Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012

This is how sore your eyes become when you stay up all night playing video games!

This week: Gamedeus Cronus spirits Nico away to the final boss level, Taiga swoops in to be her knight in shining armor and becomes (standard) Cronus himself, Kuroto just codes in a cheat so the others can join the battle, and YET AGAIN they go with "I get stronger after being defeated", which is very JRPG of them but personally it's getting a little frustrating to watch Daddy Dan still being treated as the big bad after having his ass handed to him so often.

The mother and son from last week cameo again this week. Toku fans may recognise the mother: She started her career as the star of the Sailor Moon toku, and more recently appeared in Kaman Rider Wizard as the pregnant wife of one of the four Mage Riders.
Oct 11, 2014
Dangerous Zombie - Unlimited HP
Dual Gashat - Start from level 50
Chronos - Stop all enemies (push A)
Muteki - Immune disable effect
Save Medal - can save anywhere

It is strange they didn't make it as chance to release gashat or medal with power to enter Gamedeus last boss area
Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
I can see what you mean. On the other hand, last week's episode was dedicated to creating a Gamedeus vaccine Gashat that was immediately rendered useless in this episode. So I'm kinda glad we didn't have yet another single-use toy this week.
Oct 11, 2014
Actually at first, i really thought Doctor Mighty XX can be used as transformation gashat rather than special attack. I don't like it when Kamen Rider sometime insert toy item with very rare special condition or one time use like that. Just like Jimba Melon that never appear or that Double Maximum Drive. I mean, come on, in the end they just need repainted or mixing armor or just like Wizard, just add some CGI.