Legendorga. After her training was complete she was sent to eliminate a family of fangire noble which she did without prejudice. It was only when she was about to kill the young daughter of the family that a feeling washed over her. She didn’t understand the feeling but she knew what she was doing was wrong and retreated. She spent the next several years running and hiding from the Legendorga and eventually ended up in a bar on one fateful saturday night in the dead of winter. Unable to communicate well with others due to her harsh training, she could only really express herself while fighting. When a bar goer touched her the wrong way she broke his arm in three places which provoked many of his friends to attack the confused woman. They were quickly dispatched but soon another individual started fighting her. This man was different from the rest and she soon realized he had no interest in hurting her and even seemed to understand her. The man’s name was Tegura, and their first meeting was a strange story of love at first fight. The two have been together ever since and, while Blanid is less crippled emotionally, she still feels a connection to Tegura that is deeper then words. They have sired a daughter together and have worked toward creating a world where even they can find peace.


Name: Shiroko Kurokawa

Race: Legendorga

Appearance: [hide] 8f3d9eccbe1e8bff036280e7b3d72c9085a57aa5.jpg



Bio: The daughter of Tegura and Blanid, this twenty one year old fire cracker is just as much a warrior as her parents. Shiroko is technically a fangire legendorga hybrid but was born a Legendorga like her mother, though she does not like taking her legandorga form. For reasons she has never understood she feels her alternate form sometimes acts on its own when she is in danger so she does her best to keep it contained. She has her father and mother’s Battle Empathy, but is also far more emotionally stable then either and can function in normal society with no trouble. Shiroko is energetic, tough, and cocky, but can also be sympathetic and kind. Being raised on the many battle fields her parents called home, Shiroko is admittedly more comfortable in the thick of a fight then she is anywhere else. Crowds work fine for her as well though, and are to her as the beach is to others; relaxing. She supports her father’s dream of a world where people can just be themselves but worries about her father’s health, mentally as much as physically. She and her mother, Blanid, are very close and treat each other more like sisters then mother and daughter. Shiroko is skilled in many forms of martial arts and has worked as a mercenary on a few occasions leading to some military level training. She is also the member of the family that keeps up with finances as her father and mother aren’t suited for it, though they earn just as much money as Shiroko does herself. She loves Kivat and Tatsulot and hopes to someday become Kiva herself, after her father has assumed the throne. She is looking forward to meeting her extended family and hopes her grandfather, Albert, is everything her father says he is.

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No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
Bringing a flood of content, it's Ziginz Zegell!!!!



The Spectra have never been the most powerful of the Demon Races, nor have they been the weakest. Throughout the dark history of the thirteen Demon Races, the Spectra have always stayed out of major conflicts and preferred living peacefully between the worlds of the physical and ethereal. That all changed with the first war between the Legendorga and Fangire over fifteen hundred years ago. So mighty was the shadow war that the Spectra were knocked almost completely out of their Phantasmal states. Only able to become ethereal for short bursts, the spectra had little choice but to make alliances with other demon races to survive since they knew little of war and were hardly suited for it. Instead they became skillful spies and assassins; first for the Legendorga, and then eventually for the Fangire. This method of existing was not the best, but the Spectra hoped it was not a permanent one and that they would some day be able to return to their previous existence. Alas, it was not meant to be, and soon they would be threatened by their age old rivals, the Wraiths. For centuries the Spectra had been able to avoid conflict with the Wraiths due to their superior mastery of metaphysical transformation. With this ability severely weakened, the Spectra had to find new ways to defend themselves against their ancient foes. The Spectra eventually discovered that by absorbing emotional energy from life forms, namely humans, they could reacquire much of their lost power. The Spectra found many ways to create powerful emotions in humans with some becoming entertainers, others becoming instigators, and even prostitutes. While other races sought to devour the life force of humans, the Spectra sought to create powerful emotions in them which they could feed off of to increase their power.

Soon the ghostly race where able to contend once again with their shadowy counterparts. A new issue arose around seven hundred years ago, however, when the Fangire queen of the time demanded loyalty from all the Demon races or threatened war. The Fangire were once again the most powerful race among the thirteen, and many feared war with them. Even the mighty legendorga had fallen on hard times. Then a small, but powerful race stepped forward and united many of the demon races against the Fangire; the Akumaizer. With the Akumaizer leading the charge, even the Spectra felt confident of victory against the powerful, vampiric race. The war lasted for several decades and ended with the Fangire admitting defeat and the Akumaizer becoming the most powerful of the Demon Races, at least for a time. During this brief period the Spectra were able to solidify alliances with the Mermen and an early version of the group that would be some day called the Crusaders. The peace was not meant to last as the Fangire suddenly rose up with a new army less then ten years after their defeat. How so many fangire had been born and prepared for war in such a short time has been a mystery to all but the crowned king of the fangire for centuries since. What worse the Fangire now had alliances with the Kivats and Sagarcs who had the power to transform Fangire into armored warriors called Kiva and Saga. If this wasn’t enough they also managed to tame the draconic Doran by sealing the King Doran Triminac. The Fangire swept down like a bird of prey and tore apart any opposition and enslaved many if not all the demon races. They most likely would have conquered humanity as well had the Fangire Queen Dililah not been slain by the human warrior Oswald, who was the first and only human to ever become Fangire King. Oswald died shortly after from injuries sustained in his battle, but not before forbidding the Fangire race from conquering humanity until humans had their own answer for Kiva. The decree of a dyeing King was something even the Fangire had to respect, human or not. While many argued against following the decree, most felt if a single human could kill their most powerful queen in generations then what chance did the Fangire have against the whole of humanity?

The Spectra saw the confusion amongst the fangire, as did most of the other Demon Races, and they decided it best to hide among humanity for at least a time. So the Spectra hid along with the other races for centuries, ever fearing the day the fangire would make their attempt to conquer all things. Centuries later, when the fangire were most powerful and seemed ready to conquer even humanity, a lone Fangire appeared and slew the Fangire King Fortinbras and declared himself King Albert Kurokawa the First. King Albert brought hope for peace with him and offered his hand in kinship as apposed to the sword of subjugation. While the Wolfen, Franken, and Mermen readily accept his alliance, forming the Lunar Sovereignty, the Spectra had become too scattered and cautious to accept his offer. The ghostly race have never fully recovered physically or psychologically from the wars of old or their forced changes, and now exist as little more then unique individuals amongst the humans. Many use their powers for personal gain or to stay out of trouble, preferring peaceful, but emotionally charged lives. In the world today there are estimated to be less then two thousand Spectra left, with few siring children and few of those children inheriting their parent’s powers.


The Spectra were once beings that could exist on both the Material and Ethereal plains simultaneously. Now the Spectra are passively on the Material plain and must burn calories and psychic energy to assume their ethereal states. While in this form, a Spectra can pass through solid objects except those with seals against such entities or those made from Silver or Silver Alloys. They are also unable to solidify while passing through an object or threaten being torn apart on a molecular level. (Solidifying an arm inside a Fangire will kill the bastard, but will cost you an arm.) Spectra can heal from most wounds while in their phantom state, but doing so requires a powerful emotional charge and the strength to transform. A Spectra also has the ability to project their voice in a ventriloquist like manor and even alter their voices to some extent. Another power that is of great use is the ability to turn invisible while in their phantom state, though doing so while maintaining their transformation is very difficult unless they have much experience. Teleportation was said to have once been possible by powerful Spectra, though no modern members of the race are known to have the power. Lastly, Spectra can also feed off psychic energy produced by people as long as the energy is born from emotions. Any emotion will do but the stronger the feeling the more filling it is for the recipient. This form of vampirism is non-lethal to the victim and is more akin to a flower absorbing solar energy for photosynthesis. Most spectra take decades to master their transformations and even longer to master even two of their various powers. For instance, Beatrice Maygrove, a 17 year old Spectra, can assume her ethereal state in one minute intervals, and can pass through objects though the density may cut down her time in her transformed state. The appearance of the ethereal state varies from Spectra to Spectra with some being as simple as a ghostly visage of themselves to more terrifying, skeletal phantasms. Some theorize that a Spectra’s alternate state’s condition is directly effected by how often the individual transforms, becoming worse and worse in appearance over time.
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No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
Posting much more content and reviving long dead toku series, It's Ziginz Zegell!
(Also destroying your bandwidth and flooding the forum for which he appolgizes earnestly in third person)
(It should also be noted that Akumaizer is not my original idea. Rather it is a variant on the Akumaizer 3
tokusatsu from the seventies. I Just fit it into the world as a variant to riders and the fact it works well with
Kiva. Fun projects and all...hope this doesn't rub anyone the wrong way. Still need to write my prolouges...)



The Akumaizer were said to be one of the first and oldest of the 13 Demon Races. Born from Humanity (By their own account) many modern Fangire scientists insist they were not actually a demon races, but rather a genetic mutation within certain humans. (Of course many could argue the same for all the Demon Races) The Akumaizer’s early history is shrouded in a veil of uncertainty and legend. What is known is that they were driven underground at some point by ancient humans and found a suitable source of life energy in the form of a rare crystal simply called Life Stone. Life Stone was mined easily by the Akumaizer who built an under ground civilization devoted to learning and martial prowess. The old race did not know war until the appearance of the Legendorga, who wanted to take the Life Stones from them by force to fuel their on going war with the Fangire. How the Legendorga discovered the Akumaizer or the life stones has been kept secret by the invaders for over a millennia. To the shock of the Legendorga who assumed the subterranean race would fall with little effort, the Akumaizer were more then just skilled warriors. Each Akumaizer Warrior was comparable to one of the heroes of old legends. Though few in number, each of the under ground demon warriors had the strength of ten Legendorga and soon pushed the invaders back to the surface. The Fangire took advantage of this and were able to crush the Legendorga, forcing even their King Arc into retreat.

The Fangire desired to form an alliance with the Akumaizer, but the warrior demons refused wanting only to be left in peace. The Fangire, unaware of the life stones, did not press the subject due to their weary forces and trouble brewing with the other demon races. The Akumaizer once again had peace but were now all too aware of the new races warring above them. They decided it best to prepare themselves least they be invaded again from the surface world. It was during this time the Akumaizer became less interested in philosophy and science and more focused on warfare. They began to prepare for the worst case scenarios, and soon become a warrior society governed by overlords and following a warrior philosophy. As human culture is altered by invasion and war, so were the once peaceful but powerful Akumaizer turned into hardened warriors. When the Fangire Queen Dililah demanded all the demon races to bow to her rule, it was the Akumaizer who stood first to oppose her. Under their battle cry the other demon races assembled and conquered the fangire for the first time in history. Dililah fled with the small remainder of her army to the mountains of Indonesia, while the Akumaizer returned to their under ground kingdom. They could have taken the fangire’s place and ruled over the demon races, but that was not their way. They may have been hardened by war, but they hadn’t allowed themselves to become tyrants. For a time there was peace among the demon races until, out of the blue, Dililah reappeared with a new army, more massive then the old, and took her revenge on the demon races. No one knows how she amassed such an army, except those that inherit the throne of the fangire.

The Fangire attacked the Akumaizer hard and the ancient race knew they would be defeated. Somehow Dililah had discovered the existence of the life crystals and lusted heavily for their power. The Akumaizer knew they could not defeat the army as they were, but knew what had to be done. Through unknown means the Akumaizer “Killed” the life crystals and used hidden tunnels to escape to the surface world where they reverted to human form and assimilated with their roots. It was said the Fangire Queen's rage was earth shaking which might be a factor in how a human knight called Oswald was able to lead his knights into the heart of Dililah’s castle fortress. A long battle insued in which Dililah claimed the lives of ten of the thirteen knights before Oswald’s sword struck true and pierced Dililah’s black heart. “The Bastard’s sword bathed in silver, kissed by a lady saint at noon.” Legend has it the sword still lay sheathed in Dililah’s chest, though none but the fangire king may know where her corpse rests or what condition it is in. Oswald became Fangire King for a day and secured humanity’s safety until they were ready to war with the fangire, though he prayed that such a day would not need come. The Akumaizer hid away, realizing they could sustain themselves with normal food and strong drink should they rarely transform. Over time most of the subterranean demons vanished, their blood lines washed away by the blood of men and women with whom they lay to produce their heirs. However a few are born who bare the ancient power still strong in their blood and can transform into the noble demons of old called Akumaizer.


The Akumaizer were much like other demon races in that they could transform from a human form into a more feral, monstrous form. They were generally stronger then other demon races in their alternate forms but also burned more calories and required more life energy to sustain themselves. They also had the ability to passively absorb life energy from around them, thus requiring them to control or seal part of the powers least they slowly kill everything around them. One of the Akumaizer’s most prominent powers was the ability to create weapons from their bodies similar to Fangire. Swords, firearms, and various other weapons could be made, though most Akumaizer had one weapon for which they placed much of their time and energy into mastering; both in use and creation. It was said some Akumaizer could even gain more powerful or alternate forms similar to the warriors called Kiva and some have suggest that Kiva is actually a mutation of the Akumaizer latent within beings and brought out by entities with the power of Template Blank (Dark Imperial Power) such as Kivats and Sagarcs. Akumaizer feed on life force by piercing their potential prey with their hands, fangs, weapons, etc.

Examples: (You may use any of these pictures for your own Akumaizer. Not like I own
them though…but do any of us own the pics we use?)








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No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
Theme Song Time!

Eva Alexandrova:


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCIL3r136T4"]New Genius[/ame]


Moe Hit Squad (Molly,Beatrice,Mao)


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyxftLC7gew"]Chick Habit[/ame]


Tegura Kurokawa:




More Coming Soon!!!
Jul 23, 2010
Well looks like we have our third sibling. Thunderous feel free to post your profile for alban here. I'll try and get the opening post for the rp up either tonight or tomorrow.
May 18, 2012
Name: Alban Kurokawa

Age: 28

Faction: Lunar Sovereignty

Race: Fangire

Appearance: Alban's fangire form has not been seen by many, and the few that have seen it, even few out of those are alive to tell the tale, with no one who is not a royal seeing it more than twice. With Aika and his parents seeing the form twice, and Gram only seeing it once in his life, a few years ago before Alban left home.

For the sake of remaining inconspicuous he keeps his hair neck length, and his lineage ensures that it is a jet black, almost darker than night itself. His hair remains tousled due to his lazy habits, and he rarely combs it, although he may occasionally brush it for formal events, and if the situation calls for it, he may comb and/or pack up his hair for the sake of respect, depending on the event. He is mostly clean shaven, for the exception of the small stubble on his face, mostly his cheeks and chin, but its nearly invisible, unless you stand fairly close to him.

He has black eyes, which flash gold whenever he wishes to scare someone. His eyes also turn gold when he has to tap into the full power of his fangire side, or when his fangire side is in control. He has heterochromia when the fangire side, and his "human" side, share full control of his body equally, and usually this happens while transformed, which is why this is rarely observed. He is well built, with a large portion of his body pure muscle, and he is also tall towering over many at 6'5", and he does not lack any coordination for his size either.

He looks "dark" in his appearance, mostly as a way to disobey his parents, as they want him to look the part of a royal as well as act the part, and well, Alban does neither. He is the "black sheep" of the country, so don't expect him to go to many placed clad in suit and tie, and he tries his best to disassociate himself from his family in many ways, one of those ways being his dressing. But, formally, he wears a black long sleeve button down shirt, and formal trousers with a belt, out of respect for the person, and for the sake of not being conspicuous.

When he is not dressing "formally", he either wears a t-shirt, or a short sleeve button down shirt on top of jeans, usually blue or black in color. During the colder seasons, he may wear a navy blue leather jacket or a dark colored hoodie depending on the occasion. He may decide to wear a wife beater on top of jeans for especially hot days, but he does not go out in those clothes unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Lastly, Alban almost always carries a bag with him, either an over the shoulder bag, or a proper backpack. He does this so that he has a place where Kivat and Tatsulot can stay on him, while remaining inconspicuous. The bag is mostly empty excluding some books, and has many entrances for both Kivat and Tatsulot. The bags are usually brown or black in color, and are somewhat larger than normal, although not large enough to cause attention, and they are lined with something on the inside, which enable Kivat and Tatsulot to hit themselves against the walls of the bag and for it not to show. The bag is large enough for the two of them to glide around and stretch themselves, so that they may stay there for an extended period of time, and there are hidden compartments for them to hide if a human looks through the bag, which cannot be found by those without "supernatural eyes".

Rider/Kaijin distinction: Kamen Rider Kiva (Emperor Form)

Weapons: As Alban's form of Kiva has the least sealing power, and the second least in variety form-wise, Alban used this to his advantage, and the few skills that Alban bears, he is above legend-level in all of them. Out of everyone in his family, he boasts of the strongest armor (at least defensively), and his hand to hand combat, and other physical abilities, while being massively augmented by Tatsulot, his vassal, his power is just below godlike.

Alban has the Zanvat Sword at his disposal, he is an amazing swordsman with incredible sword playing skills, practicing for most o this life and can even make the legendary swordsmen look like novices with little or no effort, due to his ability to master the Zanvat Sword's power in under six months, being able to use its "unsealed" form for ten minutes non-stop, although it will deplete his energy drastically.

Alban is proficient with any weapon, and can use almost any weapon masterfully, but he is best at the sword, and enjoys using it the most. With the help of Tatsulot, Alban can use savage barrage-like attacks, and due to his natural skills, he is able to use the Kiva armor to its full potential and past it.

Powers/abilities: One of the first things one must know about Alban is that Alban is a trained combatant. He's been trained from infancy to be a fighter and due to that, with the help of his Kiva armor, he is just under godlike in his hand to hand and physical combat skills. He knows how to use the variations of the physical attacks that his form of Kiva is familiar with, and he excessively skilled at using weapons.

Alban, being given special swordsmanship training for the general duration of his life provides him an advantage when he is using the Zanvat Sword to fight. Due to the more bestial nature of his form of Kiva Alban, has faster reflexes and greater strength than a large number of high-born fangire, due to Kiva and Tatsulot bringing out the more primal side of his abilities, and that further augments the skills that Alban bear.

The style Alban fights with is a lot more gritty and reckless, due to the bestial nature of the armor, but with the extra strength given to him, he can stand most, if not all enemies placed in front of him, but he must remain in "sync" with his fangire side, or he may not be able to complete fights, and this has nearly cost him his life many times.

The exclusive ability which Allban bears, enables him to consciously tap into the primal nature of the fangire. He uses the power of Tatsulot, the wyvern (or demon imperial dragon) to transform into a creature similar to a dragon, which is the power of Kiva, mixed with the power of his fangire form with the "limiter" removed. He savagely attacks his opponents due to the more primordial source of power, and can now get over his biggest weakness, ranged fighting. As he has next to no abilities which allow him to fight from afar, this bestial form allows him to do so with the fire he can spout from his mouth.

Although, in order for him to be within this form, he has to lost control of his body, and he must give in to the bestial urges of the fangire, and fights quite savagely to match it. The small sealing power that he bears, he can use quite well, but he truly revels in the fact (although in secret) that he is the only sibling that can truly kill a fangire, body and soul, which cause many to fear him.

There are two main bothers which Alban has to deal with. Firstly, Alban has a myriad, or even more than a myriad of skills if he is fought up close, but from a range, without flight form, which is a gamble to use and to return from the same, Alban can be beaten. Although he may put up a challenge, it is easier for one to try and beat him from a range than it is to try to beat him up close. Alban is yet to figure out a way around that. Secondly, is that Alban, even though he has a massive amount of stamina, he hates for fights to go on for too long, as he may have to "let go" of his inhibitions and abhorrence of killing savagely, and may be the only one left in the battlefield due to the savage primal power he bears.

As I have mentioned before, Alban is highly proficient in hand to hand combat, using his large stature and stamina to his advantage. Alban's main fighting style mainly concentrates on counter-offensive timing and predictive abilities, which he has due to his many years of training. This style enables him to analyze his opponent, and usually he can predict their moves to a point where they can not hit him, although it takes a significant amount of focus for Alban to completely predict other people's moves, but that skill makes Alban a force to be reckoned with. Due to the effects of the Kiva (Emperor Form) abilities, he finds his style taking more of an animalistic berzerker approach.

Alban, being an excessively proficient swordsman was able to master the use of the Zanvat Sword in under six months. It took previous Kings decades, but because of his skill with the sword, and natural adaptability skills, he was able to completely master the sword and can use its unsealed form for ten minutes, non-stop, although doing so drains him drastically. Alban is ambidextrous, so when he fights with someone, his style is nearly unpredictable due to the fact that he may constantly change hands, or change to a reverse grip.

Bio: Being conceived and born four years before Gram, and two before his sister Aika, Alban was raised being told that he was going to be a King. He has an undying amount of loyalty amongst the fangire, even from infancy, and had many killing for him while he was still eating from his mother, and causing much carnage in the name of his future regime. He was born in human form, but at the tender age of three he unlocked his fangire form, but due to Alban's fear of the cravings and the myriad of new feelings and senses, he constantly abstained from using this form. This, coupled with his constant rejection of his fangire "urges" caused his fangire side to gain a mind of its own, although it is only semi-sentient, it can cause more than enough trouble.

He spent most of his early life training and preparing for his "future" as King, but his continued denial of the throne continued, he gained his father's disdain, and his mother's regretfulness, outright rejecting the throne at the age of ten, due to Alban being completely sick of the carnage, and did not like the notion of being leader of all fangire.

He was constantly chastised due to this view, and his parents tried to convince him that being king was alright, that he was meant to be king. But, at the age of twelve, due to sheer starvation, and the constant pleading of his fangire side, he was only able to eat humans, but as he didn't find joy in doing so, he usually has to look away from his victims as the deed is done, and he only does that for death row inmates, on the day of their execution. Alban reviews the cases himself to check that the judging was done well, and due to his prison warden friend (who is also a fangire), it allows Alban to survive off of humans, while still being morally upright.

The only reason Alban is with the Lunar Sovereignty is because he believes that it is the most peaceful way to proceed as a species, and his parents and siblings are part, and Alban knows that to oppose his family is suicide, even with all of the skills he bears. Alban has little to no desire to rule, unless he must to protect his siblings, and he has spent most of his life trying to avert this fate. Due to the stark contrast in opinion though, his savage fangire side gained more of a "foothold" in him, and began reveling in the bloodshed and carnage that Alban abhorred.

His fangire side, being the primal one, influenced the fact that Alban got Kivat-Bat the third, making it so that there could be a balance between his consciousness, with Alban's swordsmanship skills, and F-Alban's bloodthirstiness and battle savvy. Alban was truly incompatible with the other Kivats, due to his abhorrence for conflict, yet his willingness to do so in order to protect that which he holds dear.

Being the first born, and a male, he was to spend most of his time training, honing his skills, or at formal events, and Alban, in reply was constantly training, or avoiding his training. But even when Alban tried his hardest, people always expected more, constantly hearing those snobbier nobles voice their own disappointments about his achievements, or how he was a failure amongst the fangire. His father, transferred their aggression to him, and Alban, at the age of twelve found one place of solace: amongst humans.

He found a way to convince his mother to allow him to go to school with humans, and within the time he went, he excelled in all of his classes, due to his home-schooling making him multi-lingual , and the home training giving him an extensive knowledge of history. He was able to go to school for two years, although, without his knowledge, his mother sent a legendora (in human form), to spy on him, by becoming his best friend.

Alban, for a Kurokawa at least has a fairly good relationship with his siblings. But, he does keep them at a certain distance for the sake of their own protection, so that he does not end up doing something that he may come to regret. Alban loves both of siblings, with Aika being very close to his heart, even if his affection isn't returned, he still loves and protects Aika, due to being there with her from her formative years, and practically being the parent figure to her that she never had.

He loves Gram with all of his heart, and he spends a fairly low amount of time with Gram, dedicating most of his time with him to grooming Gram towards the throne, constantly training him and advising him, albeit covertly and with little success, to be ready to take the throne, as Alban has faith in Gram's nature being what would make him a great king. He also spends time trying to convince Aika that the throne is not for her, that the constant carnage that she would have to wreak to support her claim would make her lose her purest quality, her "strength" and replace it with the "cowardice of royalty".

When attention being drawn away from him slowly, Alban used that chance to run away from home with the pressures being too much, going far enough as faking his death, and running away with his best friend Ilyana, but his parents knew better, and briefed Ilyana on what to do beforehand, as she was the legendorga spy enlisted by her parents, and Alban still thought that she was human and spent most of his time with her. Ilyana's job was to watch over Alban and slowly (and silently) condition him for kinghood without Alban's conscious knowledge (Aika figured this out a long time ago).

Alban knew that many weren't deceived by this fake death, but his parents didn't search for him, and this kept Alban happy with the current arrangement, until certain events started happening that required his known attention, and for his name to ring fear in those fangire who knew of his skills. Many people campaign for his right to throne on his behalf, against his will, due to their status as zealots, and the fact that they claim it is his "birthright" due to him being the oldest. Unfortunately (or fortunately for him), a half hearted following cannot get the throne, which helps Alban out as he wishes to be released of this burden of the throne, and to live a mundane life with the humans. If he finds someone who he believes is "worthy" for the throne, he will support that person with no bars held.

Personality: To start off, Alban is an aloof guy for one. He mostly spends his time alone, and with the few people in his circle, he remains a certain distance from them because his most fundamental relationships are full of holes. For one, he has people, mainly obsessive zealots who fight for the throne that he does not wish to sit on, and so he has constantly failed their expectations, which is what Alban is afraid of, so even if he loves you with all of his heart, he remains a certain distance from you out of fear that he may let you down.

As a prince, Alban remains one of the most knowledgeable out of many scholars, about the fangire and the other demon races, knowing them, and having them memorized almost completely. He knows many of the highborns and nobles in all of the races, and is multilingual, speaking many of the human languages, and some demon race languages. He is smart, but due to Alban's nature, one won't notice unless a significant amount of time is spent with him.

He is the "black sheep" of the family, and he constantly runs away from his responsibilities as a "prince". He does not do this out of laziness, but out of sheer hate for what the zealots and his parents expect him to be. Although, his semi-sentient fangire side takes pride in his royalty and does not mind showing it off.

His fangire side, being semi-sentient has its own personality quirks. To start off, his fangire side is much more brutal when fighting, as the only time that they independently fight is in "human"/"fangire" form, while transformed, they share control of the body. His fangire side though, is quite cocky and likes to toy with opponents, sporting drastically different fighting styles when compared to Alban's normal fighting skills. His fangire side is a lot colder and more calculating on the battlefield and in personal life, and it is also not afraid to use people and discard them to the side. He is the part of Alban that Alban refuses to cope with, the part of him that enjoys blood and gore.

Alban is one that constantly has failed expectations, and so he does not wish for responsibility that may include the lives of other people, although, he wants to ensure that someone who is capable can sit on the throne, so that his "birthright" isn't "wasted", and if it comes down to it, to protect his junior siblings, he will rule over the fangire, so that they do not have to wreak the carnage that one will have to wreak ( or that he has already wrought) in the name of the throne.

Being the prince, the royalty is his birthright, and being the firstborn, he was easily expected to rule over the fangire as it was done in the olden days, so that the mantle would pass and the Lunar Sovereignty would be kept alive. Unfortuntely, he does not wish for the throne, only that whoever sits on the throne builds a good future for humans and fangire alike.

Due to his love for his siblings (and the distance he keeps from them for their safety), he constantly keeps tabs on the royalty and how the monarchy is structured, so that he may protect his siblings. For one, he loves both his siblings and finds them as both capable leaders, but he knows that they do not know the parts of the royalty which are not peaceful, the gore and the war that one would have to wreak in order to maintain power, and a good "public" opinion. Alban constantly dirties his hands so that his siblings won't have to, and due to that he is different on the battleground, being bloodthirsty, as on the battleground there is little difference or dispute between himself and his fangire self, as they unify their skills to become the "perfect" warrior.

With Aika, he is quite affectionate, although due to their natures one will never notice unless they are very close to the family. He watches over her, almost as a guardian and would protect her with his life, seeing her as one of the purest things in his life, with that being one of the reasons he does not want her ruling. It is not as if Alban does not see Aika as capable, or strong enough to protect herself, but the fact is that, she will have to lose that "purity", that "strength" that he values in Aika and she will trade it for royalty and cowardice. Alban does not want that to occur, and so he constantly endeavors to protect her without her knowledge, although he advises her how to take the throne, and constantly makes sure that she won't sit on it, and usually she mistakes this for competition, not protection, but many know better.

Alban takes out most of Aika's "enemies" with killer intent for her, but eventually, when he needed to disappear he kept to the shadows, rarely taking action unless his "people" (his eyes in the Kurokawa home) told him that it was called for. He still loves Aika with all of his heart, and knowing of her hobbies, he constantly buys her things that will help her as a hobbyist, and gives it to her, albeit covertly. Even if Aika does not return his affections, Alban does not care, and usually if he can get over his own loner nature, and she opens up, one will find that the relationship between him and Aika is quite good, compared to some of his others.

Gram is Alban's youngest sibling, and thus he feels naturally protective of him, although not as much as Aika, maybe because he refuses to get too close to Gram, because the main time he spent with his junior brother just made Alban love him more and more, and he is not afraid to give Gram advice, but he constantly expects his brother to grow, challenging him to fights and trying to make Gram a man strong enough to protect his sister, as one day, Alban believes, he will be forced to atone for the blood he has shed, and he does not want Gram to be the man that Alban is, ever, descending to the dark depths that he has gone to.

He constantly grooms Gram to become King in a worst scenario case if no one from outside the family is suitable to sit on the throne. It's not as if he outrightly tells Gram what he is doing, but he takes time and effort to quietly instill skills into Gram that will make him a suitable leader if Alban has to pay for his "sins" before he is able to secure the throne for himself in the second worst scenario case.

Ilyana is Alban's best friend, and well, his only friend, and due to that the two of them are very close, knowing very intimate details about each others' lives, excluding the fact that she's a legendora and that he is a fangire, although Ilyana knows that he is a fangire due to her enlistment as a spy, and her actions with Alban are somewhat questionable when looked at, due to having a somewhat selfish root. Ilyana, being Alban's friend, influences him, and is slowly making him need the throne.

Now, with Alban being the eldest child of the family, he has certain responsibilities, and he also loves all of his siblings with all of his heart, being dedicated to them, but never taking them too close, as it is expected from the zealots and his parents that the three of them are going to fight for the throne, and all of them have an equal claim and so there will be disputes for the throne. Unfortunately, he has had time to know all of his siblings, and he knows them quite well to the point where he can tell their intentions.

His relationship with his mother is rocky at best, with many noble fangire commenting, "He used to be such a good boy. I don't know where his mother went wrong." This and many more similar statements constantly broke her heart, as Alban now adamantly rejects many of his fangire traits and many parts of his heritage. His mother, knowing that Alban has made up his mind may not say anything if Alban "acts out" from her traditionalist point of view, and she secretly hopes that one day Alban will lose faith in humans, and through that, regain his lost ambition for the throne, and become the Alban that she remembers and loves. Alban though, out of love for his mom, tries to constantly please her without compromising his ideals as a person. But, for his own sake, she had enlisted the help of a legendora servant to keep an eye on him without him knowing.

His relationship with his father is almost non-existent. Simply because the two of them have similar natures to not directly express their feelings although, Alban though, is more up front with his feelings, being able to express them, but if he became the King, it wouldn't be surprising if he was largely like his father. His father loves him, but Alban does not know it, and even though he hopes for humanity to fail his son, he did and still does not support the use of the legendora servant to keep an eye on him as his "best friend", calling it a "waste of resources". Alban, being someone who does not wish for his fangire heritage has indirectly rejected his father through the rejection of his fangire heritage, even though the two of them love each other very much, even if the other doesn't know.


Name: Kivat-Bat the Third

Race: Kivat

Appearance: I'll post it later.

Bio: Kivat-Bat the Third, he's one that many would just want to SHUT UP. He is boisterous, and loud and talks too much. But aside from that, he is one of the most trustworthy people that a person can and will ever meet, and that is why Alban utterly and completely puts his life in Kivat's hands, knowing that Kivat can never consciously fail him. Kivat does not care whether Alban rules or not as long as Alban finds his own way and carves his own path in life. Nontheless, Kivat supports Alban in all that he does and will die for Alban, or with Alban, because this kivat represents balance, between the human and fangire.

Name: Tatsulot

Race: Wyvern

Appearance: I'll post it later.

Bio: Tatsulot is just as loud as Kivat, maybe even louder, but Alban enjoys the company of Tatsulot as he always cheers Alban up when he is depressed, although Kivat and Tatsulot do not get along due to their similar natures. He is very trustworthy and besides augmenting Alban's power, Tatsulot makes it so that he can kill fangire both body and soul, and although he is good natured, he is used much more efficiently by Alban's fangire side which is much more bloodthirsty. But Tatsulot is loyal, and will never leave Alban's side.
Mar 26, 2012
....Oh my god he's perfect.

Aika will love him but hate everything he's trying to force on her. This is brilliant.
May 18, 2012
LOL, I'm horrible with music choices as pertaining to characters, so can anyone help me with these three themes?:

Alban (Human Theme):

Alban (Fight Theme):

F-Alban (Conflict With Himself Theme):

......and any other themes which would fit Alban's personality. Please and thank you.
No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
Sorry about the long ass first post. I was already nearly finished with it when I realized "****...I bet he had somthing planned to draw me into the story!" Still I never did write that prolouge so I think this makes up the difference. Hope it doesn't mess up your plans G.K. Also happy to have ya on board Thunderous.
Jul 23, 2010
not at all. I enjoyed that first post quite a bit actually.

So as a heads up. I'm gonna try and keep narrative posts and character posts separate. mostly to reduce confusion. This may lead to some double posting so....yeah?

Character profile for Jin Kageyama will be put here when I'm not needing to take my ass to bed.
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