Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 | K-Drama Series | The Fox Brothers are Back!

What does the Fox say?
Staff member
Feb 15, 2022
<p>In Tale of the Nine-Tailed, Lee Yeon (played by Lee Dong-wook, “Bad and Crazy”) is a 1000-years-old Gumiho. Having to live 1,000 years without the woman you love is a punishment. He hopes this punishment will end one day when he finally meets her again. According to legend, the Gumiho has to wait for a thousand years to turn into a human being. That means that after 1,000 years, if he finds the woman he fell in love with, he can become human and they can be together. The woman will be easy to identify because he gave her a fox bead.</p>
Heaven is a Place on earth, Korea
May 29, 2023
Kudos to the creators of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 for their attention to historical detail. The series transported us to a specific time and place, making the story and characters feel authentic. I Really fancy this series.,
Aug 21, 2015
The actors' chemistry in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 was obvious. My emotional investment in the characters' journeys was heightened by their interactions and interactions.In 1938's Tale of the Nine Tailed, historical context and fantastical elements were flawlessly merged. The supernatural elements gave the series an extra depth of intrigue and set it apart from the competition.
Aspiring Smilemaker
Dec 12, 2022
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 took an unexpected turn by shifting to the year 1938, but it worked surprisingly well. The change in setting added a fresh perspective to the story and kept me intrigued. Just wanted to share my thoughts on Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. The character development was spot on, especially with Lee Yeon and Lee Rang. Their complex relationship and conflicting emotions made for some great moments.
♪Love is in the Air♪
Feb 23, 2023
Who else was blown away by the performances in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938? The actors really brought their best, portraying their characters with depth and nuance.
Red Light Green Light
Sep 2, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed every part of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938's action-packed scenes. The action scenes were expertly executed and kept my interest the entire time. I had great hopes for the follow-up to Tale of the Nine Tailed because it had me so hooked, and Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 did not let me down. I was enthralled by the convoluted plot and the continuing excellence of the storytelling.
I feel like Whoa
Jul 3, 2021
Anyone else who saw Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 was amazed by the performances? The actors really gave it their best, giving their roles a lot of depth and dimension. One of my favorite Lee Yeon and Ji Ah romances is from the film Tale of the Nine Tailed. Beautiful chemistry existed between them. All romance should be like that. What a series! My heart went out to Lee Rang as he sacrificed his life to bring Lee Yeon back. Mudoek and Uk from Alchemy of Souls had a lovely romance as well.
New Member
Mar 11, 2023
This drama was excellent, and all of the leads—especially the female one—were compelling. The acting is also excellent. How could they have done it with 1938 serving as the backdrop? This contains anime influences, so if you love anime you'll enjoy it.
New Member
Feb 6, 2023
Weird for me to see Kim Bum playing villain roles , I am so used to seeing him playing smiley good guys
I am a Billy Eilish in a world of Ariana Grandes
Sep 13, 2022
Korea really loves using the Gumiho monster as romantic beings on their dramas.