Mar 10, 2013
he discreetly pulled his map half from his pocket it, holding it in a way that kept others from seeing it. "Ever seen anything like this come through here?"

Rosa came back to the counter when the man sitting there began talking to her. She looked at the map with interest. "Nothing like that, no...."

She paused and gestured toward the tables "That man who ordered a coffee... Rumor has it he does something with maps though..."
May 16, 2006
Rosa came back to the counter when the man sitting there began talking to her. She looked at the map with interest. "Nothing like that, no...."

She paused and gestured toward the tables "That man who ordered a coffee... Rumor has it he does something with maps though..."

"See if you can coax him over here for a chat. Im pretty interested in finding what this leads to. Whatever is under that X is probably worth a hell of a lot." he said, figuring she could lure the map guy over better than he would considering she was far more fun to look at.
Mar 10, 2013
Rosa nodded and walked over to Peter's seat with a smile. She had heard the local rumors and gotten most of the scoop yesterday after the frontiersman had been talked to by the Sheriff.

"Excuse me," She said in a soft voice "Theres a Gentleman at the bar who has a map he think you might be interested in"
is Mayor of Farmville
Aug 27, 2006
Having received her drink, Annabelle merely watched as Rosa proceeded to attend to the other patrons of the saloon. Picking up her drink, she glanced over to the man in the black coat, raising her cup to acknowledge the man paying for her drink, proceeding to take a sip afterward. In an instant, Annabelle noticed that the Coffin Varnish she requested had hints of bitter infusion from various local herbs, as well as sweet candy-fruit extract. Upon tasting her drink, Annabelle couldn't help but smile. always, Rosa has been looking out for me. But she should know that trying out some of the stronger drinks isn't going to kill me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they would say... Annabelle thought, taking another sip of her drink as her eyes scanned the others in the saloon, Baxter included.
Nov 16, 2012
Turning from his drink to the oddly familiar bar tender, peter nodded.

“I might as well take a lookâ€

Peter rose to his feet after taking a final sip from his coffee it wasn’t uncommon for people would ask him to check maps once they knew his profession. Usually they had trouble making sense of them, one time it was just an excuse to sign it but with the omen in mind peter felt like this was something more.
May 16, 2006
The man in black nodded as the lovely bartender guided the map guy over. This was actually going better than he anticipated, he hadn't anticipated an expert with maps being only a few feet away when he came in for a drink. Looks like he got dealt a good hand when he got up this morning. "So you're the map guy right?" he asked once the map expert was close enough to hear without having to speak loudly. "Get a look at this" he said setting his map half on the bar.
Feb 16, 2006
Peter sat at the counter beside the man in black, and unfurled the map across the wooden surface. It was unevenly scored down one side, not ripped, more like it had been haphazardly sliced with a blade. The material was slick, oily almost. The skin was a greyish-green, and the chart was yellowed by age. All along its border were tiny symbols that seemed to be a crude merging of the Old Martian tongue with other, simplistic languages, one of which was made up entirely of triangles and circles. He could pick out the familiar landmarks of Fort Ares and the surrounding region, with the classic treasure map, ‘X’ half-visible along the score and surrounded by a black ring that had been scratched into its surface. He could pick out that it was somewhere in the mountains a hundred or so miles north-east of the town, but it was not a straight route. It could not be. Too many impassible formations in the way, and without the other half, he could not immediately discern all the hazards that stood between here and there. He did know, however, that one man would be dead before he came even close to the goal.
Nov 16, 2012
“Yeah, you might probably read one of my maps my pen names Redder town.â€

Peter said in passing as he sat at the bar. Glancing at the exotic map as the man in black unfurled it he couldn’t help be spot certain familiar details.

“Ahhhh I’ve heard rumours of this map.â€

Peter couldn’t help but smile on when he recognised the land marks and spotted the half X. He came to fort Ares following such rumours of a mysterious map and hidden treasures, seeing that there was some truth to it was gratifying. As he started to inspect the finer details of the map he couldn’t help but cringe a bit when he noticed the material it was drawn on.

“Some of this writing looks Martian but I can’t really make sense of the circles and triangles.â€

He said as he began to focus on the route itself, the cartographer furrowed his brow as he noticed the incompleteness of the route. As he spotted the black circle around the X he was hit with another powerful feeling something he couldn’t help but take as fact, the route would lead to someone’s death. Peter sat there motionless looking visibly paler he struggled to push thoughts of his premonition out of his mind. Signalling out the sketchier parts of the route to the man in black he explained the problems he had with it.

“Whoever cut this map up knew what they were doing, I can tell where it leads to just not how to get there. See theres a lot of zigzags across both halfs, which makes going through these mountains and these other obstacles difficult since you can only see half or so of the route. It might be dangerous wthout the other half.â€
May 16, 2006
On one hand it was gratifying to hear that where was something worth finding under the X that marked the spot, though he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little disappointed that without the other half he wouldn't be getting to it any time soon.

"So I take it you don't have the means to fill in the blanks left by the lack of the other half can you map guy?" he said looking up for a moment as he tucked the map away. "I should warn ya, if you can and are just saying you cant I'm gonna have to make you regret it."
Nov 16, 2012
Insulted Peter narrowed his eye as his pale faced turned red with rage. Rising to his feet he slammed his hands on the table a pointed at the man in black.

“If I gave you half an apple, could you tell me if the other half was rotten or not, I’m just telling you the facts. Here look!â€

Peter Reached into his rucksack which rested on the ground beneath him and took out two pieces of paper. Both were maps of the region around fort Ares but differed in content. A professionally printed one seemed quite barebones and focussed mainly on the trade routes with a single large mountain symbol representing the various hills and rock formations seen on the map half, another roughly drawn map revealed a bit more detail where the mountain formation was located but the exterior pathways.

“I’ve been working on this map here, it’s currently the most detailed map of the region next to yours but I’ve only just barely scouted those mountains. There no telling how to get all the way there without a complete map. I’m not saying it’s impossible, that map half of yours can give us an idea of how to get there, but the correct path won’t be clear all the way since I don’t know what’s on the other half.