Jun 2, 2007
I'll give you a few tidbits.

The YGO 10th Anniversary film is about the villain Paradox going back in time when Pegasus brought Duel Monsters back in the present day, and Paradox is planning to kill him before he does it. Yusei Fudo, of YGO 5D's is out to stop him, along the way going back to the past, he met Jaden Yuki of YGO GX and later back in the past, he met the King of Games, Yugi Muto. These 3 will fight Paradox in a 3 vs. 1 Duel. The big question is, who is the first duelist who will fall down? My bet its Jaden! :laugh:
Nice one. I'll be rooting for that movie.
I bet Yuugi Moto will be the last man standing.